FinShaggy's Religious Marijuana Grow Journal

Ok, so if possible I would like it to be recognized that this is a Grow Journal, so I should be posting here more than anyone else. And probably more than everyone else combined. Anything other than that is trolling, just to make that clear from the beginning to anyone who is confused.

This is a 1500W LED Hood light. If you have ever seen a grow in a magazine, or at a dispensary, or on Facebook or something, and there was purple light in the grow, this is the kind of light they were using. It contains spectrums of light for all seasons, and also includes a little UV light, which will be good for the African Strains I am growing. It is equal to 1500W of regular light bulb light, and it uses under 300W of electricity to make it. This will be my main flower light, and the general rule is about 1g per 1W so 1500W = about 1500g per 3 Square Meters.


These are LED Corn Cob lights. Basically it is just a bunch of little LED diodes in a curly shape on a strip and encased in glass. These are extremely bright, way brighter than you would expect. They are 20W each which makes them equal to about 150W each if they were regular light bulbs. So I am getting more light for less energy. Together these should be about 600W.


These are the kind of lights that people use in Lizard cages. They are 10.0 meaning that they have summer noon-day UV rays, and they are 26W CFLs which means they are equal to about 100W each, so about 400W total. UVB is the kind of light that causes Cancer, and it seems to boost THCv production, as THCv seems to possibly have some kind of action that protects the plant from the UVB rays.


Here are my old lights, they are 2x 125W CFLs and 1x 105W CFL. I will be using them in the grow also. Each one should add about 400W to the grow, but I will not be using all of them.




These are Fox Farm nutrients, these are probably the most commonly used Marijuana nutrients, and it is Organic so it can be used in Organic grows.


This is Silicate, what it basically does is allow the plant to absorb tiny Quartz Crystal structures, and then it uses those in its fibers. And when the plant fibers have Quartz Crystal added to them, they become stronger and can carry more buds on each branch.


So if anyone is interested in growing Marijuana indoors, having all this would be overkill for most grows, so this is all the nutrients and light you would need.
300 watts of cheap led will not equal a 1500 hid.

When using clots the actual watts not equivalent. So each 100 watter doesn't add 400.

Fox farms nutrients are not organic.

So grow away but don't spread bullshit.
And my roommate decided he is going to flower the 3 clones.

Gorilla Glue
Danky Kong
Girl Scout Cookies

So we will have a Diesel type strain (Danky Kong), a strain with lots of mixes of good strains like Skunk, Northern Lights, etc (Gorilla Glue), and we will have another Durban cross. I have the Early Durban, not sure if I will flower it and kind of hope to get a male from it, but we have the Early Durban, which is Skunk #1 that was chosen for its fast flowering, crossed with Durban. And Girl Scout Cookies is Durban F1 crossed with OG Kush.

So we have 2 Durban crosses that may be used in the first round of Breeding, the Girl Scout Cookies almost for sure. And I am pretty sure the Clone is BlimBurn GSC, so it is probably actually (Durban F1 X OG Kush) X Green Crack, which isn't a bad combo either, because Green Crack adds Skunk genetics, which are prone to producing more THCV, which is part of the point of adding African genetics to the strains.
And I am actually in contact with a company that does genetic markers, and I am going to talk to one of their people tomorrow who gave me their card. So I will be getting genetic tests done at the end for sure, and maybe along the way when selecting plants to breed.

And here is how I am selecting genetics, it is also how I will do it with the marker information, but this is how I am doing it for now.

First, I am using seed finder to find lineages, and many of the plants I have are landrace or basically landrace, so they don't have much of a genetic line if a genetic line at all. But the ones that do, what I am doing is trying to match up their backgrounds.

This is called Recombination. For example, if I take Danky Kong, which is 1/4 White Russian, and breed that with White Rhino, then the White Widow genes are "Recombining" after being altered slightly by other genes. Kind of like if Darwin's Finches mated, and created a Recombined breed of finches.

Second, I am looking for similar genetics that come from different lines. An example would be the frostiness of the White Widow strains, White Russian, White Rhino, etc, combined with the Frostiness of the Tahoe OG. These are 2 different lines, but combined would have extra frostiness. So Danky Kong mixed with Tahoe OG would probably be super frosty. And because Danky Kong has Diesel genetics, and Tahoe OG smells like Kerosene, the genetics that create their smells would probably combine well also.
And of course, I am adding African Genetics to everything also. Not just Recombining and Matching, but adding new Genetics from a pool of Genetics that is virtually untapped in the Marijuana Industry.
My next update with probably be Supercropping, and/or Cloning and Topping. Then I will probably make a Silicate update soon, and then maybe an update about adding CO2 to a grow. Then I will do a transplant update, where I will add the Bamboo sticks. Then there will be another update if we do more supercropping or anything. Then finally we will flower, and do maybe 3-4 updates throughout flower, unless there is something that happens that needs to be documented.

And the whole breeding program will be documented, so people will be able to see exactly where the seeds come from.

