First Ever Grow


Active Member
:dunce:After my whoopsie with the fan leaves(damn i never thought i'd have to remember anyhin i learned at school) I was thinking about trying to shroud the main cola in light..........any one used a cfl as big as this one and i so ant pointers on positioning it for most effectiveness? At the mo it's just hung horizontally above the top of the main cola,cant help feeling i'm not gettin the best out of it.....any ways some more badly taken pics.....

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Active Member
Just want to say a huge thanks to everyone who has dropped by and tried to steer me in the right direction......if only all forums were like this..........some of the forums to do with my other hobby DJ'ing are allso snide,superior and full of massive ego's,not here tho eveyone's nice......hmmmmm could there be a reason for that ya think? hehe


Well-Known Member
Yeah, people here are pretty cool. We still have people with inflated egos and a few troll's who like to argue but what the hell, its a community.

Hey, thats the first good pic I've seen of your plant. You did leave some fan leaf. How you guys say it, "no worries mate"
About the lighting, I would get an extension cord and some sockets and make like a string of Christmas lights out of 26 watt floros then wrap it around those sticks.

I think the 26w gives you the most lumnes for the wattage but you can use any size.


Active Member
Yr a veritable font of ideas and knowledge cruzer ma laddie.....everythin you've suggested or said to me has worked and or been backed up by other seasones vets. Gotta go feed ma kid but i'm gonna take time to have a look at yr green house grow close is yr nearest neighbour? that plant has been on 12/12 for 3 weeks or so but was hideously underpowered in the lighting till last week. Whats a general(very loose) timescale for flowerin or do i just wait till it looks nrearly dead? See what happens wen an amateur goes off half cocked? Some poor dud that knows his stuff gets bombarded with rookie questions.....thanks again spesh about the pics.....i just couldn't get a good photo. The trichromes look healthy enough don't they? ?????


Well-Known Member
LOL, I thought it was a Scottish expression. dud, I kinda like it. Like a dude who didn't go off.
You mentioned she has been under 12/12 for three weeks now, My guess is you have another 6 weeks or so.

When I started here, a couple years ago, my typing really sucked.
As time went on and I used spell check a bunch it got a hell of a lot better but I still get stoned before I sign on so I keep using spell check.

My green house journal will blow you away.
Hell, it blew me away. Get a doobie or a bowl and start with the build. Just scan the pics bud, it will take forever.


Active Member
Just hung my 300watt cfl verically in one corner as i felt i was wastin a lot of light having it directly above.........gott go to work in about ten/fifteen but i'l try and get a pic up!


Well-Known Member
Thats perfect temp. The light you can hang either way, horizontal will cover the most area but the way you got it now will cover more of the lower stuff and the top.
But only one side. So, if you leave it the way it is and rotate the plant, say once or twice week, you're golden.


Active Member
ok the aroma has now officially started in earnest.........any budget solutions? by budget i mean tighter than a gnats chuff on the monetary front........
im only a nubie myself but have been reading the shit out of various growing books(cannabible v.good). idealy id say go with a small extractor fan with a carbon filter, however if funds dont allow this there are plenty of odour nutralising sprays you can pick up in most home depo/ garden centres. you could always buy a few of those sprays that go off at timed intervals and position them at the points your most concerned about( i presume ur getting a bit nervous bout nieghbours smelling your baby?)i.e by ur front door, or by the grow room door.
good look anyways mate.