first cab. cfl grow


Active Member
yeah i just watered them and i ph'd the water and check the soil with some ph strips and apperently the non digital ph meters suck my soil was at just about 8.0-8.1 so now i need to find a digital ph meter cause these strips are not cheap and i just went thru 12 of them so far theres only 25 in a pack so we shall see oh i also super croped two of them the sativa and one of the indicas hope it works out alright will post pics soon i think i did it right but anyways thats it for now.....


Active Member
well i think i got some diffency i think its a cal or mag def maby some one could give me a hand on fixing these there all starting to get spots u can see in the pics im thinking next week im gonna flip them to 12/12 and hoping for some buds if they dont hermi here some pics im kinda bummed out no one ever commentes on here any more or ives me any advice......:wall::sad:


lee harvey

Well-Known Member
other than the yellow/brownish "burns", the plants look great man.. nice and perky.. check the marijuana problems forum maybe u can figure it out there.. have you tried googleing plant problems? if i were you, i wouldnt worry too much.. just keep searching online for plant problems and keep an eye on them


Active Member
oh and pic 17 is i super coped one of my indicas the top was totally bent over and to my fucking dismay it started to grow right bck up again any thoughts as to why?


Active Member
yeah ive been looking up about the spots and from what i can tell i think its a cal deficency it looks simmular with the spots then the leafs edges and what not id like to et all that in check because this upcoming week id like to flip it to 12/12


Active Member
so its been a wile and i lost a few of the babys but oh well i still have 3 good ones the sative and two of the indicas they are starting to get hairy here some picks more to come later on:hump:

oh...... i was wondering if i were to transplant them into bigger pots tomorrow would be ok or if its to late andcould stunt them??



Well-Known Member
Looks good. You can go to home depot and buy an "inductor fan" 4" or 6" that would work. I dont know how good you are with wood, but if you added a piece of trim to the inside of the door frame for your doors to press up against you will have a much better light seal. See Pics.

You might also try some rubber (not foam) weather stripping.

DO NOT purchase the "inductor fan" from home depot, i got the 4" inch one that goes inside the duct and returned it AS SOON as i turned it on, it says it pushes like 100+ cfm but its just a "booster fan" soon as i put 7" inches of duct on it it didnt even push ( or pull) 1 cfm from what i caould tell, u need either a squirrel cage fan or a stronger in line duct fan meant for growing...

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
DO NOT purchase the "inductor fan" from home depot, i got the 4" inch one that goes inside the duct and returned it AS SOON as i turned it on, it says it pushes like 100+ cfm but its just a "booster fan" soon as i put 7" inches of duct on it it didnt even push ( or pull) 1 cfm from what i caould tell, u need either a squirrel cage fan or a stronger in line duct fan meant for growing...
120 cfm for 10 bucks or less from most eletronic stores


Active Member
so its been quite a wile since ive posted anything the babies wee doing good but the past couple days the leaves have been folding a little bit but there getting hairy oh yeah so i think todays is day 23 or 24 of flowering and ive been using jobes organic spikes soiuls at about 7.5 when i water it and ive been using viniger to acidify the water i also have some sulfer shit for the soil i used once maby like a week into it... i have it under 269 actual watts of cfl 2700 lights



Active Member
so the past few days ive been having to flush them and got the soil to about 6.9-7.0 when i flushed them after i noticed they were looking kinda funny and i could smell the viniger the first time i cooked the girls cause the spikes were in there and it doubled the nutes i wasent thinking when i did that sooooo........... hopeing for the best here pics:wall:


Active Member
so i got the lights on today and tomorrow im keeping the lights off for a couple days and then im cutting them they dont look like there getting any better so i figured cut my losses and get some new seeds im thinking about nirvanas chrystal and some a-train im thinking to get some of the reg chrystal seeds so i can get seeds from them and maby try to cross the a-train with the chrystal not sure but i deffently wont fuck up like i did this time also gonna try to find some different nutes or would my alaskin fish emulshion be good its 5-1-1 i dont really have that much money so ive been looking on ebay i was also wondeing what ph ballancers they have out there that would help keep the ph down as the sulfer wasent really working and i dont want a bunch of fluxuation. or even what kinda of soil would be good i was using african violet mix thats suppost to stay at 7 but i wanna make surre im keeping it around 6.5 oh and i found out there is a hydroshop a hour or so away from here maby they might have some nutes or soil or they might be able to order it idk any advice would be greatly appriceated as this grow kinda went down the shitter....

oh and would the bud even be worth smoking its a month old.......


