first cab. cfl grow


Active Member
i wonder what strains these are i know they all came from some dank smoke but anywho the new girls are growig faste then amanda did so im happy hopefully they stay happy happy


Active Member
i picked up some shultz cloning powder and i had a idea the leaf set thats pointed twards the dirt if i cut off the leafs and put the clone powder on the stem coming out and put it in the dirt wouldnt it take root and act as another root uptake point?


Well-Known Member
i picked up some shultz cloning powder and i had a idea the leaf set thats pointed twards the dirt if i cut off the leafs and put the clone powder on the stem coming out and put it in the dirt wouldnt it take root and act as another root uptake point?
never heard of doing this or tried it but sounds like if it worked it might increase plant growth. i'd maybe try it with 1 plant so if it fucks the thing up u still have the others. and if it works then u know to do it on ur next grow. good luck and let us know if it works out and any pics would be cool when u do it.


Active Member
i mean it makes scence but my only question is wouldnt the main stem thats by the dirrt still bud to and couldnt that become a problem if its only like a inch off the top of the soil


Active Member
pics yo tell me what you think..... amanda and cleo are starting to get big the other ones are doing good to:leaf:



Active Member
so i need to post pics but i was wondering what would happen if u gow a outdoor specific plant indoors??? amanda seems to be getting more droopy twards the end of the dayaround hour 12/13 wile my other ones are pointed twards the light the whole time the leafs on teh other ones are alot fatter wile amandas is alot thinner cleo and the others (ill call em the indicas) are also growing alot faster then amanda the sativa there 13 days old and are on there 4th node growing there 5th and the stems re getting fat on them to...... so i guess idk if it would make a difference but just wondering if that might be the case


Active Member
well its been a few days since ive posted shit so here some pics of the lovely ladies i took out 2 of the lst's from amanda i dont think she was liking it she was mostly bushing up into the dirt so im gonna let her grow up a lil bit then do it one more time i still left one of the lst's on and the stem countertie shes been really droopy the past few days looked like under watering so i watered them this morning just water the last 2 watering's were h20 so ill give em more nutes next week or this weekend the other girls are looking good (indicas) still getting bigger i topped one of em and i think its doing pretty good with it i topped it Monday... i also topped Eden..... and on to some pics leave some comments let me know what you all think :weed:



Active Member
i watered and gave em some nutes this morning and i notice some really dark green shit all along the top of the soil in one of my containers and a little bit in one of the other ones the soil was pretty dry but i think its a algae and hoping its not a mold so i added some h202 3% to my water and am hopeing this will take care of it.... any thoughts?


Active Member
well its been a few days since ive posted shit so here some pics of the lovely ladies i took out 2 of the lst's from amanda i dont think she was liking it she was mostly bushing up into the dirt so im gonna let her grow up a lil bit then do it one more time i still left one of the lst's on and the stem countertie shes been really droopy the past few days looked like under watering so i watered them this morning just water the last 2 watering's were h20 so ill give em more nutes next week or this weekend the other girls are looking good (indicas) still getting bigger i topped one of em and i think its doing pretty good with it i topped it Monday... i also topped Eden..... and on to some pics leave some comments let me know what you all think :weed:
Looks like you are doing something right, they all look nice, green and healthy. You aren't afraid that those CDs will burn your babies? They haven't burn them this far, so maybe it is alright to use them. I was just wondering, I've seen other people use them too. Why do you have them on two plants and not all?


Active Member
Looks like you are doing something right, they all look nice, green and healthy. You aren't afraid that those CDs will burn your babies? They haven't burn them this far, so maybe it is alright to use them. I was just wondering, I've seen other people use them too. Why do you have them on two plants and not all?
i was seein if they would make any difference from the ones that had the cd's compared to not using them i also just flushed them they looked like they might be starting to get a nute burn so id rather be safe then sorry dont think it would be a negitive concidering ive yet to flush them up untill this point


Active Member
here some pics of a few of the plants roots they all kinda look the same not sure how white/grey they are suppost to be there was a little brown on a few of then in spots nut nothing to bad and they just kinda smelled like dirt so no real stink coming from the rroots so i dont think theres any root rot buyt i could be wrong....



Active Member
i lst'd the indica i toped there should be 7 tops on that one im thinking about topping the other indicas on the two that arnt toped there starting 9 leaf sets the one i toped was weird it was doing 4 leaf sets and 6 leafs sets not sure why this is might be genetic... i added 1/4 tsp of nutes to a gallon of water and and poured that into them all not much came out when i switched the pots i drilled out a shit ton of holes into the bottom 2 parts of the pot for better drainage i think i need to get some ph strips because i dont think my soil reader is reading it right i was reading up on ph lockout and other problems and i think in a couple of the plants might have some ph problems mainly the sativa with its bent leafs .............. so any who i watched the human centipede the other night i still cant get those fucking images out of my head by far the most fucked up movie ive seen and now i guess there making a sequel because as far as tom six the creator of the human centipede is concerned "the first one wasn't fucked up enough" comparing it to my little pony hmmmm....... the 2nd one is suppost to deal with some guy named marty who they searched the world for the most fucked up crazy demented person alive so we shall see its in post production now any who here some pics of the girls let me know what you think input is much appreciated



Active Member
so i picked up some ph test strips last night here are the results of my water out of a tap so im wondering if it is causing a nute lock out or somthin and theres no clorene which im suprised but anywho why is no one saying shit on here kinda a bummer.......:wall:


lee harvey

Well-Known Member
plants look droopy bro.. dident read this entire thread but i thought id throw this out there... my plants droop like that from time to time and its from time to time and its because of underwatering..check if they need a watering..