first grow 5 weeks flower opinions please

hmm.. now I feel dumb for not exactly knowing what +rep means.

This is what im talking about you know nothing yet you seem to think you can post whatever you like!!! Wrong!!! your a poser man!!! Get lost!!!

You just repeat others....poser

and you will not be hear long!!!
I wouldn't just as you don't .....i will treat you as you treat others......UNWANTED!!! but i will stop by no worries!!! lmao

I wasn't ASKING i was telling!!! 2 different things man....starting to think you are an alien trying to learn human??? lol
u should come to bermuda to fish! we catch sharks and marlins and all kinds of shit out here!
Bro, I would LOVE to come to Bermuda to fish! I usually go to Florida at least once a year for some fishing on the flats on the gulf side. Lots of Tarpon and I usually catch a couple of black tips. We usually fish for ocean trout though. They are some good eatin'!!!! I haven't been deep sea fishing in a few years so I'm down for some big sport, Blue Marlin fishing!:blsmoke:

hey doc im a big fisherman also my last trip was just a few days ago i went crabbing in pacifica.. hopefully i can go again this comming tuesday, would be nice to add a nice gumbo to the dinner table thursday.. bermuda, hmmm that sounds like a good idea rasta you inviting us all along for a trip?
I've never been crabbing but we used to go crawfishing all the time when I was a kid. Probably not the same thing but I sure do love eating those little dudes! They are like little lobsters! Mmmmmmmmmmm, lobster! :bigjoint: