First Grow - 2 x 1000w


Well-Known Member
Damn man looking fresh as shit!
Weird though all my pistils have somewhat forced themselves back into the bud or for the most part aren't sticking out like yours, might be your plants aren't done producing? :]
Not too sure myself.
But for the most part your plants are looking nugtastic my friend.
We might have to fedex eachother some bud and write a review on eachothers stash!! :]
would be sick.

"steez didn't flush enough I dont think, and it tastes like he dropped this nug in clorox.... erm..."


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone :) They do make me smile when I open up that tent door...

Damn man looking fresh as shit!
Weird though all my pistils have somewhat forced themselves back into the bud or for the most part aren't sticking out like yours, might be your plants aren't done producing? :]
Not too sure myself.
But for the most part your plants are looking nugtastic my friend.
We might have to fedex eachother some bud and write a review on eachothers stash!! :]
would be sick.

"steez didn't flush enough I dont think, and it tastes like he dropped this nug in clorox.... erm..."
Most of the hairs on the kush girls are still white as can be with the occasional bottom bud having orange hairs. The tops of the big buds are starting to show some trichomes, finally! Shit was driving me nuts lol They're definitely still producing.

I would be down for that if you know a good way to get it done safely. A friend of mine used to send me some funk in a DVD case but that was years ago...

Ps. I couldn't help myself and took more pictures of the girls today. I got some shots of my boys plants as well... wait til you see these fuckers lol Uploading to photobucket now...


Well-Known Member
Cool cant wait Bro!... Thats a good thang they are putting out so much white hairs.. MEANS they gotta way to go.. and they all ready look bitchin!


Well-Known Member

Just had a long ass post here with 28 picture links and somehow by hitting Ctrl V I ended up in my inbox??????????? ugh... so much for that post. Be back later to try again....


Well-Known Member
Let's try this again, only this time I'm stoned lol

So when I first got my girls as clones my boy got some too. He got sweet tooth, white widow and ice queen, 8 total. This entire time that my girls have been thru veg and now starting the 7th flowering week, his have been in veg! ahahaha Look at these things outgrowing their closet... they're huge! 6 footers!

When my girls leave the tent for harvest time his girls are going in to start their 12/12 lol They are going to produce some massive buds... I can't wait to see how they turn out. They're actually getting burned by the light since they have no more space...

The rest of these are random pics of my girls this morning before lights off. They are in no particular order.

Today I fed the girls a nutrient tea mix that my friend made. It had sea green, chelated minerals, dark energy, big up powder, great white and was bubbled since the night before. Tomorrow I'm hoping to see them smiling when I open up that tent. I know I will be :D


Well-Known Member
No, but since my friend made it and offered it up I figured I'd better use it. The next time I feed will be with the HB nutes I have and I need to start using this kool bloom powder again.


Well-Known Member
ya i can, but shipping from us to here is to much money to buy cheaper thing, i mean if i needed new comp parts or a tv , ad shipp it cuz its like 50 bucks to ship, but something like nutes which is 10-20 the shipping is too much. here there is nothing but generic shit made in china :(. al give it a try when i got a lot of plants going and i can spair a few for experiments


Well-Known Member
Damn, you'd be better off waiting until you can order a bunch of shit at once. Might as well ship as much as you can for that price. You have to figure though, that price includes the fighting off tigers and lions n shit LOL!

kether noir

Well-Known Member

what do you think of the hb nutes? i have been using a mix of fox farm, advance nutes, and earth juice. so far to great results, but very easy to over feed with the an stuff.

93 93/93


Well-Known Member
I can't give HB a proper analysis since this is my first grow. That and I've never used anything else but the HB line. When I start my next grow I plan to pick up a few of the GH products to run them side by side the HB. I'll be able to give a fair report once I get those going. I guess if I were forced to give you my opinion on the HB nutes I would say they're great, but I had quite a few other issues I was dealing with which may have stunted my plants and even caused them some serious deficiencies.


Active Member
so beautiful, come along way in 47 days huh shoooooooot! Those cheese are sexy, huge donkey ck colas haha.

Manny is my favorite I was telling my little brother about him this weekend, he just had his second boy. I want to get a praying mantis for my garden now. I might go shop for one tomorrow. then we can all get praying mantises and call ourselves "Marijuana Mantes". Lmao


Well-Known Member
so beautiful, come along way in 47 days huh shoooooooot! Those cheese are sexy, huge donkey ck colas haha.

Manny is my favorite I was telling my little brother about him this weekend, he just had his second boy. I want to get a praying mantis for my garden now. I might go shop for one tomorrow. then we can all get praying mantises and call ourselves "Marijuana Mantes". Lmao
Thanks LL! Yea they've come a loooooong way. I snapped a few more shots of them yesterday but got so busy I didn't have a chance to post them. I will in a few though.

Manny, he's so cool, but there's a problem... Manny has no food since my girls are bug free... Not sure how long he can live without food but I'm guessing not much longer. We were thinking of putting in some lady bugs but we'll see. You can usually get the eggs from a hydro shop for around 15 bucks. Anywhere from 20-50 baby mantis' will hatch from one egg. After that they'll start eating each other until the strongest one survives! Such a fucked up life they have lol but they are a bad ass addition to any garden.


Well-Known Member
Each time I enter the garden I'm tempted to take pictures of my girls. It's so hard to resist at this point!

Say cheese :D

Here is my poor cat... she was spayed and declawed last weekend. She's hating life with that stupid thing on her head lol

This is some cadillac that was in front of us on the Woodward Dream Cruise over the weekend. Notice the old school air fresheners in the rear window. LOL (I laugh cause I had two of them in my rear window years ago)


Well-Known Member
Yoo, what day are your plants on.. mine started flowering on the 4th, and it's about 49 days I think?
I don't think we're that far apart.