FinShaggy's Religious Marijuana Grow Journal

Butterflies. Butterflies come from Caterpillars and pollinate flowers. Different kinds of plants can be grown to bring different kinds of Butterflies. For example, Monarch Butterflies need Milkweed.


Red Worms. These are use to create compost to use as fertilizer for plants. The Larvae need meat, but the Worms themselves need Cellulose and Nitrogen rich foods (Food Scraps, Paper, Cardboard, Sawdust, etc)


Soldier Flies. The Larvae of the Soldier Fly can be used to Compost everything a Red Worm Composts, plus Meat. And they can neutralize the smell of a Compost pile, so that you don't smell rotting meat.


Rhinoceros Beetle. The Larvae are large grubs, and they can compost any plant matter, including wood. The Beetles eat fruit.


Stag Beetle. Just like Rhinoceros Beetles.


Silk Worms. These produce Silk, their Cocoons are the source, and they need Mulberry Trees.


Cochineal. These produce a well known red Dye when crushed, the same Dye used to create the British "Red Coats". And they need Prickly Pear Cacti.


Mealworms. These are used as food for various pets, like lizards, and can also be eaten by people. They eat Oats and things like that.


Brown Earthworms. These can be used as food for animals, such as Chickens, and even people can eat them. But to be used for human consumption they should be fed Cornmeal for at least 24 hours so that they don't taste like dirt.


Cicadas. These are actually used as food for humans in many places, even fairly commonly in the Southern United States.


Locusts. These are used as food all over the world, and are mentioned in the Bible with Cicadas as okay to eat. Said to taste best when fed Sesame leaves.


Katydids. These are also mentioned in the Bible as food.


Hornworms. Supposedly taste like Shrimp.


Longhorn Beetles. The most Commonly eaten bug in the world by humans.

Emperor Moth Larvae & specifically Mopane Worms. Pretty common food source for people.



Golden Orb Weaver Spider. A Spider that is said to even catch and eat Bats, their web is 6x the strength of Steel of the same thickness and has a golden sheen. And (the web) when eaten is said to repair nerve damage. When fried they are said to taste like Peanut butter.


Scorpions. Kind of like a Desert crab.


Tarantula. Kind of like a Woods crab.


Diving Beetles. Eat Pretty much anything in the water (including frogs, etc), and is a prized food in some Asian countries. More expensive than meat.


Water Scorpions. Eat pretty much anything in the water (including frogs, etc), and is used as food in some countries.


The last of the insects on this list are all either Ant Eating bugs, or Ant Tricking (Ant Mimicking) Bugs, or both.

Antlions (Doodle Bugs). You may have noticed when camping, or hiking or something, that there are sometimes little conical shapes dug into the ground with a hole in the middle. You may have even thought that these were made by ants. These are actually ant eating bugs, called Antlions, waiting for ants to walk by.


Allopeas Myrmekophilos Snail. This snail makes itself smell like food, gets carried to the ant pile, then stops smelling like food and eats all their food.


Eucharitid Wasp (Mohawk Wasp). These Wasps' Larvae smell like ants, so ants will carry them to the ant pile, where they will feed on ants until they become wasps.


Oogpister Beetle. These beetles eat ants and can use the formic acid it collects from the ant to spray at anything that attacks it.


Microdon Maggot. These maggots have a shell to protect them from ant bites, so they go into ant piles and eat their eggs. Some of them become hoverflies.


Liphyra Caterpillar. These Caterpillars live in ant piles and use a hard shell to protect them from bites.


Blue Butterfly Caterpillar. These Caterpillars smell like Queen ants, so the worker ants will actually protect them from other Queen ants and bring them food, while they also eat ants.


Larva Mimic Fly. These do not eat ants, but they look like ant larvae and the ants will feed them.


Paussinea (Ant Nest Beetle). These Beetles smell like ants, and ants will carry them by holding their antennae to bring them to the ant pile, where they will eat the ants.


Ant Mugging Flies. These Flies use their antennae to talk to ants, the same way ants talk to each other. The ant will regurgitate food for them, and then they fly away.


Selenopsis Daguerri. These are actually ants, but the queens will move into another ant pile and take over, so that the other ants feed them. And the ant pile will eventually die off because the queen is not producing more of them.

The Banana Crack is growing pretty quickly. So I will do an update today on that and the White Strawberry Skunk.
I'm thinking I might possibly change up my first flower cycle.

So, instead of the Malawi in the first flower cycle, I'm thinking Early Durban (Durban Skunk). And the White Strawberry Skunk is going kind of slow, so I'm thinking I might replace that with Blue Mystic or White Rhino. Then the Banana Crack is going fast, so that will probably go in.

