Well-Known Member
Every single fucking post you made here says racist.....its fucking retarded.
Who cares what you a racist thinks?
I make a triple post....exactly the same thing buck did....perhaps slightly less eloquent but no different.
he's making his point pretty clear. that i find and single out the racists makes him uncomfortable, otherwise no need for a triple post.
Ready for lunch?
translation: I can no make speaky as good as bucky.
Ireally don't appreciate being labeled as a right wing racist on EVERY FUCKING THREAD I AM SUBBED TO.....its PURE HARASSMENT.
I've got enough for at least four so bring your friends....ya know since you chose to involve yourself.
Dunbemadbro. Easy. Stop spewing right wing racist bullshit.
Start a thread about it....let's discuss it there.
Wow riu is becoming a preschool playground right before my very eyes......oh well it was interesting for a bit in here with the reps....chemtrails.....peaceful solutions and what not.....many apologies op I am truly sorry for fucking up your thread Ienjoyed it till the trolls showed up.
Why are you so mad? I only gave you the respect you showed the thread. What the fuck makes you so high and mighty?
Short version is this....I am native american european mulatto....I identified the pres as black white mulatto in a thread....ever since the PC race po po has been on my shit with false accusations even though the word mulatto and its usage was discussed AT LENGHTH......Iam a libertarian and not a racist.....but that post you just know the right wing racist one? .....kept going on and on and on and on......that's not what makes me high and mighty though I was bestowed that with your post.
there is a legitimate opposition that is not racist, i have identified them over and over and over again.
we just happen to have quite a few racists on this forum, yourself being among them.
Thread about your ignorance? Why? It's a widely known fact that you lie, and are a racist.
Its a witch hunt....and now you are in on it.
Its a witch hunt....and now you are in on it.