First Grow! : CFL/HPS 8 Plants


Well-Known Member
really i thought you use molasses just the last few weeks of flowering?? and i got 15 of those pucks so i figure i can use half of one every other day and be good for 60 days so yeah ill probbaly wait a week


Well-Known Member
people use molasses at the very atart of flower some do wait until the last couple of weeks.

I used to wait until i saw major hairs


Well-Known Member
alright i think ill wait a few weeks. i got enough of it anyways the first bottle i ordered leaked all over the place so dude sent me another one for free haha even though the first bottle was still basically full...


Well-Known Member
yo im sorry..i really didnt want to ask this dumb repeated question,but i really dislike the search feature on here...maybe im using it wrong...but how long do you vegg? 2months or longer


Well-Known Member
i think the search on here is busted man if you wanna search something just go to google and add "rollitup" to the end of whatever thats what i do it works. you can veg however long you want some people just go a couple weeks others 2 months or more. i think its better to wait until the plant is mature and showing preflowers before starting to flower but you dont have to. im starting flower on mine this weeked theyre 7 and 6 weeks right now...


Well-Known Member
whats preflowering?...YO!!..i almost forgot...the seed i was telling you about that looked upside down??..well it was literally!!
i easily tried to remove it and turn it right side up..and plant it and it died...(horns playing),what do u make of that??


Well-Known Member
when you can just barely start to see whether the plant is going to be male or female. you will either see two little pistols start to come out or ball sacs starting to form


Well-Known Member
i need someone to help me create a s.o.g. setup or any method that will give me bud on a 2 or 3 week time span on realatively small i wanna get all 12 pods is funny now but i was hoping someone can help me wit blueprint of it all...and hopefully i dont have to buy anything else

starting 1st i have the home box xl wit the 3 plants u guys seen,that i plan on switching lights (600 watt hps) once i start to see PREFLOWERING :weed:.Now heres where i kinna get stuck so ill tell what the initial plan was
i have (3) but was only going to use (2) DWC buckets for (2) moms and put them in the home box xl,but now i dont want to keep moms because i hear (could be wrong) that i dont need to house moms to do S.O.G method.So now i wanna utilize my mistic cloner instead (everything i got is from the newb shop "stealth hydro") in the homebox s i have in my basement and use the Dual spec cfl's im running now for i was thinking of maybe taking ONLY (2) cuttings from the plants thats growing now when there in preflower (is that too late to take cuttings or when is good?) every 2 weeks till last bubbler is question is the way my setup is "POSITIONED" will the 600 hps cover both bubblers?...and is this a setup that will work for SOG?..if not what can i do to get it right?

P.S. Im going to mylar the white plastic..i dont care of it hasnt been proven that mylar is better than that plastic,to me all that silver i be seeing in you guys setup just makes me feel like it would work so much better,so mylar it is...

Once again i love you dudes (no homo),imma bit high right now..but its true :clap:



Well-Known Member
you are worries your 600 will do can take cuttings from your plant when it has branches long enuff to produce cuttings..
im sorry im slow elaborate a little if u there an age time to when is a good time or literally when i fel branches are long enough?


Well-Known Member
whered everyone go?? sure got quiet around here... well anyways an update for today: NL - Day 48, Cali Indica - Day 38, Skywalker - Day 34, Purple Wreck and Haze - Day 24. decided to start flowering the NL and Cali on sunday. both been given two feedings of open seasame and one more tomorrow. the others ive been giving half dosage of grow big and big bloom for now. the wrecks are growin like nuts as you can see its hard to tell which leaves go to which plants haha hopefully theres enough room in there for a few more weeks. also went to the grow shop yesterday well a few times actually haha long story i finally found the right glass covering for my hps and got that all set up. took some pics of that as well as everthing else now that my setup is FINALLY done shit how many times have i said that?? anyways on with the show... :weed:
DAMN DK!!!! you have a seriously green thumb. Amazing!

I sure would feel better if you got a power strip to replace the ground adapter, 3 outlet splitter, and little extension cord!


Well-Known Member
haha thanks hayduke. i know i know about all the wires but in order to get a power strip back there i would still have to run an extension cord to it since there are no outlets in the closet (duh) i have more wires hiding behind the ballast too dont worry haha and i have some things that are two pronge some that are three and my hps and inline are on switches so i dont really want to go back and rewire it all!!


Well-Known Member
when you sex the plant you are making it show pre flowers by puttin it on a 12-12 light cycle.preflowers are the signs of sex..
I hear about plants showing sex while in veg as they have been vegged to maturity. Due to space and time, I would like to see sex earlier.

So can I throw them under 12/12 until I see sex and then back to veg, with out a major slowdown? Is this how people avoid cloning males? How early can it be done?

Thanks in advance and sorry to DK about the hijack!:peace:


Well-Known Member
yeah i think its better to wait until the plants are mature before flowering them. does switching them to 12/12 even make them show right away?? i know raiderman vegs for a few weeks then 12/12 for a week or two then back to veg. he says it works fine sounds strange to me haha hijack all you want like i really care bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
haha thanks hayduke. i know i know about all the wires but in order to get a power strip back there i would still have to run an extension cord to it since there are no outlets in the closet (duh) i have more wires hiding behind the ballast too dont worry haha and i have some things that are two pronge some that are three and my hps and inline are on switches so i dont really want to go back and rewire it all!!
Understand. I also need an extension cord, as long as it is the same gauge wire or larger it is good. Make sure none of the extension cords are getting hot from the current. Grounded extension cord to grounded power strip, then all of the non-grounded little stuff. I feel better. :peace:


Well-Known Member
yeah i think its better to wait until the plants are mature before flowering them. does switching them to 12/12 even make them show right away?? i know raiderman vegs for a few weeks then 12/12 for a week or two then back to veg. he says it works fine sounds strange to me haha hijack all you want like i really care bongsmilie
A cutting will definitely flower right away, GK in his book grew a seed for 16 days before switching photo period, then 16 days to show sex.:peace:

raiderman's shit looks good might try that rather than take up space and love with males. I will find a place for the males to get some pollen!