find your government reps

Calm down, butthole. I'm not after you. You're not what anyone says you are. You decide who and what you are by your posts. You decided to destroy me when I was intent on having a simple question answered by a colleague of yours a few days ago. I just do not have any inclination to back up any of the things you've brought up tonight. Just calm down, and get back to the issues. I'll leave you alone.

I am sorry for "destroying" you seriously...was Ireally mean? My bad. I haven't smoked in three days gotta pass a salvia test in a a excuse though just the racist shit is unfounded.....Idont have TONS of time to post on here and yeah its just the internet but Ikinda like riu and don't want to carry that label
I am sorry for "destroying" you seriously...was Ireally mean? My bad. I haven't smoked in three days gotta pass a salvia test in a a excuse though just the racist shit is unfounded.....Idont have TONS of time to post on here and yeah its just the internet but Ikinda like riu and don't want to carry that label

Sorry to hear about that. It's not right jobs can fire you or not hire at all based on the fact you're a stoner. That's none of their fucking business. No one knows besides my wife I smoke weed. No one even suspects. As long as you're not high on the job, it's none of their fucking business. Technically the constitution protects you from this kind of bullshit, no search and seizure without a proper warrant. But yeah, no one cares. We're all just lazy stoners. What they don't get, without us, the world would suck a lot more.
I am sorry for "destroying" you seriously...was Ireally mean? My bad. I haven't smoked in three days gotta pass a salvia test in a a excuse though just the racist shit is unfounded.....Idont have TONS of time to post on here and yeah its just the internet but Ikinda like riu and don't want to carry that label

I understand, brother. But, checkitout. You get back what you put in to the "system". Sometimes it's harsh. I love RIU. There are tons of amazing, and helpful members here. They spend most of their spare time here. It's sot of like their own fortress of solitude, ya feel me? Why would anyone want to debate someone who can't respect that ONE simple fact. Contribution is the key word here. Just keep having a gnarly point of view, and don't let dicks like myself fuck up your world view. You have my respect. Now go gain everyone elses.
congratulations brutha buck fer your gunga god status. You are always a god to me mr buck :) 50,000,033 posts
Noone knows I smoke either....even here in cali I have to hide that shit for the jay oh know on the one hand they have a right not to hire someone with thc in their system....on the other hand they are an equal opportunity employer and don't discriminate against anyone for racen sexual orentation or MEDICAL CONDITIONS.....what a joke.
Noone knows I smoke either....even here in cali I have to hide that shit for the jay oh know on the one hand they have a right not to hire someone with thc in their system....on the other hand they are an equal opportunity employer and don't discriminate against anyone for racen sexual orentation or MEDICAL CONDITIONS.....what a joke.

Equal opp Jobs are a fucking joke in CA. Got that one right.
I understand, brother. But, checkitout. You get back what you put in to the "system". Sometimes it's harsh. I love RIU. There are tons of amazing, and helpful members here. They spend most of their spare time here. It's sot of like their own fortress of solitude, ya feel me? Why would anyone want to debate someone who can't respect that ONE simple fact. Contribution is the key word here. Just keep having a gnarly point of view, and don't let dicks like myself fuck up your world view. You have my respect. Now go gain everyone elses.

Aight den much respect I really appreciate that.