Then my roommate is flowering Danky Kong, Gorilla Glue and Girl Scout Cookies.

Then if I get a Malawi male I will pollenate all of these with that.

Then the next flower I will probably do Banana Crack, White Strawberry Skunk and I might get a Cheese. And I will pollenate those 3 with my Malawi pollenate mix.

Then the next flower I will do pure African strains in the flower room. Malawi and South African Kwazulu, and I will pollenate those with my mixed strain.

Then I will cross that cross with Nevilles Haze, Tahoe OG, Desert Diesel, etc. and ill mix in another flavor or 2 if I need to.

Then I'll start breeding my mixes together.
And when I say "mix in a few other flavors", I plan on adding at least 1 more plant with Banana Genetics and 1 more with Strawberry Genetics. Then Agent Orange, a Pineapple flavored bud, and a Cherry strain.

I might call the first incarnation of all the flavors mixed "Kool-Aid" or "Electric Kool-Aid".
The reason I am doing it this way is so I can do:

Blue Mystic X Malawi

Early Durban X Malawi

Banana Crack X Malawi

Girl Scout Cookies X Malawi

Gorilla Glue X Malawi

Danky Kong X Malawi

The I can do

Banana Crack X (One of first strains X Malawi)

White Strawberry Skunk X (One of first strains X Malawi)

Cheese strain X (One of the first crosses X Malawi)


Malawi X (Second crosses X (First crosses X Malawi))

South African Kwazulu X (2nd X (1st X Malawi)

Then I can add Agent Orange, Pineapple, Cherry, another Banana (or Banana Crack again), another Strawberry, etc. and the African Genetics will already be at the forefront in that last cross.
Strain names are important. I never wanted anyone to covet my BST2 crosses, so I named one of them Rotten Stinking Bastard. It's working so far. Hardly no one has asked for the seeds.
Here is something strange that most people probably do not realize.

Many strains are simply just a certain cut of a certain strain, for example Cindy 99 is just a special cut of Skunk #1, and Green Crack is just a special cut of Skunk #1, and Cheese is just a special cut of Skunk # 1. Skunk # 1 itself is a certain Phenotype of Skunk, which is a wider variety.

Tahoe OG is just an OG Kush variety, and OG Kush comes from Chemdawg, Premium Diesel is just a special cut of Chemdawg. Original Diesel has Chemdawg and Skunk genetics, both with Skunk # 1 in their lines. And there are tons of other examples in the OG/Diesel/Chemdawg line.

And if you take the special cut of Skunk # 1 called Cindy 99, and mix that with the special cut of Skunk # 1 called Cheese, you get a new strain.

Another example is that the Kong strain used to make Danky Kong was a strain that had been being cloned and shared around Colorado dispensaries and had been dubbed "Colorado Kong".

So it is possible to create strains within strains, and make clone only varieties that are only available because it was a weird almost fluke mutant seed that ended up being different than the rest of its brothers and sisters.

So within my new strain, the new breed I make that I use as breeding stock, similarly to Bomb seeds "Bomb # 1" that they use to basically create a new version of every popular strain, but just a bigger plant and bigger yield because of their "Bomb # 1" Genetics. I don't know if mine will be the F1 Phenotype or some random fluke plant, but I'm going to find a plant that has THCV and smells combined in a way that has not been seen before.

Sure, people mix Durban with Cindy, or Durban with Girl Scout Cookies (it's even already in Girl Scout Cookies) and maybe someone grows Malawi Gold, and maybe they even mix it with Diesel. Or they grow Zamdelica, or whatever. But no one has decided that Durban was not going to be their focus, that they were going to mix in as many fruit tones as possible, and that they wanted high THCV. No one has done all of that, and usually when anyone does anything close its with Durban only.
UK Cheese is a pheno of Skunk#1. I have a Cindy's Blue Cheese cross, and when I looked at her family tree, I was surprised she had a double shot of UK Cheese. I'm growing a bunch of Shit/Skunk crosses, so I hope to cross some of them with my Ass Cheese {Donkey Kong X Cindy's Blue Cheese}. I like Smelly Strains.
Strain names are important. I never wanted anyone to covet my BST2 crosses, so I named one of them Rotten Stinking Bastard. It's working so far. Hardly no one has asked for the seeds.

Yeah. I'm going to use Hindu Gods, Revolutionaries, etc.

EX: I probably won't actually use these exact names but just as an example "Black Panther Strawberry Skunk" or "Shiva's Bananas" (I might use that one), etc.
UK Cheese is a pheno of Skunk#1. I have a Cindy's Blue Cheese cross, and when I looked at her family tree, I was surprised she had a double shot of UK Cheese. I'm growing a bunch of Shit/Skunk crosses, so I hope to cross some of them with my Ass Cheese {Donkey Kong X Cindy's Blue Cheese}. I like Smelly Strains.

