first grow, 100% fem snow white t5ho


New Member
Was wondering when we'd see this updated. Looking great, you better start on 12/12 soon or you're gonna run out of room, because they are about to explode with growth!


Well-Known Member
thanks everyone, well the space they are in now is capable of gowing ~4ft vertically. The flowering chamber i am setting up is like 6 ft high. So I'm thinking about letting them veg a bit more before starting 12/12, next feeding they will get 1/2 dosage and then move to full. I'm thinking after a few full dosage feedings i'll put them into flowering, and keep one in the veg area as a mom, and start working clones. My eventual plan is to have one indica mom and one sativa mom which i can keep clones going. I was thinking of going with Jack Frost from goldenseed for the other mother, and seeing how much I like the snow white for indica.


Well-Known Member
well guys, I should have some pictures tomorrow, I just watered without nutes, since I'm feeding with every other watering per schedule, next watering I'll be giving 1/2 dose since these ladies showed no side effects from the 1/4 dose other than amazing growth.

I was thinking of taking one of them and starting LST, circling the pot it is in, what do you guys think? Should I just let these babies grow up, or should I take a chance on one to try to get more colas


Well-Known Member
well guys, I should have some pictures tomorrow, I just watered without nutes, since I'm feeding with every other watering per schedule, next watering I'll be giving 1/2 dose since these ladies showed no side effects from the 1/4 dose other than amazing growth.

I was thinking of taking one of them and starting LST, circling the pot it is in, what do you guys think? Should I just let these babies grow up, or should I take a chance on one to try to get more colas
Cool man, looking forward to some pics. I think LST is a good idea, especially if you have height restrictions. Your flowering has 6ft though so I guess if you want one giant cola off each plant than don't LST


Well-Known Member
thanks yeldarb, I don't think I'll be topping or lst'ing any of them. I'll be making the flower chamber this week and get a 400w hps also. I'm still back and forth with deciding how to use the space I have available. One thought is to have mothers in the top chamber on the left, and let clones root in the top chamber on the right, while rooted clones veg in the bottom chamber while I'm waiting for the flowering chamber to become vacant. I also fiddled with the idea of while clones are vegging, running some autoflowering strains in the top right while everything else is working since that area would be empty.

For instance, While 4 of my ladies go on to the flowering stage (~2 mo im guessing) , I can move the 1 mom to the top left and take clones. Clones will root under T12 or CFL in the top right (~2 weeks), then be put into veg until the flower chamber is ready(~1 1/2 mo). It would be useless to start more clones then since the flowering cab is not ready, so maybe run 2 or so autoflowers in the top right under cfl while im waiting.

Perhaps I'm over thinking things, or thinking too far ahead, either way, my focus right now is on these ladies, and these ladies alone, I'm hoping for some good yield and smoke. They will prob need to be watered tomorrow, and I'll be feeding with 1/2 dose nutes, I'll snatch some pics then for everyone.


Well-Known Member
Day 29:
Watered with 1/2 strength nutes. Wanted to experiment a bit, so I topped one of the ladies and attempted to clone the topping. I'll get some more pics later to see how she took to it. Here are some pics day of feeding



Well-Known Member
I just wanted to experiment with one of them, since I've read some strains respond very well to it. I think it was stunted for a few days, but shes growing fast again it seems.


New Member
yea they might slow down for a bit when u top. I topped one and supercropped one last time and if I did it again I would have topped em all instead to get them all at the same height for a nice even canopy


Well-Known Member
totally, sorry guys. These ladies are up to a full dose of nutes now. I have to water every 2 days in these pots. I'm seeing some bad spots on some of the leaves of the smaller one, Im thinking ph is off, Ill post pics in the plant hospital later for that, but my have they grown, I'll get you guys some pics tonight. I ordered the 400w hps and some clone plugs today, so they should go into 12/12 as soon as they get here.


Well-Known Member

Ok here are some quick teasers of the ladies, and the topped plant. It looks like it came out ok, worth experimenting with. The HPS should be in Tuesday, so they should be going 12/12 Wednesday/Thursday. Also are some pics of the spots I was talking about, what do they look like? ph imbalance maybe?



Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, tonight I will be posting pics of the finished flower chamber with 400w hps, they will have their first "official" 12/12 thursday


Well-Known Member
Also , to address ventilation, what I am thinking of doing is mounting a modified stanley blower in the chamber that will pull exhaust out the room and push it through a diy cooltube, then through a carbon filter and out the room. this along with an intake fan I'm hoping will suffice.