first grow 5 weeks flower opinions please

makes for a steady supply.....that can be good to, right on rene good to see you back is the swing of things!

i have you??? lol
hope this thread is a safe one tonight to pull up a chair and shoot the shit with friends

toke comfortably, I'm on it :D

Lol I am great haven't quit smoking in hours had a massage today I'm feeling good...fab sorry you are stressed *big hug* haha I know doesn't help bit its the thought that counts!
Lol I am great haven't quit smoking in hours had a massage today I'm feeling good...fab sorry you are stressed *big hug* haha I know doesn't help bit its the thought that counts!

ooooohhhhhyah massages help with stress....

what up inbox in full.....might stay like that too if he's stressed......if he don't take the hug .....I WILL !!! but his box is
I'm peaceful...? yah i guess but he's always trying to help others and it is good to return the favor too!!!

Just like a goes both ways....haha that sounded gay?
And well lime I see you are saving me work tonight you burned yourself so no comment at this time :D

hahaha....i got me that time!!!

I liked the badge man....thought i was in trouble there for a moment.....i wasn't sure if it was ok to it's like a sheriff badge hey!!!