Well-Known Member
It's okay to act clueless starting out, we've all been there.I know a lot of people on forums like to consider themselves the “experts” who know all the tricks. If your like me then you have fucked up about every step along the way so your familiar w many a pitfall and symptoms to go along w them. Ya see friend I don’t give a flying rats ass if you think it’s nute burn or shit burn. Thank goodness we have friends like you to point out people like me as over eager idiots trying to get the biggest plants possible to impress their friends with. Your going to call me out on such insignificant bullshit that only exists because I didn’t feel like explaining that I’m familiar w nute burn as well as its symptoms cause I’ve burnt my share so I know. See now I’ve gone down the rabbit hole. Bottom line is you’ve interrupted the flow of REAL communication which these forums are based on. There’s a cocky headed sob in every bunch and I should be able to let it roll off. It’s hard.
anyways I have been doing some reading on coco and I’m not the babe in the woods as I may appear to be. I’m definitely not foolhardy enough to risk two successions to pay for the knowledge of the ins and outs of coco. I feel pretty confident with the advice/ information that the kind members of this forum have set fourth thus far. Sometimes it’s hard to get what your looking for w out starting at the very beginning so I apologize if I came across as clueless. ✌ And thank you and for the entertainment peace out dudes!
But I think you have to do like @myke suggested and step back and re-evaluate your situation. You don't have things figured out, your pictures shows this and by your interpretations and made up words.
Study proper pot sizing and watering frequency in coir. You do all the errors in the book. Using wrong equipment and improper techniques.