find your government reps

What are your thoughts on those Chemtrails?

You can clearly see th difference. Most of the time the contrail (I think that's what it is called) evaporates shortly after the plane passes.

When it's a chemtrail there is no noticeable evaporation. It disperses.

WTF are you talking about?

Condensation Trails may disperse rapidly, or linger for hours depending on the atmospheric conditions where the trail is laid.

Protip: planes prefer to fly in still thermal layers with las little wind as possible. this makes contrails last longer but thats not why they do it. pilots dont like turbulence, they like it even less than you do, since it makes them work harder.

there is NO SUCH THING as a "chemtrail"

did you know, jets dont use magic super powerful forms of fuel, "Jet Fuel" is actually KEROSENE!

it produces large amounts of soot (carbon particles), which causes moisture in the air to accumulate on the carbon as a nucleation site, but you can see Condensation Trails on flight control surfaces without any soot too.




smokers see this every time they smoke outside on a still cold night, the smoke lingers and hangs in the same shape for extended periods of time, until a breeze disturbs it.

next youre gonna blame san francisco's infamous fog on low level aerial spraying.

WTF are you talking about?

Condensation Trails may disperse rapidly, or linger for hours depending on the atmospheric conditions where the trail is laid.

Protip: planes prefer to fly in still thermal layers with las little wind as possible. this makes contrails last longer but thats not why they do it. pilots dont like turbulence, they like it even less than you do, since it makes them work harder.

there is NO SUCH THING as a "chemtrail"

did you know, jets dont use magic super powerful forms of fuel, "Jet Fuel" is actually KEROSENE!

it produces large amounts of soot (carbon particles), which causes moisture in the air to accumulate on the carbon as a nucleation site, but you can see Condensation Trails on flight control surfaces without any soot too.




smokers see this every time they smoke outside on a still cold night, the smoke lingers and hangs in the same shape for extended periods of time, until a breeze disturbs it.

next youre gonna blame san francisco's infamous fog on low level aerial spraying.

lol everyone knows that only happens in the Castro district doc :D
OH WOW, only someone like you could deny something so blatant, speaking of critical thinking you cant tell the difference between a regular passenger airplane and one that SPRAYS massive amounts of shit into the air...HUGE DIFFERENCE

you are CRACKED.

or maybe On Crack.

it's very tough to be sure.

"chemtrails" are a bullshit story crafted by fools to terrify idiots.

when you spray an area for an effect you do it from a LOW altitude, not in the stratosphere.

the various governments including the US, HAVE sprayed various agents both for effects on the ground ( and for effects in the atmosphere ( but NEVER has the effect been "chemtrails".

if you gulp down every bullshit story you hear you will be the butt of many jokes, and the subject of derision.
You realize your imaginings about race are an equivalent conspiracy theory, don't you? In denying the possibility of legitimate opposition, you irrationally have identified race as the motivation despite the whole history of politics.

there is a legitimate opposition that is not racist, i have identified them over and over and over again.

we just happen to have quite a few racists on this forum, yourself being among them.
who cares.

joe schmo just took over his job as manager at the cinnabun, and is happy to make the money and pay the taxes that galt was always whining about.

john galt can go suck a dick behind the tastee freeze for income now.

Or Anne's penis. "She's" obviously a shim.
it's sad to see the party of lincoln and eisenhower reduced to shitting themselves over chemtrails and lying in a pool of their own racist piss.
it's sad to see the party of lincoln and eisenhower reduced to shitting themselves over chemtrails and lying in a pool of their own racist piss.

Just so you know. I have an extremely relevant/awesome jpeg of someone shitting themselves while being pissed on, but I'm currently on strike 2, so...use your imaginations :P
chemtrails? really?

the american right is devoid of critical thinking abilities. just sheep who bleat for the latest conspiracy theory or race bait dog whistle.

the american right used to be so great, what happened?

Who cares what you a racist thinks?