Sorry for the lack of updates people, I've had a lot less time recently.
Thought I would give you all a quick look before the weekend starts!
DAY 33
There's plenty of new growth on her now,
She's currently sitting at a comfortable 8-10" which is good,
as I wanted to try and keep things small scale.
I've added a screen for SCROG and it's starting to become useful,
every now and again I'll bend her back under and she'll push back through.
This is only working now that I have LST though.
I know it was a bit late to start as she was flowering,
but it seems to be working.
She's growing sideways now and has a good 3" of growth that way.
If I remove the shoelaces (which i used for string) then she stays that shape.
Good news!
Now for the most important part of the post.
I'm going to need some feedback from experienced growers.
I opened up my grow room today to find little balls absolutely everywhere.
I hadn't noticed anything like this yesterday so they are all brand new growth.
I won't be able to tear them off as they are all over,
near the bottom of the stem they are in thick clusters of 4-5.
Pretty gutting to be honest with you.
They might not be balls, as a few are more developed and have pistils,
but there are one or two that just don't look like they are going that way.
I presume I have a Hermie.
Oh well, I can give seeds out to everyone I suppose.
I hope everyone enjoys growing Hermies....
See what you think.
If you look carefully in every picture I have posted you will see these growths.
They are everywhere.
I'm hoping that I'm just wrong and that they are flowers coming through,
and she will explode with bud soon after...
But that seems like a much too positive thought.
I'll post a couple of Bud shots to make me feel a little better,
and show her in a different light, haha.
I have about 9-10 cola's growing it would seem.
I'll also have to look out for a cheap way to stop smell. It's strong!
Thanks for stopping by, and please leave me a comment.
The more feedback the better.
Sorry for the black bits, need to clean the camera,
then you can have the closest high res bud shots you've ever seen...