First Grow - 600w Perpetual Stealth Cab


Hi all,

I've been lurking for the last few months as I put my cab together. Popped the beans in soil today. I'm sure I will need lots of help as I go along, so please follow and thanks in advance!

4x2 Wardrobe
600w dimable HPS for flower (big for the space I know)
100w T5s for Veg
6" cooltube
6" centrifugal fan
Big ass carbon filter

2x incredible bulk
2x white widdow x big bud

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If you see anything dumb and obvious so far, please let me know.



Day 4 and all seeds have spouted. The two Incredible Bulk have a slight head start but I can see the WWxBB just poking through.

My light proofing needs some work -- next weekend I guess.image.jpg


Ok, now things are starting to get going!

Are these guys ready to transplant into a bigger pot? They sprouted about 6 days ago.


Please do comment and follow along guys. Would love all the input I can get.


Well-Known Member
Those are ready to transplant, there is so little soil they're sitting in. Next time start seedlings in solo cups, it will be easier to turn the cups upside down individually for the actual transplant.

It looks like you will be working with limited height in your flower chamber up above, so get ready to do some serious lst as well.
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Cool, thanks Oddjob. I'll get those into their new homes tomorrow. Planning on topping (twice?) and doing plenty of lst.


Well-Known Member
You should take those little signs out as well and replace them with something waterproof, they might get all mushy and nasty and attract mold if you try to keep them in there the whole time because they draw in moisture and thatd be a real annoying way to give yourself problems especially after all the effort you put in, otherwise looks nice have you thought about maybe scrogging for flower? It'd give you a nice even canopy


Ok, the babies have been transplanted into their 2nd pots. I've got 1 more pot size that I'm planning to put them in just before flower.

Signs have been replaced with duct tape :) thanks rnint.

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Well-Known Member
Haha this reminds me of my veg tent, balacing pots on boxes and odd bits of styrofoam is an art, just make sure you are careful around them cos nothing is more frustrating than having to clear everything out and hoover in the cab to get all the soil that fell out of your pots out. This is coming from someone whos made that mistake twice already lol.


Haha yeah it's a bit on the precarious side. Have some yoyos for the cool tube but need the figure out something for the t5.

I was thinking of putting a screen on these guys but decided not to over complicate on the first grow. Just going to lst and top. If it's all successful I'll try to throw a screen in for the next round.


Well-Known Member
Haha yeah it's a bit on the precarious side. Have some yoyos for the cool tube but need the figure out something for the t5.

I was thinking of putting a screen on these guys but decided not to over complicate on the first grow. Just going to lst and top. If it's all successful I'll try to throw a screen in for the next round.
The screen isnt complicated man, stringing it up is a bit of a pain but once its together its not complicated at all to install into your space andd all you have to do is essentially tuck the branches back down under it whenever they get too tall. I think itd be a lot less complicated than you trying to tie all the branches down individually because that shit ends up a mes, the screen is sort just like the lazy mans way of tying things down it just makes training the plant much simpler. But to each his own obviously you know what your comfortable with, i'm just saying I personally find the screen means less hassle overall rather than more.


Ok, they seem to have liked the transplant and are growing!

One of them has a problem with the leaves, photo below. Not sure if it was getting burnt by the light, or didn't really like the transplant or something else. Anyone know?


And the leaf issue...

Thanks all :)


Well-Known Member
great start nosolution but as you have a height problem in the flower room I would top the plants in a weeks time and look into doing a scrog as you will pull a large yield and it would work really well with your set up


Thanks Jacksthc, planning on topping once we've got some more leaves.

Are we not worried about the leaf curl and discolouration on the 1 plant?

As for the screen, would I just set that up in the flowering area? I thought it was best to start the scrog during veg...


Well-Known Member
They're looking a little too light green, not so much so that its a serious issue but you might want to consider starting to feed nutes if you havent already, unless you built super soil and your just watering or something, on the weird leaves I don't really know what to say, its an issue but its not too bad and if you try to diagnose it and fix it I reckon you'll end up doing more harm than help so I'm not even going to try and help with figuring that out atm. Just keep an eye on it and if it continues to go funky then id look into sorting it but for now just take a chill pill and wait. It is better to scrog from veg but have you thought about how difficult it would be to move 4 plants that are tangled up in the screen into your flowering thing without damaging them? I also would ideally scrog in veg but im just not going to bother dealing with trying to move a screen and a plant simultaneously, its too risky for me I'd rather just let them veg on their own its worked fine so far so I'm not about to risk ripping the branches off my plants for a couple extra weeks time under the scrog.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Jacksthc, planning on topping once we've got some more leaves.

Are we not worried about the leaf curl and discolouration on the 1 plant?

As for the screen, would I just set that up in the flowering area? I thought it was best to start the scrog during veg...
wouldn't worry about the odd leaf as a root may have hit a high ec pocket in the soil, probably just a one off

you can start a scrog in veg or flower

the way I would do it in you setup

is to top the plants and pull the sides down so the canopy area is very wide and only few inches high

place them in flower and put a screen above them about 3-4" its more about give the buds support in late flower


Well-Known Member
wouldn't worry about the odd leaf as a root may have hit a high ec pocket in the soil, probably just a one off

you can start a scrog in veg or flower

the way I would do it in you setup

is to top the plants and pull the sides down so the canopy area is very wide and only few inches high

place them in flower and put a screen above them about 3-4" its more about give the buds support in late flower
Definitely a good way to go about it but make sure whatever you do that you can fit your hands under the screen or itll be a nightmare training them especially whichever two you put in the back.


Ok! So we're just past the 2 week mark since the seeds popped and I think we are going well. All 4 girls have 3 sets of leaves and are looking healthy. I think I'm going to add some nutrients to the next watering. Just planning to buy something organic and high N from the local Home Depot and make a tea... That seem like an ok idea?



I do have what looks like a little bit of green moss on the soil in one of the pots. Trying to let the soil really dry out before the next watering to hope it clears up. Do I need to be worried?


Also I read somewhere to top after the 4th set of leaves (ie pinch off the 5th set). That sound right to you guys given my setup?

Also, seriously considering setting up a screen for flower based on all your suggestions.

Thanks for all the advice and feedback!



Well-Known Member
Also I read somewhere to top after the 4th set of leaves (ie pinch off the 5th set). That sound right to you guys given my setup?

Also, seriously considering setting up a screen for flower based on all your suggestions.

Thanks for all the advice and feedback!


cut above the 2nd set of leaves to top the plant



Well-Known Member
I've heard to top after the 3rd/4th node, I'd imagine moss isn't good, perhaps you're not letting them dry out before watering? Id just scoop out the green and let it fully dry out, and just scrog during flower and lst n top for now


Alright! Been a big day for the ladies. They all got topped (left 3 nodes) and got their first nutes. I gave them about 1/3 strength fish emulsion.

They are really starting to bush out!

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It felt a little strange cutting the tops off. Hoping they handle it well :)