fired at work for nothing... listen to this...


Well-Known Member
first off..... I can formally say.... FUCK JUNGLE JIMS :finger:... you probably have never heard of it, because its a Canadian restaurant that only has about 70 locations...

anyway, I'm a prep cook there at the moment (goin to university) and I'm 22. I was standing in the back just doing my work... had a perfectly normal day with the other prep cook.... she worked 8am-4pm, and I worked 11am-7pm... she leaves at 4PM...

So around 5:30 the timer starts going off for the bacon that the line cooks were cooking... and it's pretty loud in a kitchen so I was just like "yo brian thats the timer for the bacon"... out of nowhere this fucking guy turns around and is like "CAN YOU FUCKING HELP ME??!?!?!!?!" like literally screaming at me.... and I was like wtf??? everyone was like chill man..... so he went out for a smoke and I was standing there portioning some rice...

All of a sudden he comes in and comes right into my face.. IM SICK OF YOU FUCKING TALKING SHIT ABOUT ME (when I never do, I just do my work and leave.... I'm not down for work drama)... so I was like what the fuck.... then he says "SO WHAT, ARE YOU GONNA SMASH ME IN THE FACE"... and I was like.... uhh man I'm not gonna hit you.... and he was like.... ya well I'll fucking hit you if you say anything..... and i was like... well hit me than man.... stop being a big man and saying your gonna hit me.. and just fuckin do it (so I can kick your fucking teeth out)..... so he gets mad and walks away..

He tells the manager some bullshit.... and she tells me to come to the office..... I tell her the honest to god truth that this guy just snapped on me... threating to punch me out... out of absolutely nowhere... she tells me to come home and come back today... I walk in and get fired..... :finger::finger:

Sorry if its a long post... but I have to RANT.... the story goes on but I'll stop.

Lets just say.... someone lied to daddy and daddy owned the restaurant. :finger::finger:

edit: might as well say everything..

I tried to tell them like... man what the fuck I didn't do anything... this guy came in my face for nothing... (AND: he's already told me he's going to court ordered anger management) and they said I was instigating a fight... when HE started this fight with me... I only said hit me if your going to..... so I asked my buddy what to do and he says call the Labor Board.... I call them and they say they can only fight and get me 1 weeks pay.... otherwise its a legal issue and I need a lawyer to sue jungle jims for wrongful dismissal (because legally you have to give 3 written warnings if you have worked there over 3 months, unless you do something that justifies immediate dismissal..... so my manager thinks he has just cause for wrongful dismissal because I said hit me... even though he started a fight.... I called the Alberta Human Rights... and the lady agreed with me that this is all bullshit and I didn't do anything, but she can't help me because it doesn't fall under their something... I dunno im baked... but they couldn't help me either and they said its a legal issue and to get a lawyer and sue jungle jims.... and I know I would win if I sued them, because fuck man honestly I never did anything.... but I just don't have the money..... Jungle Jims wins because I can't afford a lawyer.... :cuss:


Well-Known Member
sux man, you could get unemployment or sue their pants off

plenty of witnesses to say you kept your cool, right? even if you dont want to sue call the manager and say "uh, hi i just got of the phone with a lawyer... can i come in ant talk to you?" and the bluff should work


Active Member
Sounds like you were better off leaving and getting a job you like man,that sucks ass though ,I'd wait for daddy's boy to get off work and do some rearranging of his face


Well-Known Member
Jobs around here are stiff.... its incredibly hard to get even entry level work.... everyone I talk to that came and went at various jobs all said the same thing... and even my friends... (been 2-3 months to get a job).... and my rents due on the 1st... and I just pray my checks big enough to cover it..... I'm pretty much fucked.... and word on my balls I never did anything man. :(

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Well that is bs for sure but let me give you a peice of advice...never tell anyone to hit you. I did it once in school and got hit lol. The first one to swing usually wins. The thing is I did it because I was in truancy court and couldn't miss any more school, this cocksucker drove us miles away for lunch and we went and ate lunch and came back and he said we smelled like weed or we had weed on us or some shit and wouldn't let us in his truck and we both missed school for the rest of the day. The next day I was eyeballing him in the hallway and he was like what and I was like you know what mother fucker you fuckin left us yesterday and apparently he goes into class that we have together laughin it up how he ditched us. Well yeah I told him I was in truancy court and couldn't miss any more school and that it was fucked up I'd beat your ass if I wouldn't get suspended. He starts talkin shit and i was like hit me mofo and he did I got a big ass shiner and we started fighting and I still fuckin get suspended for fighting after I tell them all this bullshit and how he hit me first it was self defense. Plus everybodies like you got your ass kicked it's like go fuck yourself! Anyways just wanted to say that, just stand your ground and be prepared for them to swing and than knock em out epic beard man style.

