first grow 5 weeks flower opinions please

Haha awe sweetie you won't figure me out my 3 psychotherapists couldn't :D you'll always be wondering and I wish I could get you some bud porn have to wait till 1130 my time but yes tis the right buttons just not at the right time lol

Psychotherapists cannot relate as they learned from a book, not hands you could have had a thousand....and still not get you!!! Do they really care! NONONONONONONO!

and doc...I'd do it for free, just to say!!! Just need a field... lol
Lol actually lime my main therapist was volunteer also she is diagnosed with most the same shit I used to think they were all just worthless I'd go to an appointment and never return but this lady cared!! What a surprise really was so helpful she gave me info on the human psyche to throw in the exs face! Haha loved her now I want to be on...see some of us do care.... And hey next mission field of dreams whoo! Doc lime you can have free admission and since docs the idea man I'll cut him in on the profit ;)
Glad you found that one in a million...hang on to that

I'm in.....just let me know the right time this round i would hate to run through the field at the wrong time!!! lmao

That is my DREAM...lets see if it comes true!!!

I'm thinking of it...would def be sweet!!!
good for me was it for you??? lol so is that like cyber-sex??? lmao....

Shitty deal! that's too your on the hunt?
Lmao no honey far from cyber sex haha let's not go their lime! And nope don't need therapy I laughed my way out of the building when they told me I was fixable way I see it wtf needs fixing?!
yah this is a MJ site...haha unless j/k I'll be good...dammit!

According to them we all need therapy? but this is what makes us unique...if we where all the same it would be a boring world? our experiences whether good or bad make us who we are!!!
Unique is cool to me.... as i see to many that try to be like others instead of just being who you really are!!!

Fixing a joint maybe?
Oh lime you are spending to much time talking to me!!! Lmao that's a pm convo ;) haha jk! An I have to agree lime trust me I can adapt my personality to fit my surrounding is a think I did when I was you but man I just liked being me :D damn I want to see my ladies right now my topped girl is sick after no light and forgot to water she was starting to look good to :(
Southern Cali. Home of the best Weed. :) Lime is pissing me off..talking crap on all other forums when hes a MG soil using 1 plant having moob
Southern Cali. Home of the best Weed. :) Lime is pissing me off..talking crap on all other forums when hes a MG soil using 1 plant having moob
I thought Northern Cali was home of the best weed, the Emerald Triangle and all.:-? Do you have any pics of your plants my friend? What kind of setup and what strains are you growing? :weed:
Today they are a little above 7th week, 52nd day. Looking Great will prolly go another Day. These pics you have seen 15 from cloneIMAG0016.jpgday 30 switch to 12/12IMAG0031.jpgday 15 of flowerIMAG0068.jpgweek 5 of flowerIMAG0086.jpgIMAG0087.jpgIMAG0085.jpgIMAG0073.jpgday 1 of clone*IMAG0011.jpg
Northern Cali Brags about its PURP. but its over-rated and cant compare to most strong indicas such as most Kushs & OGs. Inland Empire Southern Cali has some of the best marijuana, no lie. Laboratory grade. They dont Keep it on such a strict schedule that they harvest no matter if a Indicas trichs are all cloudy. They wait, most ppl wanna just make their money as fast as they can and harvest. LA, Hollywood, San Diego has good weed but none compare. Humbolt is even played out now days. its all outdoor and the Indoor Indica is winning the $$$ nowdays.
Haha I forgot Strains lol, Its a 18gal. DWC from the Oxyponix system. 1 strain is white russian. forgot others.. its 1 indica dom. white russian (hybrid sativa dom) and two other sativa dom. all good brand name top shelf ^^
:o See,. For some reason my plants never endup looking that Big wide nice and green. their always.. . Smaller for some reason.. is it the soil? you growing outside?