First Bubbletronic Grow - Late Start


Well-Known Member
That is beautiful!!!!
How much bud did you get?
As for your clones I think you need to make a humidity dome and put it over them, cuz for 7 weeks they should be doing better than that.


Active Member
That is beautiful!!!!
How much bud did you get?
That don't know. Will buy scale for next one.

As for your clones I think you need to make a humidity dome and put it over them, cuz for 7 weeks they should be doing better than that.
I tried to make a dome - musta did it wrong, almost lost them all, dd lose some. Any cheap suggestions? This medicine growing is expensive.


Well-Known Member
You can build a dome out of plastic wrap and wood (for structure)
I sudgest making one and spraying the inside everyday and turn off your pump for a day or two this should cause the plant to make roots to look for water.

How many ounces did you get out of that harvest?


Active Member
8 weeks old and they FINALLY have roots! Incredible, was gonna give them until Friday, cuz I got the new seeds I ordered (Whie Widow, Ice. THC Bomb, Crystal & Aphgan/Mazur - 10 each). I told the clones Monday their days were numbered, and wham!

Am I supposed to start a new thread for each grow?


Active Member
Quick update!
The 4 oldest girls are great, 25 days into flower.
Their 8 clones have really grown since FINALLY rooting a couple of weeks ago. Not sure if they shoud be considered 9 weeks or 2 weeks old!

Pic 1 The Girls (2 caramelicious & 2 "free seed")
Pics 2, 3, 4, 5 their baby buds
Pic 6 Babies Tub A (4 "free seed"")
Pic 7 Babies Tub B (1 "free seed" & 3 caramelicious) - just the way the clones worked out. All of them have roots in the water now.

I ordered a bunch of new seeds when I didn't think the baby girls were going to make it:
10 x THC Bomb
10 x Ice
10 x Crystal
10 x Whte Widow
10 x Mazur-Afghan

Pic 8 New seeds

Next grow..... THC Bomb (As soon as babies go into 12/12)

