FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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Undercover Mod
Damn man I havent seen anyone get picked on this hard since HS. You guys are ruthless and honestly after reading the first 130 pages of this thread I'm disgusted with how you guys are treating this guy, so he doesnt do everything like you want him too BFD! AKnight3 is a moderator?! I hope that doesnt give him any advanced privledges on this site cause that guy is one of your biggest bullies he continues to mock and criticize you every step of the way. Honestly finshaggy I would leave this site and let these bullies find someone else to pick on, because they wont stop, they will hound you until you leave or something makes them stop and since you cant see them in person no attitude checking is possible. Growing is suppossed to be fun and these people who are hounding you make it anything but... Good luck to you Finshaggy this is my first and last post.
You really got nothin better to do then read this live action soap opera coordinated by UB


i like reading the tags the grow, checking dingelberries, colorado fin, growing woes, halogen=sun lol, how not to grow, retard 2.0, noob scrog, shiva bait rape, schwag, sister pimping milk jizz, twigs, watercress, worst grow evar



Well-Known Member
Has anyone kept track of all the different names that Fin has been call? I think, not sure through, but its 20 something. Uncle Buck has the most creative for sure.
Shit! I went thru about 15 myself until i settled on Thinbaggy! I still cant outdo it...My personal best score on this game!


Well-Known Member
You mean you read only one of his threads? Do some research cupcake
Damn man I havent seen anyone get picked on this hard since HS. You guys are ruthless and honestly after reading the first 130 pages of this thread I'm disgusted with how you guys are treating this guy, so he doesnt do everything like you want him too BFD! AKnight3 is a moderator?! I hope that doesnt give him any advanced privledges on this site cause that guy is one of your biggest bullies he continues to mock and criticize you every step of the way. Honestly finshaggy I would leave this site and let these bullies find someone else to pick on, because they wont stop, they will hound you until you leave or something makes them stop and since you cant see them in person no attitude checking is possible. Growing is suppossed to be fun and these people who are hounding you make it anything but... Good luck to you Finshaggy this is my first and last post.


Well-Known Member
Those can not handle it much longer, especially in those containers, you better be planning another transplant into some soil that breathes. You have no perlite in there, more sticks than dirt. If you watch the milk video it takes 15s atleast for that 1st plants milk to break through that soil, in that amount of time I have water coming out the bottom of my container, really it comes out the bottom before I am done watering cuz I have pretty good drainage. Sure I water more than most, but that could partially be contributed to my thriving rhizosphere that sucks water like a jello shot off a strippers tits. Like I said try tossing some perlite in before your next transplant, you did say one more root tear was on the docket right? Gonna need it since they will be circling the one side of the container in no time if not already but that soil probably is not giving those roots much room to reach.
Edit: It just occurred to me to ask since you are a little dim but those look like regular 5 gal. buckets so do you have any drainage holes on the bottom of those buckets? If not you are def choking those roots off and it will only be a matter of time. Your neon green leaves, not to be mistaken for healthy green vegetation, don't even tell the sad story of those roots, only thing that comes close is those chilean miners, but they got out, these roots only have one way out....


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