first grow 5 weeks flower opinions please

whats up homie
doing alright
rene got me into a fight tonite
she is a shit starter
women will always get u in trouble

haha no shit eh, i was thinking that the other night "hmm, well if i didnt have a girlfriend i wouldnt be in this situation" lmao.. but no i lov'er shes good to me.. what was this all about?
I personally love the song it was perfect for this morning! I'm a fan of the who as well what can I say took after stepdad :D
I personally love the song it was perfect for this morning! I'm a fan of the who as well what can I say took after stepdad :D
Pete Townshend is the shiz!!!!! He is an amazing song writer and guitarist. They are all really great musicians. I've never seen them in concert though. One of my favorite bands of all time and never seen them live.:sad:
Ah sad but I know how you feel I have always wanted to go to a disturbed concert and I got a chance some guy gave me a ticket free because I was beautiful he said but ex made me sell it because I only had one so didn't get my chance :(
Ah sad but I know how you feel I have always wanted to go to a disturbed concert and I got a chance some guy gave me a ticket free because I was beautiful he said but ex made me sell it because I only had one so didn't get my chance :(

yeah, you missed out on that one :D .... Disturbed does a damn awesome live show...
morning folks. I need a beer to go with this doobie.
yeah, you missed out on that one :D .... Disturbed does a damn awesome live show...
morning folks. I need a beer to go with this doobie.
lmao I was devastated! But it worked out I took that free ticket and sold it for 150 bucks and bought some clothes as I was a size 8 and still wearing my size 18s because I was broke lol so it worked out!
No soundcard doc ;) I might put that on my christmas list though... silent porn sucks :D

How you doin today?
Fair. You? My wife's starter went out today and that cost us almost $400. I called the shop and yelled at them and they hooked her up with a 20% discount! The squeaky wheel gets the grease!;-)

You can watch the porn you just don't hear the moaning, slurping and slapping! lmfao!!!!:lol:
You boys crack me up yeah it wasn't on mobile so I couldn't view it but still good song ok so you guys are going to laugh at this seems I have started a grow battle up here :D my clients brother tells me to come check out this shit his buddy gave him that grows now I have smoked the guys stuff and its was harsh and tasted like shit so I've been ragging on this kid (clients brother) so he shows me it hanging and says the guy said to leave it here to cure so I laugh tell the kid that's drying then I look at it and go wtf is this! It was all just fan leaves with a few random pistols!! I have pics but no way to upload any so I made the kid call his grower and tell him to make it right and the guy said I was wrong wtf do I know so I brought my shit over and showed the kid what I know about growing he is pissed now! Lmao