I don't know a single dispensary that is capped at 16 plants. So they can not cap the organization I am forming at 16 plants.

Again, I am only growing for 3 people right now, so we don't need more than what we are allowed. But once we get this organization started, we will be growing like a dispensary. And I am willing to go to jail to go to court and prove it so that other people can cite my case.
Jail isn't horrible, especially when you can help people with basic rights and everything. People don't know how to stand up for their rights in jail and court, etc. And simply by filing Habeas Corpus for people, I have seen Public Defenders begin to file them for their clients around me. They saw me doing it, and they did it too. And there are tons of other examples, Double Jeopardy, etc.

And people in jail want to know things about different Molecules and all that. I have never had a bad day in jail.
Oh, and I am not sure I stated this specifically at any time. I was gone for a while because I was in Colorado for 5 years and studied the law the whole time (that's the last time I was growing on this site), taking notes and learning how to put a case together myself. So I put the case together, wrote a 144 page Memorandum of Law to submit to the lower court, but really I expected to get convicted on the City/County level and thought I would have to take it to Federal Court, and a Memorandum of Law is something you can attach to a Habeas Corpus plea for Federal Relief from wrongful State custody.

So I went to Texas, in order to go to jail for 6 months or more, so I could fight my case. But I was only in jail for 40 days (which is when I had my first court date) and the Prosecutor removed himself from the case and the case was dropped. I even talked to a lawyer (who I paid) before I went in, and he laughed and said they wouldn't let me stay in jail longer than a week and that I would be put on probation. But instead I was there for 40 days, all charges dropped. And I could have been in there for only 7 days, because before I left for Colorado I was in their for 8 days, and 15 days is Time Served if you take a Conviction. But I knew I could win, so I was going to stay for 6 months+ and ended up only staying for 40 days.
I don't know a single dispensary that is capped at 16 plants. So they can not cap the organization I am forming at 16 plants.

Again, I am only growing for 3 people right now, so we don't need more than what we are allowed. But once we get this organization started, we will be growing like a dispensary. And I am willing to go to jail to go to court and prove it so that other people can cite my case.
If you read that it states residential here's a quote

"The bill places a cap on the number of plants that can be possessed or grown on a residential property at 16 plants"

Make sure you cover yourself you are not a dispensary.
I've talked to a lot of other people about this, and most people wouldn't, but if my Religion is banned, and I am told that I can go to jail for practicing my Religion, and people are arrested for practicing my Religion. I don't stop.

Many people say they would stop, but I would not. And I do not. I go to jail for my Religion, and I win in court.
If you read that it states residential here's a quote

"The bill places a cap on the number of plants that can be possessed or grown on a residential property at 16 plants"

Make sure you cover yourself you are not a dispensary.

We are not growing more than that at our house. I am talking about in the near future, a year or so. We will be starting a Temple, and the Constitution does not say "Congress shall write no laws to prohibit the Free Exercise of Regulated business and recreation" it says "Congress shall write to laws to prohibit the Free Exercise of Religion.".
I am not doing all of this for me, I am part of something bigger than myself. Something that has been happening for at least 4500 years (recorded). I am not afraid of the Police.
And I haven't explained this fully yet, because it won't just be in this thread. But I am basically going to be doing like Bomb Seeds did.

Basically, Bomb Seeds made their Bomb #1 Phenotype, and they combine it with Cheese to make a bigger and higher yielding Cheese plant, or Sour Diesel for a bigger and higher yielding Sour Diesel plant.

But what I am doing is making sure that everything has African Genetics, and Heavy Aromatic Genetics, then Kush, Haze, White Widow, etc, genetics.

Those will stand as strains of their own once they are stabilized, and maybe after mixing in another African strain or Aromatic strain with some of them. But then I will start mixing those strains together. Like (A X B XC) X (D X E X F) until I find a really frosty, strong, aromatic, unique breeding plant. Then I will lock in the genetics and maybe pick a phenotype if one is best. Then I will create a line by crossing that strain with regular dispensary strains, and pure landrace strains.
I am not doing all of this for me, I am part of something bigger than myself. Something that has been happening for at least 4500 years (recorded). I am not afraid.
sounds like you are a good bottom, pleasing your larger master. NOW we know why you wanted six months instead of two weeks of incarceration...

So this is a crazy coincidence. I was talking to a friend the other day, and he said that people were getting genetic markers from their Marijuana and patenting it like Monsanto does, and I was like "No, I am pretty sure no one in the Marijuana industry is on that level yet". And he looked it up and found out that there is 1 company in Boulder that is doing it.

Then about 2 days after that I meet someone who says she knows one of the PhD Geneticists that is involved in it, and she gets her to send a picture of her card for me. Then we finally just talked on the phone, and they completely understand what I am doing. I talked to the founder and everything, and they get what I am talking about.
They said to start they would want to see a THCV plant, and a non THCV plant. Then they would want to see the offspring, so they could look for markers, and figure out what the THCV marker is.