It's definately a conflict of interest in your situation because the kid's dad is the boss so you know your going to be the one leaving no matter what. I don't know if you would actually have a case against them for wrongful release because they can just say you caused a hostile environment or that you threatened his son. Also I think that they have the right to dismiss you for any reason at any time as long as it isn't based on your religion or ethnicity or sexual orientatation or something. Sounds like that place sucked anyways, of all the jobs I ever had, there was probably only one where I didn't get along with my coworkers and i didn't stay long. Maybe you'll get a better pating job, I have lost my job a few times only to find a better job soon after. Good luck


Active Member
IMO it is just easier and more beneficial for you to move on.

You sound like your in the right, but is everyone else willing to lose their jobs to have your back?
If I know people, I know most will suit their needs over your own. If jobs are tight they will not risk theirs.

Sounds like a crappy place to work, most family run environments are tough to be in, it is always a he said she said thing
and for the most part the trust is put into the family member and not an "outsider".

Take care, and I wish you the best.


Well-Known Member
Plenty of lawyers would take this case with no money unless they win you a lump.
Google it localy.


Well-Known Member
It says here, and the law is province specific... this is the law in my province:

[FONT=arial,helvetica]Reasonable Notice
[/FONT][FONT=arial,helvetica]Employers are free to terminate the employment of any employee for any reason, provided the reason does not contravene the Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Act. [/FONT][FONT=arial,helvetica]The ESC provides, however, that adequate notice, or equivalent pay in lieu of notice, must be given to the employee when termination is about to occur. This is intended to provide some security, by allowing the employee to make plans for alternative employment.

[/FONT][FONT=arial,helvetica] Cause [/FONT] [FONT=arial,helvetica]An exception to the "adequate notice" provision of the ESC may be made if the employer has "cause" to terminate employment, including:[/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica] [/FONT]
  • [FONT=arial,helvetica]
    [*]Dishonesty or theft
    [*]Neglect of duty
    [*]Gross incompetence
    [*]Lack of performance
[FONT=arial,helvetica] [/FONT] %0% [FONT=arial,helvetica]The onus for providing cause is on the employer.[/FONT]

I never did any of those things, nothing. If anything this guy should be the one getting fired for verbally attacking me for nothing. They never gave me any written warning, no pay in lieu, no nothing... He said he had "just cause" which is because other employees told him I was instigating a fight, which ISNT TRUE!!!!! fuck. :(


Well-Known Member
I feel for ya, man. The problem is, he who has the money, gets to bypass the rules. They most definately had no cause to fire you. But without money and an attorney, how can you prove that? What's to stop them from magically writing in times you neglected your duty? Coming up with stories about how negligent you were? I would file unemployment, and get to putting in applications ASAP. If it makes you feel any better - here, there is no law providing any warning or pay if you're to be fired. They have what's called a hire at will, fire at will policy. Meaning they can fire your ass for no reason, no warning required.


Well-Known Member
kick brohas ass man, i would get a ski mask and some friends and wait for him after work. Then follow him back to his house and jump him. Cut his eyes out and that way he cant identify you ar anything. Oh and cut his tongue too. And if anyone thinks im kidding, well im not. I would fuck this muther fucker up if he did something like that to me.

Sr. Verde

Like I said in my +rep, you deserve to work at a place that wont treat you like that... I'm sure there's work out there....

On another note, maybe someone has said this.....

You COULD start contacting attorneys, and tell them the deal, and tell them that you don't have the money to pay them, BUT you can work out a deal, like "If and when we win you get 30% of the settlement"

I think I have heard of something like that?

Sounds like some lawyer could see your case as a "sure win"


New Member
You have it easy in Canada. Here in the States, most states are 'at will'. Basically they can fire you at any time for any or no reason. That is what happened to me. After they tried to constructive discharge me and half the others there, they just gave up and canned me with no warning. I got 6 weeks severance and am still colelcting unemployment from their payroll taxes 9 months later. One of my favorite things to do is drive by that place in the middle of the day blazing a joint