First ever grow, grow journal.


Well-Known Member
indeed that link seems to show exactly what i have under "miracle grow plants" Cant i did this, specially over something small as to soil type.... Thought if i messed up itd be due to something much more complex. Thanks again mate, as soon as i can give you rep again i will do!


Well-Known Member
np bro, i'm always glad i can help. deff do a lil reading on transplanting as I've never done it and have no idea where to go about doing it. I'd say practice with a couple of pots of just pottoing soil and practicing with that. have a good one, i gotta get back to work!!


Well-Known Member
Yikes this all sounds worse than it probably is
Good luck transplanting, I just transplanted a tomato plant from hydro to soil.
But I just plucked it out and shoved it into the soil, gave a good solid foliar feeding and it shot up about an inch over night, lol.
Wish it was that easy with herb.
Will be looking in on your progress and best of luck sorting this out.


Well-Known Member
I think i may film the whole process... So you guys can share the pain. I fear it may be the end of my plants when i transplant them... I mean i'll be planting them back in the same pots, so where the hell do i put the plants when im emptying their pots and re filling?! lol i may need a helping hand..

They are in a large rock wool cube so the majority of the root mass will be in there. So i gues my best bet is to dig around the top carefully then work my way down. Actually i think it wont be too bad, just very fiddly. It'l be worth it if i pull it off.


Well-Known Member
In an hour transplantation will begin... I will be photographing it as i fear it could be the end of my plants :( Wish me the best of luck i think im going to need it.. I feel so guilty :( lol


Well-Known Member
In an hour transplantation will begin... I will be photographing it as i fear it could be the end of my plants :( Wish me the best of luck i think im going to need it.. I feel so guilty :( lol
Hope the transplanting went well, they look strong enough to make it through it.
I had used MG moisture control soil (21-7-14) with my first batch of seedlings and between transplanting, the soil, added nutes, and my inexperience, I lost all but one seedling. I am sooooo glad I got them out of it. I even started a thread about the stuff and got strong opinions on both sides., mostly bad but not all, some people swear by this stuff.
Good luck and I hope all goes well for you, they've been looking so good this far (just read through your whole journal).:mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
Cheers man really appreciate the support! Im about to post a massive post on the whole procedure.. So i do appolagize for the wall of text/ photos!


Well-Known Member
Day 29:

What a fucking nightmare....

Id like to apologize for the wall of text/ photos to follow this.

In short i had to transplant my plants due to my idiotic mistake of using Miracle grow soil. In total there are 20 odd photos to follow. And i think the plants suffered... :(

Now in detail...

So i grabbed some bags of compost and soil that i had in the yard to prepare with perlite. Everything seemed fine until i got to my second transplanting (Mary) Where i ran out of bloody soil.... SO i had no choice but to add some of the soil from before. How ever i water logged this then squeezed it dry and repeated this two or three times to try and flush out as much of the nutrients as i could. Besides this soil was only to cover the top two inches or so...

Anyway heres the photos.

So heres Jane... as you can see she is suffering from what i assume is nute burn.. More so by the day.

It almost hurts to look at these photos :(

Right so this is when i first started to remove the soil. This was difficult because i didnt know where the roots would start etc.

This is the root clump from when i doug around it..

After bloody ages i managed to get rid of most of the soil. Had to be very delicate and softly rub the dirt away. This went alot better than i thought it would, im pretty confident that i did this with minimal root damage.

So thats Jane done.. She had wilted a bit when it was all done.

Now my pride and joy, Mary.

Before transplantation so you can see her growth. She hasnt been affected too badly by the burn but there are signs.

New growth below:

size comparison:

At the bottom of her tray was all of this residue i guess its a mixture of nutes etc.

Anyway beginning of soil removal..

Her roots were much more vast which is probably due to the fact shes developing alot faster and bushier.

And this is the point where i ran out of normal soil...

Now this is them back in the grow area (I bought them new bigger pots and they barely fit lol

After the transplantation both plants wilted noticeably. Jane particularly looks really down. So im a bit worried, only time will tell... :(





And thats it. Sorry about the massive post... Im kind of gutted it seemed by grow was going brilliantly. Too good to be true. Just got to keep my fingers crossed over the next few days and hope they pick up!!!

Cheers for your patience and for popping by!


Edit: forgot to mention that the soil was warm throughout. Would this be a problem? i cant really see anyway for my to prevent this to be honest. Wasnt sure if it is an issue or not.


Well-Known Member
Right now im worried like hell... Its been about three hours or so since the transplant and Mary is fucked... The nute burn seems to have taken a hold as alot of the leaves have really begun to dry out. And shes wilted completely... :( Im so gutted this whole grow was going so so well.. Cant believe i cocked up on something so damn simple!




