First full on coco grow

You get damp off w the same consistency as with pest based mixes if your top watering seedlings? I figured I’d start to water normally once they got a true set of 3 blades. Think it’s necessary to bottom water that long?
That tip burn your seeing is nothing new. Just petered out leaves I haven’t gotten around to removing. They sat a bit longer than I’d have liked before transplanting. Runoff using clear water is only at 409 ppm. No tip burn on any newer growth.

Petered out leaves isn’t a thing sorry.
Some Small clip on oscillating fans? I just changed a whole bunch of shit around. Def need some more airflow. I’ve got intake covered.
Petered out leaves isn’t a thing sorry.
Ya see ? Sry bout the sideways pic I will pluck these leaves and not worry about a shit. They sat under a dome a bit longer than I’d have liked. I’m seriously doubting nute burn cause they have had next to nothing thus far that’s all I’m saying friend image.jpg
I know a lot of people on forums like to consider themselves the “experts” who know all the tricks. If your like me then you have fucked up about every step along the way so your familiar w many a pitfall and symptoms to go along w them. Ya see friend I don’t give a flying rats ass if you think it’s nute burn or shit burn. Thank goodness we have friends like you to point out people like me as over eager idiots trying to get the biggest plants possible to impress their friends with. Your going to call me out on such insignificant bullshit that only exists because I didn’t feel like explaining that I’m familiar w nute burn as well as its symptoms cause I’ve burnt my share so I know. See now I’ve gone down the rabbit hole. Bottom line is you’ve interrupted the flow of REAL communication which these forums are based on. There’s a cocky headed sob in every bunch and I should be able to let it roll off. It’s hard.
anyways I have been doing some reading on coco and I’m not the babe in the woods as I may appear to be. I’m definitely not foolhardy enough to risk two successions to pay for the knowledge of the ins and outs of coco. I feel pretty confident with the advice/ information that the kind members of this forum have set fourth thus far. Sometimes it’s hard to get what your looking for w out starting at the very beginning so I apologize if I came across as clueless. ✌️ And thank you and for the entertainment peace out dudes!

It could be mould I thought mould unlikely going on how dry the coco is in the 1st photo.
Have a look at it with a loupe to be sure.
Yes I was about to do that. That one plant was actually drier on the surface than the rest but symptoms are still there. Ty
You got a lot going on,been there.Step back re evaluate.4 healthy plants is less work and produce more then 10 not so good ones.
I read ya loud and clear! This is how my entire ADD life is in most aspects. CRAZY yes but I’ve had quite a nice thing going on more years than you’d believe and I hope w all my might the worst continues to stay way out behind me. It took a lot for me to even come here but I’m glad I did. I’ve got the basics down and I do appreciate your concern. I go for 48 good ones and I am one satisfied cookie.
Where did the dickhead I mean friend go? Don’t tell me that was one big Alf looking hallucination? If so maybe I should take a step back lol!!