first grow 5 weeks flower opinions please

Never Sober :) im back in action. Thanks for the heads up on the OP being in the chat. im sure you meant to tell me :D alls forgiven. <3
No teach me Lesson plz unless its a kind gentle one. I am trying to stay on topic here <3 well, im flushing my babies today. day 52. Uhm its Hydro DWC so is it a MUST to use PH down in the Distilled water.. PS. RENE is an AMAZING human being. Yes I could have made my own Thread to ask but then my P.S. to Rene would be wasted.
No teach me Lesson plz unless its a kind gentle one. I am trying to stay on topic here <3 well, im flushing my babies today. day 52. Uhm its Hydro DWC so is it a MUST to use PH down in the Distilled water.. PS. RENE is an AMAZING human being. Yes I could have made my own Thread to ask but then my P.S. to Rene would be wasted.
So Raw, how did you spend your vacation? I'm a bit of a fisherman myself. I don't get to do it nearly as often as I'd like anymore. :sad:

Anyways, welcome back. ;-)
So Raw, how did you spend your vacation? I'm a bit of a fisherman myself. I don't get to do it nearly as often as I'd like anymore. :sad:

Anyways, welcome back. ;-)

u should come to bermuda to fish! we catch sharks and marlins and all kinds of shit out here!
What's up guys how's it going today?? Bermuda hmmm sounds intriguing and yes rew your right I am amazing in more ways than you will ever know :D
So Raw, how did you spend your vacation? I'm a bit of a fisherman myself. I don't get to do it nearly as often as I'd like anymore. :sad:

Anyways, welcome back. ;-)
hey doc im a big fisherman also my last trip was just a few days ago i went crabbing in pacifica.. hopefully i can go again this comming tuesday, would be nice to add a nice gumbo to the dinner table thursday.. bermuda, hmmm that sounds like a good idea rasta you inviting us all along for a trip?
What's up guys how's it going today?? Bermuda hmmm sounds intriguing and yes rew your right I am amazing in more ways than you will ever know :D

got some pics of a reveg for you ??? if you are interested?

Raw can't you take a hint from a lady???
Lol checked those rejuvenation pics haha reveg and rejuvenation 2 different things ;) I have read up but don't have my veg up yet since I ran out of seeds guess I need to get to work....and well some people just don't get it...poor kid is just engulfed in the magic that is me :D
he likes em Smeagle from " lord of the rings"....hahaha go back to your cave man!!! lmao
oh yea for your questions last week. I had gotten into an accident at work. took a lesser position so i dont needa drive so much. & now im happy.
Lmfao good one lime though now the lord of the rings is spoiled...:(

No it isn't.....just raw is!!!

raw is just trying to rack up posts....but he has nothing to add to a conversation just stupid comments that have nothing to do with the topics....

he is poking in everywhere and if he ain't careful he will get grounded again!!! hopefully for good!