Active Member
so the past few days ive been having to flush them and got the soil to about 6.9-7.0 when i flushed them after i noticed they were looking kinda funny and i could smell the viniger the first time i cooked the girls cause the spikes were in there and it doubled the nutes i wasent thinking when i did that sooooo........... hopeing for the best here pics:wall:
Skunkpunk13, what have you done to your plants? I hope that you can save them. What's up with the vinegar and the spike ferts? I don't know how new you are at growing, but you are using techniques of a seasoned grower that knows what they are doing and how to make corrections. Did someone tell you to use vinegar? Try simple. Any inexpensive fertilizer would be better than the spikes, with the spikes you have no control over what your plants are getting. I notice a little trouble starting back on thread #122, they were looking great on thread #117. If you are using decent soil and water the ph should fix itself unless it is really off. A lot of seasoned growers don't bother with adjusting or even checking their soil ph. Sorry, not scolding you, just concerned about your plants. I'm hoping you can get them back on track, and they are in the flowering stage too. Hang in there.


Active Member
Skunkpunk13, what have you done to your plants? I hope that you can save them. What's up with the vinegar and the spike ferts? I don't know how new you are at growing, but you are using techniques of a seasoned grower that knows what they are doing and how to make corrections. Did someone tell you to use vinegar? Try simple. Any inexpensive fertilizer would be better than the spikes, with the spikes you have no control over what your plants are getting. I notice a little trouble starting back on thread #122, they were looking great on thread #117. If you are using decent soil and water the ph should fix itself unless it is really off. A lot of seasoned growers don't bother with adjusting or even checking their soil ph. Sorry, not scolding you, just concerned about your plants. I'm hoping you can get them back on track, and they are in the flowering stage too. Hang in there.
im gonna start a new grow they were looking pretty bad im kicking my self in the ass for it but i think it would be best to start over and i found a hydroshop not to far from were i live so i think once i get the seeds im gonna get supplys at the store i just need to know what stuff would be best to use like soil,nutes, that kinda stuff and i was wondering if they had anything out there for ph'ing the water like to keep it at 7 or 6.5 i know they have the advanced nutes and humbolt stuff and foxfarm soils but ive never use any of those things before so some advice would be good im thinking of growing nirvana chystal and a a-train im thinking of getting the regular chrystal seeds so i can pollinate a branch and get more seeds maby try to cross it with the a-train msbbb if u wanted to send me a pm i can send u a link to the hydroshop im talking about and you can see everythin they have and maby let me know what stuff i should get i am on a budget tho but all i need is the basic stuff to take them up untill flowering then go back and get more stuff for flowering im thinking ... as of now im using cheap shit i can get at walmart and those kinda stores were as i would like to get the better stuff aimed more for the herb so it should make it a little easier....


Well-Known Member
Don't start over. Flush their soil with 2x the amount of VOLUME of the flowerpot, with plain water, such as R/O water, or tap water that sat out overnight with the lid off.

Do this every morning for a few days, and then start her on some ORGANIC bloom fertilizer (ex. 0-4-5, or 0-50-93, anything with low Nitrogen(N-P-K) to Phosphorus and (K)Potassium %'s.

Don't let the heat go above 85*F, or the stomata on the undersides of your leaves close and stop breathing, stunting growth.

Make sure you have SOME SORT of moving air, to push around Co2.
Also having a larger fan that puts some wind force on your plants will encourage more "Stiff Cellulose" growth, and make bulkier more tree-like plants.

You CAN save them!

Just be gentle in your adjustments. They need a few days to slowly adapt to anything. New ph/s, new lights, new heats, new humidities.

Love them and treat them like your girlfriend or little sister or mom for all I care.
They'll come out of it and make you smile!

Good luck soldier!

Oh and those indicas are looking great!


Well-Known Member
whats up skunkpunk? shit happens man could of been anything genetics of the strain who knows dont give up


Active Member
whats up skunkpunk? shit happens man could of been anything genetics of the strain who knows dont give up
thanks for the encouragement but the first grow is offically over just cut em this morning there was really no more foward progress i flushed em several times and let em dry out and nothing so i just decided id save my self alot of anguish and time if i just start over with better seeds,soils,nutes like i said in post #135 i found a hydroshop not to far from my occupancy so i can pick up everything i need i just dont know what that everything is like soil and nutes they have soooo fucking many different things that i dont know which to pick if u send me a pm i can send u the link to there website and maby could get some advice on which shit to get.......i know they have fox farms soil and advanced nuted um... idk just tons of shit.......oh im thinking this grow should give me a little over a half ounce not super stoked but its better then nothing i guess.....