First ever grow, grow journal.

being you flushed so well as Cannaboy said and disturbed the roots you may consider feeding by spraying the leaves.
A weak nute solution and some dish soap as a wetting agent could help.
Read about Foliar feeding HERE
exerpt from above link said:
Benefits of foliar spraying:

* To provide a quick nutrient fix for root-zone nutrient problems or deficiencies; this allows more time to solve the problem(s).

* To prevent excess yellowing on clones.

* To instantly provide nutrients via the leaves, which reduces stress on the suffering plant.

might be an option should you decide they need food.
Cheers man :)

Having just looked at the FAQ of plant problems it looks like it could be various things lol :( obviously nute burn is one possibility, or lack of potassium and other substances..

I've flushed them today anyway with plain water. So im going to leave it a day or so and water them with a weak nute solution and see if anything helps.
Something just occurred to me, could this all be due to heat or low humidity? Because it is a lot hotter in there since i installed my HPS, and the humidity seems to have dropped because of the removal of my Salvia plants and the increased heat... I cant believe this didnt cross my mind before.. I really need to invest in some large cpu fans and a way to increase humidity. I had a glass of water in with them before and filled it back up every time it evaporated.

I'll post pictures later, the girls dont look any better, worse in fact.
do you have an osicilating fan in your op? This is a must especially with a HPS. I guess I should of asked if you had one of these. If you have a hydro shop near by, get an eco meter. They are $20 us and they read temp and humid perfectly!
Argh ffs my computer is really messing me around at the moment, It wont let me on any rollitup urls on any browser i use, safari, firefox etc... So im having to use a proxy to access the site. I was reluctant to log in using one of these but i need to update.

Toolage: Yeah i have a oscillating fan but it doesnt seem to do much at all. I've come to the conclusion it Has to be a problem with heat and humidity... And as my grow area is limited in various factors such as the fact its a stealth, and its a greenhouse im kind of stuck.

So i've decided to get rid of my HPS... And try CFL for flowering.. I know they're not perfect by any means but it'll get rid of my heat problem in an instant. I've been doing research on CFL's and think i have a pretty good idea with them now. But any specific advice for the flowering stage? I'm going to get an adapter to run like 6-8 CFLs at different angles i think.

So anyone wanna HPS for $65 :P

Cant believe how bad i messed this up, really mad at myself currently. Sorry if this post is rushed etc, and sorry i havent been posting much in your thread Toolage, its this internet problem. But stretch is sounding good!
Hah i know :( im so gutted about all of this, my plan of action is to get a new CFL set up around the beginning of next month so they still have some pain to go through :( When i get them under the new lights, going to trim their damaged leaves back and give them a good watering. Then *HOPEFULLY* everything will be a ok.

Just need to look into what bulbs i need to maximize the outcome.

This has set me back by about two three weeks at least i think.... Which in a way is a good thing as when im away they wont need as much attention.

Having done some more research i am thinking of purchasing a "200w ENVIROLITE/ENVIROLIGHT 2700K(RED/BLOOM) GROW LAMP". Basicaly a big fuck off CFL designed for growing. Now i just have to research the best way to set this thing up as i assume it cant replace the bulb in my current lamp..

As for the plants i may post some pictures later tonight. Nothing new to be honest just same leaves as before are still yellowing and drying up and the newer leaves are gradually showing yellow at the tips.. Under growth is still fine due to shade... The sooner i get this new lamp the better.
Just need to look into what bulbs i need to maximize the outcome.
The one you have is actually perfect for what your doing,
if only you could get it farther away it would be the best choice.
Short of that the biggest Red version that they have would be my plan.
I saw bloom CFLs that were pretty powerful (for CFLs)
You could even still use your hood and a big CFL with the right bulb and lose the heat like you want.
LIKE ME <-links to a 125W one that also has a cord assembly available on that same page.
Thats a serious CFL:leaf:
Ha looks like we stumbled across a similar CFL :P Yeah i know HPS is perfect but unfortunately its just not practical. I dont think i've fully described what my grow area is. Have you ever seen those indoor greenhouses u get which are covered in thin see through plastic? Great for getting humidity up? Well its one of those... So heat build up is a MAJOR problem even with vents in the top etc. So im just going to have to bow down to the HPS and go for this CFL. Heres the photo:

Fucking massive lol. Im wondering if it'l fit into my current set up. I doubt it but it'l save me money on fixtures and a reflective hood as its setting me back another £40 just for the bulb.

