First ever grow! =d cfl with just some bagseed


Well-Known Member
so last night when i got home from work i checked on my plant and noticed some significant growth. it grew about an inch in one day! i also planted one i had been germinating for a lil while. i did have one planted that needed to remove the seed still but that one ended up dying somehow. i came to check back a little later just because i wanted to see them again (i love looking at them haha) and i noticed a 3rd one popped out in the corner! it must have been one of the ones i planted in the beginning that i thought had dried out. apparently its doing very well haha well heres some pictures. the first one is of my seedling that i newly planted. the second is of the new one i planted and then the third is of my first plant i had going. idk if anyone else can notice the amount of growth but all the other pictures in the past showed that the leaves were laying right ontop of the soil but now its about an inch off the soil with an actual stem now =D....sry about the bad using my phone haha



Well-Known Member
Plantsss.. They are looking great!.. They are definitely fun to just watch, wait till they in their flowering stage you'll just want to sit and look at them for hours. :D If u want to see it sex fast do not transplant to much. You are able to sex a plant in a party cup if u wanted to. I'd recommend transplanting right at the first sign of sex, if your dealing with not knowing the sex of a plant.

Keep up the good work, your doing great!


Well-Known Member
thanx a lot man =D...i dont think im gonna transplant them for awhile. they're in a pretty big pot right now an im pretty sure not all 3 of them are gonna b female. since im doing 12/12 already i shud find out soon if they're male of female and once i found the males they're GONE haha so im sure if i do have a femal shell have plenty of room for a lil while..i have an other box setup to so if i need to i can do some adjustments...speaking of which i 4got to take pictures of my new box...the only draw back of 4get shit haha


Well-Known Member
Just tuning in and saying they're doing great man. I did 3 trial runs with some bag seed and they turned out pretty good. Got me kinda high... but the flavor, smell, and yield wasn't too great. I've since then grown Maui Waui, Trainwreck, and double dutch. And these strains blew my reggo seed grow clean away.

You may be suprised of what you get from bag seed as long as you have the right conditions and take great care, but don't expect them to be nearly as good as decades of specific breeding will produce. The well known strains are well known for good reason... .they're straight fucking fire for the most part. And like someone else said... those reggos got to be the way they were because they were probably no-name strains mass produced in a field in Mexico with no care involved. Covered with who-knows-what kind of pesticides... but that's another story :)

Just from being legal this year and smoking what I've smoked, I will never go back to regs again... it's just downright nasty and who knows where it came from..


Well-Known Member
thanks a lot man and thanks for stoppin by sho i dont really expect much greatness out of this grow but its a learning experience for me right now and plus i feel sketchy ordering seeds offline for now...o dude i feel ya i havent smoked reggie in like 4 years haha a buddy of mine has like a million seeds so he gave me like a gram bag full of em to start out with


Well-Known Member
Right on man, I actually got my seeds from the dispensaries I go to. I was "lucky" to come across a few gems here and there. I just posted a thread with some of the strains I got my hands on to this year.

But you got it right. Practice with regs, perfect your technique, and then try something better :) I came across LOTS of issues I hadn't thought about the first couple times I grew. Trial and error is the best method for anyone. Good luck man


Well-Known Member
dude!! i gotta move to michigan.. haha that blackberry, proffesor x, purple urkle, super lemon haze and the sage sour diesel look amaaazzing ooo man haha


Well-Known Member
o and i read about how u got pulled over to...SKETCH!! thats fucking awsum they let u go tho haha


Well-Known Member
o and i read about how u got pulled over to...SKETCH!! thats fucking awsum they let u go tho haha
I consider it one of the luckiest days of my life so far, hahaha! But shit man, I really had nothing to hide... and I'm a good and honest person!

"The war on drugs may be well intentioned, but it falls fuckin' flat, when you start to mention..... an over-crowded prison where a rapist gets paroled, to make room for a dude who was sold, a pound of weed. To me that's a crime!! Here's to good people doin' time yo!"


Well-Known Member
dude!! i gotta move to michigan.. haha that blackberry, proffesor x, purple urkle, super lemon haze and the sage sour diesel look amaaazzing ooo man haha
I wasn't disappointed with anything I was able to get this year... I can't wait for next year :) I think my favorites of that last were Blue Dream, Jack The Ripper, and Apollo 13. The smell they all had was something out of this world, filled my sinuses with an almost gas-like piney smell. Amazing! And the FX... WHOOOOAAAA!! :)


Well-Known Member
I consider it one of the luckiest days of my life so far, hahaha! But shit man, I really had nothing to hide... and I'm a good and honest person!

"The war on drugs may be well intentioned, but it falls fuckin' flat, when you start to mention..... an over-crowded prison where a rapist gets paroled, to make room for a dude who was sold, a pound of weed. To me that's a crime!! Here's to good people doin' time yo!"

it doesnt make sense man...its just a plant. just let us fucking use it haha

I wasn't disappointed with anything I was able to get this year... I can't wait for next year
I think my favorites of that last were Blue Dream, Jack The Ripper, and Apollo 13. The smell they all had was something out of this world, filled my sinuses with an almost gas-like piney smell. Amazing! And the FX... WHOOOOAAAA!!

ive had blue dream before. that shit was AMAZING! but i dont think it was medically grown haha but ive never had jack the ripper or apollo 13.


Well-Known Member
Jack The Ripper = Hybrid-Pluton X Purple Haze X Lambsbread X Northern Lights X Jack Herer X Romulan X Cinderella 99.

It's amazing... Some serious time went into producing that one. It's personally one of my favorite strains, amongst the best I've had for my particular application.


Well-Known Member
well yesterday i got my second box done..kinda haha i have the light fixture up with a bulb in it and i got all the sides covered with the emergency blanket material and i have a gallon water jug filled with soil. i checked on the last 2 seeds i had germinating and they were pretty far along haha so i put them into the soil in the water jug. now i have 3 babies in the box and 3 in the cab making a total of 6 babies =D..i only have 2 pictures of the new box because i didnt put the new seedlings in until right before bed but ill take some tonight.

these are of the new box


and these are the original 3 =)


sorry for the quality =/


Well-Known Member

heres something for any car fans or corvette fans haha. i work right across from a custom body and paint shop and they just got done working on this corvette ooohh man haha


Yeah blue dream is some killer dank, but i like some strawberry cough or even Pot of gold will turn any bad day good (; Sick shit VDP91!


Well-Known Member
Hey Bud, just wanted to give warning that if your water jugs are clear, light will destroy your root system!


Well-Known Member
nice car and plants
thanx man =D...thats one of the many things i love about my job ahah i get to see amazing cars all the time

Hey Bud, just wanted to give warning that if your water jugs are clear, light will destroy your root system!
oh fo sho. im putting some emergency blanket stuff around it to reflect light off. im even gonna get a different pot i just wanted to put it in there to get it going