You boys crack me up yeah it wasn't on mobile so I couldn't view it but still good song ok so you guys are going to laugh at this seems I have started a grow battle up here

my clients brother tells me to come check out this shit his buddy gave him that grows now I have smoked the guys stuff and its was harsh and tasted like shit so I've been ragging on this kid (clients brother) so he shows me it hanging and says the guy said to leave it here to cure so I laugh tell the kid that's drying then I look at it and go wtf is this! It was all just fan leaves with a few random pistols!! I have pics but no way to upload any so I made the kid call his grower and tell him to make it right and the guy said I was wrong wtf do I know so I brought my shit over and showed the kid what I know about growing he is pissed now! Lmao