Cheers for the help Alto! Definitely owe you some more rep when it allows me
This is what i can find about lumens - -"12000 lumen output directly above plants."

Which was taken from this blurb-

"2700K red for flowering stage.
Envirolites are becoming a more and more popular alternative to HID lighting. They are effective, energy saving, reliable and come in blue and red spectrum giving excellent results and lower operating costs for all indoor growers.
Plants need light between 400 & 700 nana wave and Envirolites produce high output, 100% PAR light in this exact spectrum!
-Envirolites give 100% PAR (photosynthetic ally Active Radiation) High output lights are used successfully for all stages of plant growth.
-Envirolites do not generate excessive heat and can be used directly above the plants (3-4cm).
-Self ballasted lamps are simple to install.
-Uses a standard E40 socket.
-Lower running costs than HID lighting.
-12000 lumen output directly above plants.
*All Envirolites Compact Fluorescent Lamp&#8217;s are self ballasted lamps. This means that you don't need anything special to make them work. All you need to do is screw them in to a CFL lead and plug them in to the wall. We recommend these CFL leads for growers who wish to add extra light to their grow room by hanging CFL&#8217;s vertically in-between the plants. If you are using CFL&#8217;s over your plants then it is best to use them in a reflector. "
12000 is a lot (its over the 10000 specified in the grow faq)
Not like a 55000 HPS, but a lot none the less for a bunch less operating costs.
And should solve your heat problem!
You gonna use them to flower?
I am interested in how they do.
Yeah going to use them to flower. Well im thinking of purchasing the one (For financial reasons, particularly the fact i bought a HPS which im not even going to use anymore...) So obviously i'll be using a reflector, and have some side lighting with smaller regular CFLs hanging down.

Well this is what my aims to do, what my outcome is may be completely different. . .
Day 35:

First proper update in a while as a hell of alot has happened lol. You most likely know all the stress i've had and the plants have had due to nute burn/ temp due to my light. This didnt seem to be getting any better so i am swapping my lamp to a Envirolite 200W Red spectrum designed for flowering. Until i order this they may have to go back in with the HPS.

My grow is a stealth grow, but the reason for which is stealth has subsided for a couple of days so i took them straight out of the grow room and put them in with the rest of my plants under the same Fluro's they were under up until the HPS. Its been a whole day now since they were under the HPS and they do look better already.

All the yellowish brown parts of the leaves which were completely crisp before are starting to become more leaf like now. I thought those parts were dead. The color hasnt improved vastly but feeling the leaves alone is enough to tell me these girls will be ok in the long run. Obviously its been set back a couple of weeks. Especially as i may not be able to order my Envirolite for another week or so (They'l have to go back under HPS on Sat... :( ).

Apart from that, here are the photos, obviously they're not doing as well as they could do but its the best theyve looked for a couple of days...

Right this where they are at the moment.. bit of a joke really...

Jane... Has seen better days but compare them both to previous pictures and they are improving i swear lol





Mary new growth still doing well lots of new branches being formed.

Right is this a stupid question but are those two growths in the center new stems or early pistils :S

Thanks for stopping by, hopefully in a week this whole grow will be back on full speed!

Dang, I said they are weeds and you can't kill em even if you try, lol.
Listen I just hope that with all these have been through it makes them so strong
that when time comes for you to fool them into thinking they are dying
that they fight back just as hard, making some of the stickiest, dankest buds ever!
i agree with alto, once you're past the seedling state, it's pretty hard to kill them. Your heatstress is going away and the new development is very nice. Though the heatburn probably won't go away, the rest of your plant is going to look beautiful! I'll be in touch bro!!