FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
i saw the box and packaging in a video . . .. .or at least teh bulb and the hood . . i wonder if he bought a ballast? or if he thought it was goign to plug striaght into the wall

plants are not dead though so it all win for the fin


Active Member
i saw the box and packaging in a video . . .. .or at least teh bulb and the hood . . i wonder if he bought a ballast? or if he thought it was goign to plug striaght into the wall

plants are not dead though so it all win for the fin
Oh, well then time for a respam finmildew. And include the ballast.


Well-Known Member
1 ounce off a 1 1/2 month veg? aim high.

Btw your camera sucks, and your soil looks hella compact.
Shiva and finmoldew don't give two shits abt what you think of his camera quality or skills. And his dirt is fine, its all gonna be fine.
Ya he doesn't need a camera shopping list and the soil is part of the stress test. His roots have to work twice as hard as roots in light airy optimal soil with good drainage. If y'all see something that he is doing wrong its on purpose.


Well-Known Member
I dont know why you keep arguing in favor of using MORE wattage, because you will be harvesting less.

You just pushed my point even further by insisting you are providing so much wattage/light for your 7 lil plants.

What really matter is

Wattage (W) used in ratio to final quality and then quantity of product (P).

W> P = :( (if you fall under .5 grams per watt of Decent smoke, you are not doing well at all)
W=P :) :)
W,P is like wow barely ever even heard of let alone proven

get it?

Simplified- You are using WAY more then what you will get out of it.

Example- I am using 96W 2ft T5's for 28 starts. Im only increasing light as plants increase in size/maturity and actual use of the light.

Example- You are using what you claim to be around 650W for 7 small plants, that (If you keep consistent to current practices) will be overgrown by my plants in 4 weeks.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
He maybe thinks that them expending twice as much energy as necessary will make them lean green fighting machines.

Air is for pussies and pain is weakness leaving the body.


Well-Known Member
I didn't think ya'll were going to actually bump this shit. I guess I'll just dip again and ya'll can bump it up for me.


Well-Known Member
NEW UPDATE [video=youtube;a5NYelwPpAI][/video]
Tincanny are you dyslexic or something? If you did your homework at all you would know that sativa dominant plants grow more branches and yield more, not less than indicas. That's cannabis 101. Cmon now at least pretend to know what you are doing.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member

I love how he thinks he can tell indica from sativa in seedling stage.

"Yeah, this one looks like a sativa. This one is prob 50/50 indica sativa."
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