First Grow - CFL + Bagseed + Cabinet (previously rubbermaid)


Active Member
Thank you. And yes, that's why i picked them over the rest of dinafem seeds (not including autoflowers which obviously would be faster but I like to be able to fim/top them)

and a couple more... lol



Well-Known Member
Well gb bagseed not withstanding you really have NO idea what your gonna end up with. I don't know what sort of bag you dug your beans out of but many years ago I grew "bagseed" outdoors that was simply kickass! I'm betting your grow will be kickass as well. What the heck is bagseed anyway? I've even seen seed from good old commercial brown weed grown with love and attention that ended up as beautiful green weed. If the genetics are there...Always made me wonder why anyone would grow brown weed when they could spend a little time weeding out males and curing properly and make so much more mulah$. That being said I am growing feminized Master Kush and not bagseed. The pictures were so damm pretty.....
I'm looking for some square pots so I can mimic what you've done. Still have to work out the wire/screen set-up for each pot but I'm gonna try. Way to grow.


Active Member
Thanks man. You can always look into some tupperware/rubbermaid tubs just make sure you drill lots of holes for drainage. If they are clear cover them in duct tape or foil tape to keep light from hitting the roots.


Active Member
Well, been bored so i took some pics. Tried to get some close ups and side shots to show how fat/frosty the buds are getting. I'm starting to feel pretty confident about getting an oz+ off of this plant... what do you guys think? Everything looking good for 22 days into flowering? It's been almost too easy... not much to do but sit and wait now...




Active Member
yayyy mellowkitty stopped by lol. Anyways, random question that I'm sure no one can completely answer but has anyone ever grown strains that look remotely similar to this? I know it's almost impossible to tell what strain it is without knowing the genetics but any guesses? My only guess is it has some diesel just because that's what was going around the time i got the seeds...


Moderatrix of Journals
hard to tell at this stage..... it should become more apparent as you get closer to harvest (last 10 days or so)


Active Member
Thank you, what do you look at exactly? just overall bud formation? I was just going by the shape/size of leafs and leaf/bud ratio based on comparison pics


New Member
1. Is this a single plant under amazing lst?
2. Wow, your canopy level is PERFECT.
3. Looking good man, here come the red hairs!, subed.


Active Member
Yes, it is just one plant. There used to be 3 in the cab... I'm glad 2 ended up being male because I would have been fucked for space. There are a few tops that are slightly taller than the others, but when it comes to maximizing light usage, i would say it's about perfect... The orange hairs are starting to appear just hard to show with the camera. Couldn't tell if they were burnt hairs or just orange ones but Im starting to think thats just how they are because theyre appearing on the lower buds not near the bulbs. Thanks for stopping by ;)


Moderatrix of Journals
yup, leaf size/shape is a big factor in strain ID.

i mostly look at calyx size/shape (whether they're fat or pointy) and bud size/shape/proportion (some have pointy tops, others are kinda fisty looking).


Active Member
lookin damn good
Thanks man, I'm surprised how dank they already look/smell.

Nice grow man. Those buds look like they smell dank!
I've taken controll of the smell pretty well but if i leave my cab door open for a few minutes it does start to smell pretty skunky in my room. Up close they smell real fruity though, I can't wait to smoke this shit!

yup, leaf size/shape is a big factor in strain ID.

i mostly look at calyx size/shape (whether they're fat or pointy) and bud size/shape/proportion (some have pointy tops, others are kinda fisty looking).
so pretty much everything about the buds... lol good to know.


Well-Known Member
wow they have really developed since last i saw... congrats you may have lost two but the strongest clearly survived and i'd say your scrog tech worked wonders in that small space she is a beauty! i'm excited to see if my girl can look nearly as nice at day 55


Well-Known Member
Well, been bored so i took some pics. Tried to get some close ups and side shots to show how fat/frosty the buds are getting. I'm starting to feel pretty confident about getting an oz+ off of this plant... what do you guys think? Everything looking good for 22 days into flowering? It's been almost too easy... not much to do but sit and wait now...


I reckon you've got a very decent chance of over an Oz! she's looking well good, makes me hope to get 2-3 Oz off my girl (: touch wood.

I read earlier you were looking for a decent quick flowering strain. Try AK-48, Apparently its not at all related to AK-47 they just called it -48 'cause in 'optimum' conditions it flowers in 48 days... and well 6 weeks later nearly 7, the 48 days mark is well off but she's nearly done... But still 7 weeks is really quick, compared to everything else I've grown!

and I hear ya about the HPS's though if your doing proper stealth they're just not economical, 1st grow I got busted (luckily it wasn't the rozzers) because of the noise from the fans I had to have running to keep the cab cool, and electricity costs are ridiculous even with a 250w HPS compared to 250w of CFL.

how long do you reckon you've got left now?


Active Member
The fans are the main thing keeping me from getting an hps. I might look into a decent led instead as i can still ventilate that with some pc fans. Even my 240 cfm axial fan sketches me out about how loud it is... i cant imagine a blower+carbon filter...

This is my first grow but I wanna say harvest time will be a week or two into January. I've heard good things about ak 48, didn't know it was a quick flowerer though, thanks for the info


Well-Known Member
Well, been bored so i took some pics. Tried to get some close ups and side shots to show how fat/frosty the buds are getting. I'm starting to feel pretty confident about getting an oz+ off of this plant... what do you guys think? Everything looking good for 22 days into flowering? It's been almost too easy... not much to do but sit and wait now...

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i'm gonna stick $20 on that hitting 2oz dry! (thats us dollars not the superior canadian type.)


Well-Known Member
There are a lot of good LED lights out there now, you just have to do a lil research to find one that fits your needs but if you want quiet and lack of heat led is the way to go. low energy use and cost are just a bonus