Well-Known Member
Remember they are weeds!
Ever try and kill weeds in your yard? They are practically invincible dammit!
Give em some time, you have definitely set your grow back some but I bet they perk back up and get even stronger!
Got fingers and toes crossed for ya.
BTW really like the tat, you draw the orig?


Well-Known Member
Yo How close are your lights? Ive been told HPS lights need to be at least 2 feet away, maybe more because your girls are still young. :-|Keep a close eye on how hot it is near your plants, if your hand feels warm under your top leafs its WAY TO HOT for the plants...
As for the shit at the bottom of your trays, it's just normal hard water stains all trays Ive seen get that. :blsmoke:
:-?And i saw your using rockwool at the roots start, check the ph of it. if you didn't condition the rockwool right before you planted the seeds the PH in them is known to slowly creep up, high PH will kill your plants.
Best Of luck.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Alto:Yeah cheers man, just worried as hell as its my first grow. And like yesterday morning despite the slight nute burn they both seemed fine, particularly Mary who looked amazing. Checked on them just now and theyre not wilted anymore but in a sorry state of affairs as far as the dry patches and yellowing is concerned. Even Mary doesnt look good her leaves are curled up and her bottom set of leaves are completely dried out. So im thinking would it be worth cutting these back?

Jackbob: They're a foot away, i nearly moved them to two foot the other day. I will do that in a minute actually thanks for the advice. I conditioned the rockwool before i planted the seeds but im sure its changed since then. I'm going to leave them without watering for a day or two now as the soil i used wasnt exactly dry. Then when i water them next it will be perfectly PH'd water and alot of it to try and flush out any problems.

Thanks for all the advice and help guys, really Really appreciate it!


Well-Known Member
Quick update. Its day 30 today and where i live its coming up to 12pm. So still have a whole day ahead of me for the plants to develop more. Its been such a rollercoaster. The photos i showed of the transplantation, particularly Mary were great. She looked great, later that night was horrific you just couldnt recognize her at all. She has perked up this morning as she is no longer wilting. However alot of her leaves have dried out at the tips and yellowing is occurring in both plants. And there is a yellow tint to the upmost leaves now which is worry.

I have trimmed off all the dry matter, i dont know whether or not i should have done this but it was deforming the shape of the leaves so i thought 1. it would help the leaves get the most out of the light. 2. I often see people trimming the bottom leaves when preparing for taking cuttings so the plant devotes more energy to new growth. So i guess that could help in this situation as they have just been transplanted.

Anyway for now its just a waiting game. Im gutted that this has happened as two or three days ago they both looked gorgeous. I contemplated germing some more seeds but decided against it. Im going to see how these girls do. I just hope im past the worst now. Will be interesting to see what state they are in in a weeks time.

I wont post pictures right now, maybe later, I wouldnt want to upset you guys with the state theyre in lol.

Thanks for stopping by again.




Well-Known Member
I have trimmed off all the dry matter, i dont know whether or not i should have done this but it was deforming the shape of the leaves so i thought 1. it would help the leaves get the most out of the light. 2. I often see people trimming the bottom leaves when preparing for taking cuttings so the plant devotes more energy to new growth. So i guess that could help in this situation as they have just been transplanted.
That assessment is spot on brother.
I know this is my first actual "grow" but as I said in my intro on my journal I have been around all kinds of plants my whole life and am pretty good at keeping them happy.:mrgreen:
Growers using the SOG method cut ALL the lower leaves to advance new growth so I can't see it doing anything but good!
Besides the energy the plants would expend on trying to repair the damaged leaves would only slow down the inevitable buds to come, so very good decision on trimming the dead wood.
Great job documenting the transplant and all the best of luck with the rest of your OP.:-o


Well-Known Member
Excellent cheers mate :) Was worried id done something wrong but it seemed pretty logical. My only doubt was perhaps they were too young to bare with the added stress. But we'll see. Thanks for your help and input. +rep again as soon as i can give you some more mate.

Thanks again



Well-Known Member
right now what you are seeing is root shock. Right now your roots are just trying to recover from the transplant, very normal. what soil did you transplant it to? Were the leaves you cut off completely dead or still partially alive? If they were partially alive, I probably would of waited a couple of days before cutting it, just to gaurantee no more shock was given to the plant. Give it a good water feeding and just watch your pH levels carefully and keep a good eye on it.

Hope everything goes well with everything and I will be in touch!


Well-Known Member
Toolage: I forget the brand i threw the bag away as i had used it all. But i remember it boasting its top quality soil etc. I made sure it didnt have any added nutes etc to avoid the same problem. The leaves i cut off were dead, completely crisp. And i cut the tips off of the leaves that were beginning to dry up etc.

Similar to this photo:

Cheers for the input again mate!


Well-Known Member
yeah man, from the pictures of the transplant to the way you are caring for them now, it sounds like they should be back to their healthy state in a couple of days! Glad to hear you got some new found knowledge for transplanting!!! OH yeah, stretch is a female