First Grow Ever! 9 White Widow 1000W HPS 4x4 Tent Hempy Buckets


Well-Known Member
7 days left! This is the slowest week of my life! I can't wait to get em drying and have a final weight!


Well-Known Member
Is it weird that I'm really excited to see the root mass of the plants?! And that I'm actually excited to trim?!


Well-Known Member
And here's some but shots. These are some of my frostiest buds, but go figure they're also my smallest plants. Oh well.
100_2769.JPG 100_2770.JPG 100_2771.JPG

And here's a shot showing some of the amber pistils.


Well-Known Member
it is IR heat from the lights .........u need more air movement over the leaves

HPS light give off about 70% ir heat


Well-Known Member
it is IR heat from the lights .........u need more air movement over the leaves

HPS light give off about 70% ir heat
Alright, good to know. It's too late to fix in this grow (72 hours till chop), but it's something to remember for next time.


Well-Known Member
no chopping

u want to remove the hps and hit it with a finisher for about 7 days then do a 2 day cycle of dark right after the final flushing then cut it

promise yah u will love me for it the none gay way buy me a beer and steak some time as a ty


Well-Known Member
u can remove the damaged leaves so the buds and suger leaves gets more exposure to the 10k light

this will make u gooey tight plants even more then u is a shop trick


Well-Known Member
no chopping

u want to remove the hps and hit it with a finisher for about 7 days then do a 2 day cycle of dark right after the final flushing then cut it

promise yah u will love me for it the none gay way buy me a beer and steak some time as a ty
Problem is I already did my final flush and if I go another week they're gonna be past ripe and go bad. The hairs are already amber.


Well-Known Member
the hairs are not indicators at all
it is the resin glands .........clear they are not done .........milky they are at peak done .........amber they are over done and will be more sofa locking weed
what i was talking about doing would force the plant to grow more resin glands that is what removing the leaves and exposing it to UV light will do .......then that 48 hours of dark after 7 days of that ........i am telling u it increase the weight and gooeiness


Well-Known Member
the hairs are not indicators at all
it is the resin glands .........clear they are not done .........milky they are at peak done .........amber they are over done and will be more sofa locking weed
what i was talking about doing would force the plant to grow more resin glands that is what removing the leaves and exposing it to UV light will do .......then that 48 hours of dark after 7 days of that ........i am telling u it increase the weight and gooeiness
my hood is air cooled and I heard the glass blocks a lot of the UV. Maybe I could add in some reptile bulbs

Edit: wow never mind, I just realized that buying reptile bulbs and sockets would cost more than buying that MH bulb.
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Well-Known Member
the light bulb glass ......or special designed and marketed hoods with interchangeable glass covers
generic hoods u got no protect or special anything done it was the cheapest made as could to increase profit margin on the whole sale of them
the light i linked u was designed to allow the UV tho the bulb glass ......that spec reading is what u would get

if u do not have any ....go for a t5 4foot
most lumens and area of coverage with special designed bulbs just for this

scroll down and u will see the info .........u want the UVA plus bulbs they are 10k plus UV light to force resins .......they only come in the 4 foot choice tho


Well-Known Member
the light bulb glass ......or special designed and marketed hoods with interchangeable glass covers
generic hoods u got no protect or special anything done it was the cheapest made as could to increase profit margin on the whole sale of them
the light i linked u was designed to allow the UV tho the bulb glass ......that spec reading is what u would get

if u do not have any ....go for a t5 4foot
most lumens and area of coverage with special designed bulbs just for this

scroll down and u will see the info .........u want the UVA plus bulbs they are 10k plus UV light to force resins .......they only come in the 4 foot choice tho
Alright. They haven't had nutes since December 30th (flush day), and I just ran FloraKleen. You think it'll be okay like that?

And my hood is a Sun Systems Magnum XXXL so is it good or bad for UV?


Well-Known Member
Alright. They haven't had nutes since December 30th (flush day), and I just ran FloraKleen. You think it'll be okay like that?

And my hood is a Sun Systems Magnum XXXL so is it good or bad for UV?
your good i can not see anything about protection from uv or anything on 2 sites if it was one it would have the info list as a selling factor

feed it something when u are doing the uv the flush only needs to be done then u let the bags dry out in the 2 days of dark ....during that 7 days of drying .....i do get pops and crackling sounds if i take it down before 7 days if i let it go 10 it does not make a sound (the popping and crackling with a bad taste is sign of a bad flush / dry .........the cure is when the smell and taste really pop .......the stuff u smoke for the frist month will be nothing compared to the ones u smoke afterwards and had time to do a proper cure

when the UV is on u do not go in the room unless u are wearing glasses with spf 400/600 for eyes peaking no quick pics nothing the more u expose your eyes to that light the quicker u will go blind/have trouble with eyes ......we already get a high lvl with natural light so the extra from these light can do a number on eyes so NO ......NO NO NO wait until dark time then look right at the start or right before it ends


Well-Known Member
your good i can not see anything about protection from uv or anything on 2 sites if it was one it would have the info list as a selling factor

feed it something when u are doing the uv the flush only needs to be done then u let the bags dry out in the 2 days of dark ....during that 7 days of drying .....i do get pops and crackling sounds if i take it down before 7 days if i let it go 10 it does not make a sound (the popping and crackling with a bad taste is sign of a bad flush / dry .........the cure is when the smell and taste really pop .......the stuff u smoke for the frist month will be nothing compared to the ones u smoke afterwards and had time to do a proper cure

when the UV is on u do not go in the room unless u are wearing glasses with spf 400/600 for eyes peaking no quick pics nothing the more u expose your eyes to that light the quicker u will go blind/have trouble with eyes ......we already get a high lvl with natural light so the extra from these light can do a number on eyes so NO ......NO NO NO wait until dark time then look right at the start or right before it ends
Wait so I feed for the UV cycle, then only flush for 2 days (dark period) before cutting them down?