First ever grow, grow journal.


Well-Known Member
Toolage: I know its crazy how fast they grow. They're in soil though, i initially bought equipment for hydro but when it came to practicality it just well wasn't practical lol

Jackbob: I dont know actually i haven't measured their height at all. I'll go do it now :)

At first i thought the plant in the green tub was doing better, but within a day or so Jane, the one in the orangey tub has just turned into a proper bush. I love how fast these things develop, it makes all the efforts so much more worth while!


Well-Known Member
Right the one in the green tub is just under 5 inches. And the plant in the Orange tub is 4.

I need to label these plants to stop confusing myself.. Im going to do it now. And swap the names around once and for all. So in my grow room the plant to the left (orange tub) is Mary, the plant to the right (green tub) is Jane. So Mary is 4 Inches and Jane is just under 5 "


Well-Known Member
Fucking good work man, looks real good, wish my first grow looked that good.
I'm going to watch this thread!

What up Tool.


Well-Known Member
Cheers mate :D Really appreciate all the support on this, i cant believe how lucky i've been with my first grow. Really thought id mess it up.


Well-Known Member
20% is actually high I see seeds labeled as medium at 8% to 10% most stronger strains I see at 15% to 20%.


Well-Known Member
Quick update: The first pair of proper fan leaves on Jane (The three leafed ones) Have started drying out, about half of the middle fork is dry. Although still green (which is why i didnt notice it earlier) The rest of the plant seems fine though. So im guessing it could be nute burn? Couldn't be light could it? Because if it was the light surely the top most leaves would be affected as well?

Anyway im not too worried, if it starts spreading then i'll be worried. For now i've just watered them without any nutes just PH'd water.


Well-Known Member
Ok in need of some help guys.

In my post above i mentioned that the leafs were drying out in patches at the base pair of fan leaves. It is now beginning to show on both plants so im beginning to get worried. My lamp is a foot away is that too close? Would it hurt to put it two foot away? Other than that the only thing i could think is nute burn, but to be completely honest i really havent used that much anyway.

Thanks for any help in advance!


Well-Known Member
k i'll get right on it.

edit: Batteries went dead when i was shooting, so just charge them for ten.

looking at the pictures from yesterday they looked fine, as if it happened over night :S


Well-Known Member
Shit man so sorry about the delay, had a dabble on salvia needless to say im back on this planet now.. Anyway photos..

Its weird because theyre not brown theyre still green. But really brittle so i dnt think theres any chance of reviving those leaves, but it is spreading to the top leaves now so im worried. I think i may take my lamp up a foot?

Thanks again for any help


Well-Known Member
In the water, next to none, about a tenth of what it suggests, how ever its miracle grow soil so it has some in it i would think. So i should have left it altogether perhaps...


Well-Known Member
if you're using MG, which i personally dont recommend, you dont need any nutes for quite awhile. I'd honestly transplant into a cleaner mix of

Peat Moss
Worm Castings

they have enough nutrients to let the plant grow for up to 3-4 weeks and after that you can add nutes to that as you wish.

soil with nutes already in it, can be a lil hazardous in the long run. My buddy grew with MG and the time released nutrients burned the plant to the ground when the plant was 3 weeks old.


Well-Known Member
Ahright cheers for the advice, i'll see what i can do then. Wouldnt want to interrupt the roots though. I dont have a clue how big they will be now. They were about 3 inches downward when i planted them in these containers and that was a while back now.


Well-Known Member
how many gallons is the container?

also Web Gallery Wizard™ is a great website with a lot of pictures of plant problems. Check out the pictures and match up some of the pictures of what your plant looks like to see what the likely cause of it is. To me it looks like nute burn, and if you can get it away from MG then I'd recommend it. If not just flush the hell out of your medium to kind of dilute your soil.

If anyone else disagrees please chime in, as this is just what I think from what I've read.


Well-Known Member
Cheers for all your help again mate seriously without your help i think i'd be germing my next lot of seeds right now. I have some normal soil which i can mix with perlite easily. Just the main task will be transplantation. I think i will flush them a bit now and then try transplanting on the weekend when i have a good few hours on my hands as i guarantee it wont go smoothly. I'll check the link as well. Thanks again!