First Ghost Scare of 2013

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
We aren't even through with January yet and I've already had the living shit scared out of me.

Last night I went to bed around 1 a.m. and played around on the internet for a while before I went to sleep. I got caught up in a paranormal forum and the ongoing ghost discussions. I read and responded and ended up giving myself the willies. You know the feeling. You decide to watch or read a scary story by yourself and after a while it gets to you. Like you're being watched or someone is in the room with you. I figured enough was enough and turned out the lamp. It took me a little time to finally sleep because I kept envisioning monsters reaching through the window to eat my bony ass.

About an hour later I woke up to a noise. It was just on the edge of my consciousness and I wasn't really sure I actually heard it. It was a moan. A long drawn out horrible moan. For some reason I thought pretending to be asleep was a wise decision. I had some quirky notion that as long as I was asleep i was protected. I heard it again. This time it was louder. And AGAIN! I was starting to freak out. It was right outside my window that my bed sits under. It sounded like several voices moaning at the same time. My first thought was La Llorona. My second thought was, "damn, I really need to pee!" I didn't know what to do. I was petrified. I hid under the blankets for about thirty minutes bargaining with God and planning my will (written in blood after I slit my wrists to escape the horror that was about to eat me).

Finally the pain from my bladder was too great to put off any longer. I jumped out of bed and ran down the hall to the bathroom (No I wasn't wearing my sponge-bob square-pants boxer briefs) on my tippy toes. It seemed the prudent thing to do. I sat in the bathroom for what seemed like hours shivering and plotting my next move. It was 0 degrees outside and I wanted my bed, damn it. I finally gathered up my courage through shaming and self ridicule. I marched into my bedroom, flipped on the light and... the moan.... froze. I froze in place. I couldn't move. I saw something waving in the window. Like a sheet. I knew it was her. La Llorona. She was coming for me. I noticed the temperature in the room had dropped. REALLY dropped. Ice cold. She was making her move. I was about to die. The curtains were moving. I slowly backed away and headed towards the door. Maybe I can make it before she grabs me and carries me down to the river. Then the curtain blew up and away from the sill to expose.....

An open window.

Me and my nephews put up plastic around the windows to help keep out the coming cold snap yesterday. We're supposed to get down to -10 tonight. Well, I had the window open while we worked on getting the plastic in place. I worked the east side of the house and the nephews worked the west side. My window faces west and I get a lot of wind from that direction. I told them to be sure and do a good job on that window. I was paying the little bastards after all. During the night the wind started up and blew part of the plastic from my window. The window was open just enough to let the wind in (explanation for the dropping temperature) AND create the moaning sound that scared the liver out of me. My dumb ass nephews decided to use duct tape for my windows "as an experiment". They wanted to see how long it would last. I have an answer for them. An answer full of expletives and colorful metaphors. I may interject some personal insults. Depends on the flow of the conversation. I've already told them that we needed to have a talk. A loooong talk. Little fuckers.
I am sorry for laughing at your expense, you're awesome at telling these stories, the ones in the Halloween or whatever thread were great too! Same thing happened to me a long time ago with an unplugged TV that sat on my floor the last couple years, I turned off the light in my room to go to bed and the unplugged, BROKEN, tv, flickered a few times lighting up my room. I froze solid scared as shit. Later I found out that having lights on might quickly charge something in the tv and when you turn the lights off it can cause some kind of reaction to make it flicker or something. At least that's what my dad says haha *stares at the demonic tv waiting for it to flash just to spite me* :lol:
it wasnt a ghost.. it was me, broke into your house and was taking a poopy.. hence the moaning and groaning
haha what a Pussy....jk, ghosts scare the shit outta me too. Anything supernatural scares the crap outta me. Even when Im watching movies of possesions and shit I get goosebumps and cant help it
Paranormal forum, Carne? Isn't that about as wise as me hanging out on an opium processing forum? No good can come of it. cn
I watched the excorcist when I was 7, bad Idea. Even now as a grown man that movie really gets my mind and skin crawling. The idea of a demonic possession just freaks me out, just so indefensible.
you guys can laugh all you want but my house flows with energy(ies) to say the least.

I remmeber my sister saying that the apartment she lived at back in the day had a ghost. I do remember going over there when i was young and I saw a thing slide off the desk. Was weird. She swears there was a ghost there. Seems crazy to me, I still dont believe it.
I watched the excorcist when I was 7, bad Idea. Even now as a grown man that movie really gets my mind and skin crawling. The idea of a demonic possession just freaks me out, just so indefensible.

me too. I was also young when I saw the exercist movie. The original came out in the late 90's or early 2000's right?
me too. I was also young when I saw the exercist movie. The original came out in the late 90's or early 2000's right?

Believe it ir not I believe the original from like 73, It was so controversial that very few theaters played it. It scared a ton of Christians and they actually moved to get it banned.
there is noo such thing has ghost... but if you stay up for a few days on coke u will start to see the "shadow people"