First Grow! : CFL/HPS 8 Plants


Well-Known Member
yeah im pretty sure you can take clones from bud sites i dont see why not... and im sure you can find a digital timer somewhere that will go every 3 mins...


Well-Known Member
im not sure if you can with any ordinary timer. most of those have a certain number of on/off settings per day and in your case you would need over 400 lol you might have to look for a fancier one if you want to do that...


Well-Known Member
so i did some thinking and rearranged some shit yesterday including the new power strip i got i also changed up the the fans, air cooling and carbon filter. i now have the exhaust from the homebox running to the HPS and then venting the air from that outside the closet. i connected my new inline straight to the carbon filter since i dont think it was powerful enough the way i had it setup before. oh and i took the doorknob off my closet door and velcroed the ducting from the homebox to the hole in the door for ventilation at night. fuck if i know why i never thought of that before. anyways here are some pics...



Well-Known Member
and now on with the plants... NL - Day 51, Cali Indica - Day 41, Skywalker - Day 38, Purple Wreck and Haze - Day 28. Flowering starts today for the NL and Cali, first 12 hours of darkness last night and temps were great with my new ventilation high/low was 73/68. but explain to me why one is a fuckin monster compared to the others haha the one thats already showin pistols is 20" and the rest are like 14". been giving them half amounts of open seasame and grow big every other day and will cut out the grow big and start with tiger bloom this week. the others are still on grow big and big bloom for the next few weeks. well see how much longer i can keep them in there without things getting too out of control haha some of the leaves are already growing up the walls. oh well here are pics enjoy :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Very nice! nice idea on the door knob!

I have kept checking the usps for an update on my Nirvana AK-48 and free G-13 labs power skunk seeds as I placed my order 10 days ago and they shipped it 7 days ago. As of this afternoon the usps still says "origin is preparing post". Well guess what was in my mailbox today?:weed:

So far, I would say that the Attitude Seed Bank rocks!

Both times 10 days, regular ship, no stealth.


Well-Known Member
yeah ive yet to hear a single complaint about attitude really seems like the way to go! not that i need any more... :weed: how is AK-48 different from AK-47??


Well-Known Member
hmmm,so attitude is the shizit??!..let me see what strains can a noob get into
anybody ever had anyone of the strains i have...ppp,jock horror,nl x shiva? are they..i had jack b4 but never jock..says its not the same by far..supposedly better


Well-Known Member
Very nice! nice idea on the door knob!

I have kept checking the usps for an update on my Nirvana AK-48 and free G-13 labs power skunk seeds as I placed my order 10 days ago and they shipped it 7 days ago. As of this afternoon the usps still says "origin is preparing post". Well guess what was in my mailbox today?:weed:

So far, I would say that the Attitude Seed Bank rocks!

Both times 10 days, regular ship, no stealth.
Well...I was clicking around looking for people growing the G-13 labs Power Skunk and I stumbled across this thread, then your post. I then felt very prompted to go to the mailbox...

they're here!
no stealth just plain old cheap shipping.
Thank you Attitude Seed Bank, more orders planned.
And thanks to you for inspiring me to walk up my super long driveway, lol

These seeds look a little small though :/


Well-Known Member
i havent had any of those paper you say you already got them seeds?? and by jack do you mean jack herer?? cause im pretty sure thats a better strain than jock horror...


Well-Known Member
yea,those the seeds i got from nirvana..if u look on nirvana they go on to say how its a better all around high and its 1 of there fav. (jock horror) could be all in sales and ads. what do i know,but ever had PPP?..seen some nice bud shots of that strain..looks so tasty..and i wonder whats this shiva is about


Well-Known Member
all i read was that it finishes faster haha jack herer is expensive as shit and won all kinds of awards i doubt its better... never had PPP or shiva pics dont mean shit tho i highly doubt my skywalker is going to end up looking like this haha...



Well-Known Member
We went to the High Times shop in Montreal and got some feminized White Rhino seeds by Green House Seed Co. It was actually perfect because that was the strain we wanted ahead of time, and it they ended having nothing left in stock BUT two five packs of feminized white rhino. We ended up grabbing one.
I thought you guys might like them. Can't wait until they flower.


Well-Known Member
those look good man. nice and healthy gluck with em. and yeah paper idk i guess it could end up looking like that? it all depends on the pheno though and im pretty sure you have to take real good care of em too if you want it to end up looking that nice... temps probabaly have to be pretty low during flowering also shit who knows how they get it like that haha


Junior Creatologist
dude, the Skywalker is the star for me man. i cant wait to see you grow that shit out. i wanna pick up some more of that strain for sure if it grows nice - already got a 5piece, but im gonna pick up another 10 if she turns out to be some big fuckin retarded mongo plant with gigantic nuggets just fallin all over the place, lol. I like to stockpile seeds while i got the money, what can i say??

But yeah skater, your the shit man, consider me SubScribed now, sorry it took so long to get here, been havin alotta bullshit problems with my 1st grow, and that piled on to setting up my 2nd grow just took up a shitload of time, n basically all i did was ask questions for 2 weeks prior to and while i was setting up. fuckin tiresome shit getting 20 different answers to one question, lol.

Reguardless, shits set up, n ima grab me a seat, and tune in. +rep for ya brotherman. Keep up the dank work :D


Well-Known Member
so i took out all the plants in the homebox to get my lights all organized since one of them decided to stop working yesterday. had to go out and get a new floodlight to replace that one and take the other one out that i had rigged up blah blah blah. anyways i was amazed at how much bigger all the plants looked when i spread them out haha took some pics and thought i would share...

oh thanks for the rep K1 i was wondering if you just didnt give two shits about my grow or just never saw it haha. but yeah those skywalker i cant wait theyre fem seeds so dont have to worry about that. the 4th pic is the two of them...



Well-Known Member
pics dont mean shit tho
yeah, my AK-48 from nirvana, the pic that comes up with attitude is the same that is on their package which is not specific to each strain. The package has all of their strains and then a box next to the name is checked indicating what is in the package.

Sorry about your light, everything looks usual!