I like the Cheeses too. And headband because it's cheesy kind of.
And btw, I've got the Girl Scout Cookies, which is probably BlimBurn so probably (Durban F1 X OG Kush) X Green Crack.

So Skunk # 1 in those Green Crack Genetics. The Banana Crack is 50% Green Crack and has the Ghost OG, OG Kush special cut in its heritage. And I'll get Tahoe OG next round probably which is an OG Kush cut.

Then I have Early Durban. Which is 50% Sunk # 1 and 50% Durban. Then I plan on getting a Cheese in the next round which is Skunk # 1. Danky Kong has biodiesel so more Skunk # 1.

So lots of Skunk Genetics. And then some White Widow Genetics, Northern Lights Genetics, etc. but mostly African Genetics. Also some Erdbeer Genetics. And a few others. Blueberry, etc.
I'll probably mix in a few other strains too that I won't tell anyone yet so that no dispensaries try to do it first or something.
This part is going to be about clones. Below are 3 clones that I got from the Dispensary about 3 weeks ago, notice the yellow leaves, and some of what looks like it has died? That is because these plants started with no roots, they were just cuttings from a Mother plant. This way I know they will be female (meaning they will make Buds and can be Pollenated), but it took about a month for the clones to grow roots.

Danky Kong


(Kong X Biodiesel F1)

Gorilla Glue


(Sour Dubb X Chem Sister) X Chocolate Diesel

Girl Scout Cookies


(I assume it is BlimBurn)

(Durban F1 X OG Kush) X Green Crack
A long way to go before your a reputable breeder.. These are in horrible shape.. Over water much?
Something cool about the History of Marijuana that most people don't realize.

You know who the Knights Templar were right? The Knights with the Armour, that only had a few vulnerable points for mobility, and the Red Crosses on their shields. They started as the "Poor Knights of Christ" and were following Jesus' words to "Sell your Cloak and buy a Sword". They would take an oath of poverty, and buy a sword and go to do what they thought was the work of the Lord. They eventually were awarded land, and wealth, and became a very wealthy, large, land owning group that was regularly hired out to be the Pope's Mercenaries. During this time there were something like 12 Crusades, and the Islamic Moorish Empire ruled Europe for 700 Years. And the Knights Templar became known for seeking out Biblical artifacts to preserve them, for example they also sought out the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant; and Jacob's Pillow is supposedly the Stone of Scone which is in Scotland now, and is used in the Coronation of Britain's Queens and Kings.

The Knights Templar are an example of the type of group that took Europe from the Moorish Empire, the Crusaders. The Crusaders were the Christian Warriors. The Islamic groups were more tactical. Instead of using sheer force, and numbers, and steel; The Muslim Equivalent to the Knights Templar was the Assassins. When you think of the word "Assassin" you may think of a Chinese or Japanese person from the times of the Art of War (200 BC); and there are examples of Assassin-like techniques in the Art of War, and the Kojiki (Japanese Religious Histories) really has nothing about anything like that, it's more like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster, but a Religion. And Brutes and the others who killed Julius Caesar were Assassins, but did not call themselves that because the word didn't exist yet.

Assassins were Muslim, and the word Assassin comes from "Hashashin"; Hashish is also an Arabic word. The Hashashins operated in a region of what is now Iran, and operated kind of like Fight Club: "We wash your clothes, We cook your food, We protect you while you sleep, don't fuck with us". They would become slaves or servants of their target, and sometimes would becomes a slave for years and years just to get the perfect opportunity, then they would Assassinate the target and die in the process, usually killing other people in the are. There is a book about this called "The Art of Strangulation", it is basically similar to Karate or Tae-Kwon-Do, but it is the Art of the Assassins. They operated from a fort that they took over, and their leader was called "The Old Man of the Mountain". They took over the fort by becoming employed their until they were a majority of the forces there, then they just killed everyone else and took the fort, then they just launched everything from that very defensible position. And according to Marco Polo and another text, they operated for over 100 maybe over 200 years, and claimed to have the same leader, alive, the whole time. Because Marco Polo came much later and talked about the same guy.

The Old Man of the Mountain would make Hash and make it into edibles and stuff, and have the Assassins eat it and fall asleep and wake up and tell them they were in heaven, and there would be all kinds of different exotic things and the Islamic smell of Heaven. Then they would go back and be ready for Heaven and ready to be Assassins, but they were called Hashashins.

Basically, Marijuana can prove that Heaven is real if you do it right. Try it.