First Grow! : CFL/HPS 8 Plants


Well-Known Member
whos journal is this again? haha man i can tell if these are pistols on my NL cant find me a damn magnifying glass or anything :wall:


Well-Known Member
i know i been lookin cant find shit haha ill get one later. pretty sure they pistols tho there are 4 of those little things that look kinda like pistols on each node but the 5th one up has 2 more coming out inbetween could be leaves but dont look like it...


Well-Known Member
lmao..sorry DK..your right,but i was gonna switch out lights..put CFL in small homebox for VEGG and put 600 hps. in the one you see planters in and take maybe clone like 8-9 at a time cuz its only 600 you think thats enough light for 8 planters?..or can i use all 12 holes with just 600??


Well-Known Member
wow! i can actually fill in ALLL 12 holes?...the growers life is pretty amazing
ahhhhhh more bud!
another thing TOOTHPICK BOO has a very,very light shade of black on her this ok?..she doesnt look like she's coming down with anything..just wondering


Well-Known Member
haha well yeah i got enough room to flower 12 plants in a 3x5 ft space and 400w is recommended for 4x4 so basically the same. i have 13 vegging right now so ill probably only get like 8 or 9 females to flower...


Well-Known Member
-ok,what about the really light shade of black on toothpick boo?

-im getting pissed off,because i cant figure out how to setup so that all 12 bubblers can get light from CFL


Well-Known Member
Hey whats up DK

Forgive me for not reading all 101+ pages. Damn this thing blew up sine the last time i was here. My finger wood be numb by

Keep up the good growing brotha.......................


Well-Known Member
ok,im a believer in the green plants are looking heres my prob. i wanna get all 12 pods filled up but what can i do to make this work for all 12? (lights/fans etc.)..i was thinking of maybe just getting another dual spec light (cfl) and hang right over 2nd bubbler..if u guys think that will be ok..please let me knoe..i love you guys..YOUR ABOUT TO CHANGE MY LIFE!!..thanx for any help in advance

P.S. DK,my biggest plant has like a yellow dot on 1 of its leaves..didnt think much of it as you said seedlings are weird sometime,but now today i see its getting more little yellow specs on same leaf..ANY THOUGHTS?



Well-Known Member
nah just leave them be man you stressin too much haha. if you want to get more lights in there for all 12 just try and shoot for 3000 lumens per sq foot and you should be fine...


Well-Known Member
3k pr sq ft. i new topic...water in resevoir has a nasty white coating floating on top of water im going to change it ok to start giving nutes yet plants are exactly 2 weeks going to get rid of that nasty water for naow (no nutes),but will it be ok to add nutes later?



Well-Known Member
yeah you should be fine. but like i said idk about all that hydro shit haha. i wait about 3 or 4 weeks before nutes but i dont think it hurts to start them earlier...


Well-Known Member
Update for today: NL - Day 45, Cali Indica - Day 36, Skywalker - Day 32, Purple Wreck and Haze - Day 22. I gave the NL and Cali the first shot of open seasame on sunday and will start flowering as soon as my new inline gets here hopefully in a day or two. I started the others on grow big and big bloom also. i hope i dont run out of room in my homebox tho these wrecks are growin like crazy haha some twice as big as others and they all started at the same time. anyways on with the pics... i tried to take some of the pistols on the NL if you can see them! :bigjoint: :weed: :hump:

