First grow - bag seed x8 - CFL - 4x4x4 cab or 3x3x3


i will no longer be journaling

one thing i have noticed is that many people think they cant delete the photos uploaded here. i found a way to delete my album... this happened but i guess it was bound to. stupid fuckers. all of the shit on here is so low key im sure it would be silly to worry about it, but it definitely hit all of us at home when we lost all our hard work...

i concur my friend :)
Nothing posted here, Pictures or otherwise is going to get anyone arrested or in trouble. Nothing posted here is PROOF of shit.
About the only thing you have to be worried about are other stoners/growers looking to take/steal your grow.

IMO the main problem with this site is that theyre just stupid. Theyre wasting all of our time and energy bu not backing up. People are just upset over that, and they should be.

But to post illegal shit and then be paranoid about it makes no sense to me.

Anyway, Was fun bullshitting with you guys while it lasted. I'm sticking around or moving to another message board. havent decided. But I sure as shit aint paranoid about stuff that cannot be used against me.
lol word to that

yeah i dont think ill really go anywhere. but i certainly wont be as active as i used to be. its really too bad i feel like we had an awesome lil community building and this totally ruined it. not saying it cant bounce back. but it wont be the same...

who am i kidding, we'll all be back to doing the same shit in like a month lol

i agree gamer i dont think anyone in their right mind would think that any of this shit posted on here could be used against you...although im sure that if you had a few hundred plants that might be a different story...either way most all of us are SO small time it would be hilarious to think that any of it is viable evidence

im still not guna upload any more pics to RIU. and i am going to maintain my anonymity.
HAHAHAHAHA RetiredMatthebrute

didnt even look at the name, didnt know it was you...

oh well at least we can all lurk...anyone seen aCiDjezus or whatever the fuck his name was? only one i havent seen since
Rad! Glad to see your still around. I just think everyone has blown shit out of proportion and are complaining about the wrong things.
This whole situation is/was a matter of losing pictures, time and energy etc... And its a bummer. But that is it.
It sure isn't a matter of security. And if anyone does think that it is well then, They shouldnt be on a website about growing marijuana while discussing marijuana. I mnea, This i a WEBSITE.

Does anyone honestly think, Infomation (Which none of you should be providing to the website anyway), gotten through a hack, (ie: illegally) could be used against anyone? LOL.

I have a simple theory... Anyone who sticks around to lurk, WILL, sooner or later, post some photos or start a grow journal. So, I'll just wait for ya all to come back. =D
ok this is absurd

where is everyone? i think i am in the process currently of deciding whether or not to start up again. lol.

i think i would leave out pics...well...maybe.

anyone want to see anything? any questions? i realized this place took up WAYYY more of my time than i thought. kinda sucks lol im LONELY now.
I wanna see your plants... How to harvest... hmmm. Kind of a personal question :) I vary my technique depending on how long I want to spread out the trimming process.

I cut manageable sized branches, strip off all the larger fan leaves that are connected to the branch by a stem; These are the fan leaves with no trichs and I just throw them away. Now depending on how much time I have I either do a rough trim and then dry and touch them up post dry or if I have the time I trim them all down to the bud and hang em. I tend to try and cut off the portions of the leaves that have no trichs and throw them away while only saving sugar trim - if there is a leaf half covered or only the base is covered in trichs I just save the base/the half that's frosted.

Once trimmed hang the bud in a dark cool room with an appropriate humidity - ~60degrees ~45% humidity. Let them hang for 4-7 days until pretty crispy. I find you end up with much more flavorful bud by drying them more the first time than leaving them more moist. They should seem pretty crispy on the outside but once jarred the inner moisture will balance through the buds and the outer crispiness will go away. Burp for an hour one a week.

Again everyone has their own process and they all vary to a degree so you really need to experiment around. Some have much better using racks than hanging, some like to wrap in news paper (I personally very much dislike this), some hang for a couple days and then buck off the branch to put on racks...
gas, i know i have said this before, but you FUCKING rock.

thats definitely what i wanted/needed to hear. so i will keep all the sugar trim, and then i will have a hundred questions about making iso oil, but that will be later.

i can see myself now at least figuring out the chopping down and trimming process. as these are my beloved ladies, my mistresses of 4 months of work, i will take the time to trim them right. lol. i dont think i need to trim off a branch at a time, although i may to help it out. my ladies are only about 2 or 3 feet tall...
lol whoops forgot to ask my question!

so they dry out for about a week...then they get jarred? how long must they be jarred before i can smoke them? i know curing takes time, and i will wait if it will make it better. so hung to dry in cool dark 45 percent moisture for 4 to 7 days, then clipped into smaller buds so they can be jarred? burp the jar once a week for about an long in the jar before its ready?
Ready depends on the smoker. You can smoke the bud the second it is dry and it will get you stoned...

Different buds cure differently but from my experience your scent decreases the first few days and then starts to build after a week or two. The taste takes longer than the scent to develop and is generally intact from two to three weeks post jarring. The high typically starts as a creeper and is short lasting and develops into a faster hitting longer lasting high after two weeks or so. Harshness continues to go down the longer it cures.

These are just generalities as all buds are different and it really really depends on all the variables - air movement, temps, humidity, how wet the bud was, strain... Not this last Chocolope but the harvest before kept getting better and better for about 6 months at which point it leveled off. Other buds I've harvested are at their peak within a few weeks and start to get worse by the 6 month mark...
too bad theres no like button still

i love coming to RIU and seeing new posts on my thread. its like coming home lol.

so yeah thats awesome to know about the curing and whatnot. excellent information as always boys! I'm off to wally world to grab another thermometer and a magnifying tool...would like to determine whether or not its time to chop lady number one! number two needs some more time but lady number getting ready. i watered her with just water for the first time since seedling, yesterday...hoping this helps flush her out. i plan to find out today whether or not she is ready and perhaps even giving her the chop. might just do the top of the plant and let the bottoms plump up a lil but i think they're pretty uniform...
no chop yet. the quest for magnification continues...

looking at spending 36 bucks shipped for a 400x 8 LED usb magnifier. probably worth it. quality control and whatnot.

i cannot wait to chop and trim. i am doing my best to not be impatient...but i just want to chop so bad!
400x is way overboard and will actually make it harder to tell ripeness. I tried using my microscope once and it was a joke. Imo 30-50x is the ideal magnification for looking at trichs.
its a 20 to 400...its just a lil higher quality than the cheapest usb magnifier...figure itd be cool/easier to see stuff on a nice big hd monitor. plus then can get some sick pics of them too...
lol well i figure its all to help me improve, so why not? plus having some 1600x1200 pics of trichs that i grew wont be bad either...

all an will pay off, wife, i swear!