First Grow - 2 x 1000w


Active Member
They've only been under the induction light since last Friday. The leaves have been turning red/purple for a few weeks now. We're almost ruling out root rot, but we're going to give them the h202 + dark energy just as a precaution. I just wish these bastards would push out more trichomes like the cheese and l skunk girls...
Are you feeding with root stimulants, such as Rhizotonic? Hygrozyme/ Cannazym will eat away at the dead root matter and convert it to sugars. May help even if it isn't root rot. More roots is pretty.

They have a video of how cannazym works HERE. Hygrozym is the better option but more expensive.

kether noir

Well-Known Member

ill stop by your place and give you some extra help mate. ;)
sounds like you are getting it resolved and lots of useful information. keep up the good work.

93 93/93


Well-Known Member
Are you feeding with root stimulants, such as Rhizotonic? Hygrozyme/ Cannazym will eat away at the dead root matter and convert it to sugars. May help even if it isn't root rot. More roots is pretty.

They have a video of how cannazym works HERE. Hygrozym is the better option but more expensive.
Cool video LL, thanks. If I can muster up the funds for the cannazym or hygrozyme I would love to use it. I'm having a hard time keeping up with my smoking habit but we'll see lol


ill stop by your place and give you some extra help mate. ;)
sounds like you are getting it resolved and lots of useful information. keep up the good work.

93 93/93
Come on by! j/k :P There are two people that know where my girls are and I really like it this way. Before I moved there were too many people that knew where I lived and what I was doing. Some people I thought I could trust ended up running their mouth more than expected. So much for being straight up with family! Anyways, yes, I'm getting some good help from some very insightful people at the moment. Thanks!

Oh and what's with the 93's? I have to ask lol

so how are your roots dubbz > ?
Not sure yet bro. I'll find out in a few. Waiting for my boy to get home from work so I can cruise over and play in the tent with my ladies. This afternoon I should have a better idea of what's going on. I'll try to post more pics as well. Some of the kolas on my kush girls deserve some bud porn shots.


Well-Known Member
The plants seem to be doing really well today! The best they've looked in a while IMO. The soil was nice and dry so I watered each pot with 1qt of the h202 and straight water ph'd to 6.6. After that I had some water leftover and added some trace minerals and some Sea Green. Then I topped each pot with 3/4 of a qt of that mixture. Hopefully tomorrow or Saturday they will be ready for this nice tea we've made. It will be bubbling until they're ready for it.

I got some good shots of the girls that I will post in a little while. My phone died in the middle of taking pics so I'm letting it charge now. Stay tuned!


Well-Known Member
Here are my ladies from earlier today :)

Day 47 of Flower

Master Kush -

Lemon Skunk -

Guess who showed up to the bud porn party?!?! Manny!!! ahahahaha First time he's been spotted since the day we added him to the garden!

And last but definitely not least, my favorite plants to take photos of....

Blue Cheese -

Those are single shots of the girls. Here are pics of the garden:

There you have it. The girls are looking good now IMO. The next two weeks are going to be the best because I'm thinking that's about harvest time! No plants are dead so I must be doing a good job lol

I hope you enjoyed the update! I'll get some more shots in a few days, after the c02 gets hooked back up (still haven't had time to hook the shit back up...bummer!)

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
HOLY FUCKIN SHIT DUBZ! what an absolutley amazing show. I was in awe the entire time and it just kept getting better. I love Manny!hahah Those photos are Fan Tas Tic!!!!
:leaf: What are the benifits of having a preying mantis in the garden besides good postivie vibes? Do they eat spider mites? :leaf:
I could tell which was your lemon skunk by those trade mark sativa thin leaves. All your girls look healthy and wonderful. The red leaf issue dosnt look like its a problem at all.You managed that issue and everything else in your garden like a professional and very experienced gardener. :leaf:Thanks so much for the great pictures !!! Man they are only going to get fatter with more and more trichomes ..:clap::leaf::clap:
the move has really really paid off!!!
take it easy dubzy.:-P


Well-Known Member
Insane.. loving the square room with the mover.. its almost like cheating :) I think they look beautiful.. the first ones.. ( master I think) arent very frosty.. .like you said.. BUT they looks super sticky and resinous inside.. Lots of strains wont have tons of frost .. but will still be very potent.. its more of a genetic thing... Same thing the other way.. some strains will just be COATED in frost.. but end up not being all that strong.. SO dont fret the frosteness ... THEY ALL LOOK STELLAR.. amazingly good for your first grow and the move .. Cant wait for ya to start the second one!


Well-Known Member
HOLY FUCKIN SHIT DUBZ! what an absolutley amazing show. I was in awe the entire time and it just kept getting better. I love Manny!hahah Those photos are Fan Tas Tic!!!!
:leaf: What are the benifits of having a preying mantis in the garden besides good postivie vibes? Do they eat spider mites? :leaf:
I could tell which was your lemon skunk by those trade mark sativa thin leaves. All your girls look healthy and wonderful. The red leaf issue dosnt look like its a problem at all.You managed that issue and everything else in your garden like a professional and very experienced gardener. :leaf:Thanks so much for the great pictures !!! Man they are only going to get fatter with more and more trichomes ..:clap::leaf::clap:
the move has really really paid off!!!
take it easy dubzy.:-P
LOL!! I swear, DAT, nobody cracks my face like you do... The excitement you express in your posts is fabulous and I can't get enough of it haha!

I'm glad you liked the show! and Manny! The benefits of having a praying mantis in your garden is that yes, they eat bugs like spider mites. The only problem for Manny is that he may be starving since there are no bugs in the garden lol We're thinking of getting some lady bugs to feed him so he doesn't die. If I found him dead I would be upset, he rocks! and he's so photogenic! ahaha

Insane.. loving the square room with the mover.. its almost like cheating :) I think they look beautiful.. the first ones.. ( master I think) arent very frosty.. .like you said.. BUT they looks super sticky and resinous inside.. Lots of strains wont have tons of frost .. but will still be very potent.. its more of a genetic thing... Same thing the other way.. some strains will just be COATED in frost.. but end up not being all that strong.. SO dont fret the frosteness ... THEY ALL LOOK STELLAR.. amazingly good for your first grow and the move .. Cant wait for ya to start the second one!
I have to say that this past week the kush girls have started to show more and more inner trichomes more than anything. All the new growth is producing tric's, it's just not spreading to the outer leaves really. That is totally fine by me as long as they plump up some more in the coming weeks. Much thanks man. It's been a bumpy road thus far but I've enjoyed the shit out of myself. The second grow can't start soon enough!!


Active Member
:blsmoke:Have been with you from the start , They look great you have done a outstanding job with all the problems you have had , i have learned a bunch with this grow and i cant imagine the knowledge you have acquired , Keep up the good work waiting for the Smoke test ,Cajunbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Dude that lemon skunk is sparkly as fawk! It looks like it might have a pool of resin on the floor around the plant lol. Looking good man, I think they like their new home. I love your canopy dude, I can't tell you enough how well you're doing. Staying right on top of their sickness to figure them out, moving them across town lol. Your ladies will love you until the day you put them in your pipe. One request though. Thanks for the prOn and everything but can get get a goddamn video you slacker!?

- SB


Well-Known Member
ahaha thanks Shwag... I'll see what I can do about that video. I'm not sure it would come out good but I'll try anything once!


Well-Known Member
Goddamn Dubzy......everytime i see ur master kush i get aroused slightly at the prospect that my M.K. will look so nice. Cant WAIT for a smoke report. I got 4/5 beans to pop so i should have 4 good plants if all goes well. looking like it will be 4 MK and 4 pitbulls next time for me.