first grow, 100% fem snow white t5ho


Well-Known Member
Sorry for no pics yet, I did assemble the cooltube yesterday, I don't have a centrifugal fan right now, so today I'm going to have to use a pc fan (120mm ~100cfm) to try to pull the heat from the tube until I can get one. I'll try to have pics up by tonight.


Well-Known Member
The ladies are looking great! Ive also got some fem Snow Whites going! My journal is in my sig.

Just picked up and Daystar AC cooltube and 400w HPS while I was in Miami for vacation (had been using CFLs) but lady gave me a Halide ballast. argh. Im about a month behind you though. Hope everything keeps going well for you. Will definitely continue to checkup on your journal.


Active Member
hey man how much water were u feeding them in the 3gallon pots with 1/4 dosage of nutes? please let me know.. i fed mine after transplanting into 3 gallon pots a whole gallon each with a 1/4 dose nutes of grow big only


Well-Known Member
Just a bit of an update. Put a pc fan up as the exhaust of the cooltube and it's working great, pulling pretty strongly and allowing me to move the light down closer to the plants a good amount. As smell starts to become an issue I'm going to put in a carbon filter and probably a better exhaust fan if it has issues with pulling at that point.

Skoad - Thanks for the comments! I'll definitely checkout your grow. The cooltube and the HPS are crazy. My plants absolutely love the light, so bright and perky. Hopefully you'll be able to get the correct ballist somehow. Best of luck in your grow!

hey man how much water were u feeding them in the 3gallon pots with 1/4 dosage of nutes? please let me know.. i fed mine after transplanting into 3 gallon pots a whole gallon each with a 1/4 dose nutes of grow big only
In veg, after I transplanted, I was feeding them 2 gallons of water over all 5 pots at 1/4 dose every 2-3days (pretty much every 2 days once they got to about a foot tall) starting off and working up to a full dose with each feeding by 1/4 steps, feeding with ever other watering only. Now in flowering they get 2 gallons over all 5 every 2 day, with feeding every other watering still. All I really look for is nice moist soil and no heavy leaks out the drainplugs on the bottom. Once you find the right amount you start to be able to tell from the weight of the pots as well.

Sizes for my pots go: four 3- gallon pots and one 2 gallon that was being used due to space issues. Having the one smaller pot made everything easier and allowed the addition on an entire plant which otherwise would have had to stay in veg as a mother, but I'm going to use one of the clones I took from my best looking plant as the mother instead now.


Well-Known Member
thanks for replying to his comment about water. Was also curious as Im growing in 3gal pots. Ive been under watering compared to what youve been doing, so I will definitely be sure to give them some more water.

Talked with the Hydro shop I got my stuff from in Miami. The lady was glad to help me out and said Monday she will go to UPS and see what price of shipping is for me to ship it back and will pay for it, and will upgrade the ballast from a 400watt HPS(which I should have gotten) to a 400watt convertible ballast. So hopefully by next weekend my plants will have all the light they need =D

Havnt read all the way through your journal yet, so you have probably already answered this and sorry for asking if you have, but are you using Fox Farm products? If so are you only using Grow Big right now? Im at about the 3-4 week mark, the fake leafs are yellow and will probably fall off within the next couple days. So 1/4 str. Grow big would be about 3mL per gal. Just noticing that the fox farm soil guide shows using big bloom also.


Well-Known Member
Cheese101: No problems man, thanks for comments.

Yeah man, I am using the trio from FoxFarms. Big Bloom/Grow Big/Tiger Bloom. I actually feel as if I could have started them sooner on nutes, since they have not been burned once throughout the entire grow. Next time I may try starting earlier, or start at the same time and try 1/2 dose first. Better play it safe than sorry though. A good thing to note is that my first feeding during flowering we gave them a full dose of bloom nutes instead of stepping back up and they took right to it, no burns, nothing but growth.

I hooked the cooltube up to a 120mm pc fan (silverstone) rated at 112 cfm, and the other side of the glass creates maddd suction. I can hold my hand a few inches from the glass without feeling uncomfortable. I lowered the hps a few feet and they are loving it. More pics soon to come.


Well-Known Member
Awesome. So you didnt start using the big bloom until flowering stages or you did use in veg? Ive got a 122cfm comp fan I hooked up and ready to hook to my cool tube once I get my ballast.

You just hook the fan to the right side and have it blow into the room/tent? Or did you have duct on other side blowing out of tent/room?

Your right about better safe than sorry tho. My stupid ass used some MG soil in my mix and is giving my problems. Nothing too big just a slight bit of nute burn, but seems to be recovering.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I used BigBloom/GrowBig in veg, I just switched over to the flower nutes with TigerBloom/BigBloom. The way I setup my fan was I screwed it to the outside of my cabinet pulling air out like an exhaust fan. Then I took the flexi-ducting and with a pen marked a circle around the circumference of it in the middle of the screw holes (for mounting the fan). I cut out the circle I marked then using foil tape, I attached the flexiduct around the hole , and this thing pulls very nicely. I'll try to get some pics of the finished cooltube setup tonight.


Well-Known Member
Hey Nop,

Great job...I have six Snow Whites about two weeks into flower...I also Topped/Fimmed two of the plants and they responded very well. This will be my third crop of SW but the first two were failures, just newb mistakes. My six new girls are clones of clones and are looking great!!

I have a dual journal going on right now with my flowering SW's and also some feminized Dutch Passion Blueberry seedlings. I need to take some more pics...check out my signature..


Active Member
Those looks like some healthy plants. Very leafy and green, I might be doing Snow White after I use all my Aurora Indica Seeds. Just make sure you keep updating because i'm interested.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. and very nice JayDoe71, I like to look at other SW grows, unfortunately there are not as many out there.

I fed them last night full dose bloom nutes, and they were already growing very fast, I cannot wait to see them when I get home today. I think I will have to move the HPS light up in the next few days.

I don't think I will run into any space issues, but they are growing quickly, around only a week in flower now. I really need to mount a circulation fan somewhere instead of having it on the ground so I can have more floor room.

I will take some pics tonight, and they should be posted tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Picturesss everyone.. sorry for no update.. BTW 1 clone has died, the rest are starting to take root.



Well-Known Member
Looking great! How tall are they right now if you dont mind me asking? I finally got my HPS hooked up last night so will probably see some major boosts.

Also when did you start flowering those?


Well-Known Member
Thanks!! The tallest one is 33" and the smallest one is 29". I think they had their first day on the 30th, so they are about 2 weeks in. And yeah man, the HPS is crazy, those things are so damn bright, almost blinded every time i leave the cabinet, but they love it


Well-Known Member
Seriously lol. I knew it was gunna be bright but after my first time messing around in the tent last night with it on, I didnt think I would ever see again!

So you let them veg for about 6 weeks?


Well-Known Member
yeah it was right around 6 weeks. I can't wait for this harvest, it's going to be crazy.