First grow, first journal


Active Member
Total newbie here. 43 y/o and after lots of Dr. and therapist appointments to deal with PTSD, insomnia, ED and migraines, I made my way to smoking weed. I still get migraines and use a prescription med for that. Otherwise, smoking indicas has been a boon. Edibles left me high way too long, vape pens fucked with my lungs here and there. So my doc finally just said "You ever just smoke a joint?" That was about 3 months ago.

So now, living in southern CA, I figured I should try growing. I picked up 2 Darkheart clones, Venom OG and Skywalker OG. I welcome any and all criticism, tips, corrections on what Im doing.

I picked up the plants 3 days ago. I left them in indirect sunlight for an hour when I first got them home and then put them back inside. I transplanted them the next morning and kept them inside until late afternoon. It was really hot and didnt want to fry them so in the afternoon I put them outside in shaded area for a few hours. They are now outside, its overcast and and when the sun peeks out Ill move them to a shaded area again as its been over 85f in direct sun.

Soil is just a mix of organic top soil, somes Bu's Blend composted manure, a bit of kelp and charcoal.
Im planning on keeping them outside from about 7am to 7pm starting next week, then in a bathroom with a light til midnight. after a few daysof that, Ill be keeping them outside fulltime hopefully and watching for early flowering. Im sure theres a lot more I can do, but Im hoping to be as hands off as possible. I tend to overanalyze and do too much with a new projects.

I dont think I need to top these but I will if people chime in. Id prefer shorter, bushier plants, but I dont think thats up to me.

Heres the Venom


The Skywalker


They look good. No shock. Don't worry about the sun, they can handle. They have likely already been under high intensity lights before you got them.
Black pots can get hot! A burlap sack around the pots will help alot. Mulch the top more than that too.
And in a month or so dolimite lime 2x a month will really help. Calcium, magnesium and pH up buffer for all the acid ferts (even organic ferts).
And in a month or so dolimite lime 2x a month will really help. Calcium, magnesium and pH up buffer for all the acid ferts (even organic ferts).

Thanks a ton! I’ll pick up some burlap and the dolomite lime soon.My neighbor just came by and gave me some tips. I was saying I’d be happy with 2-4 oz and she was saying i should have that much.
Good luck and happy growing friend! I am also growing Skywalker OG but indoor! I'm 5 weeks into flower. I bet your outdoor is going to be awesome!!!! Venom og is interesting I'm gunna have to check that out also.
I’ve been keeping the plants outside for about a week now. Mid to high 70s with mid 50s nights. Temps are rising rapidly. The venom got droopy for a day, some water perked it up. The breeze tends to dry them out a bit fast.
Hoping to move into fabric containers in a few weeks.
Venom OG and Skywalker OG. The seashell is in with the jedi.


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Skywalker put on 5” amd the venom put in 4”. Really surprised how fast they grow! Putting together some castings, nitrogen and microbes to enrich the soil.


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Topped them last week. Some rust coloration started showing on the lower fan leaves so i added some dolomite lime as well as some nitrogen and some living soil. Both plants looking good imo.


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Im really happy with this first grow so far. I put some beetle frass, springtails, molasses, nitrogen, lime and bone meal in a 5g bucket and let that all mix for a week. Added a handful of that to each plant a week a


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Awesome! I almost picked up some dark heart clones but I got impatient and germed some seeds before my hydro setup was ready. Hoping these turn out well for you!
Noticed these little white tendrils this morning. Being a total newb, I don’t know if this ok.
Venom OG clone, a month outside, is it already flowering? And if so, is that ok?


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Super stoked to see trichomes showing up on both plants today! Little leaves are on the skywalker og, the bigger leaf is the all gas/venom og


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They look good. No shock. Don't worry about the sun, they can handle. They have likely already been under high intensity lights before you got them.
Black pots can get hot! A burlap sack around the pots will help alot. Mulch the top more than that too.
And in a month or so dolimite lime 2x a month will really help. Calcium, magnesium and pH up buffer for all the acid ferts (even organic ferts).
Stuff the burlap with straw if it gets really hot! Worked for me recently with 110 plus temps in my 15 polys. Good luck with the grow!
Plants coming along nice. Considering moving them into the ground in a few weeks as opposed to putting into a bigger pot.


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Pruned some lower leaves off the venom og. The lowest fan leaf was very yellow and droopy. Added nitrogen and some food via top dressing today. Found this little beauty guarding the loot.


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I may have screwed up. I packed the chillum with some wild sativa hash and decided to put my plants in the ground…..
So here is what the roots looked like before i put them in the ground. Too soon? It’s done now so I guess i can only hope.


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Tons of little green baby grasshoppers showed up. Started spraying with neem oil and a pump of Dr. Earth pure gold.
The venom og is in early flower i think. Lots of trichs on the sugar leaves and the buds or growing. The skywalker got a lot darker green.


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I may have screwed up. I packed the chillum with some wild sativa hash and decided to put my plants in the ground…..
So here is what the roots looked like before i put them in the ground. Too soon? It’s done now so I guess i can only hope.
I could be wrong but it sorta looks like your overwatering and getting a bit of root rot. Also think because of that your leaves are a bit dark meaning it's getting too much nitrogen. ***It can be the pheno***

I have run into the same thing. Just wait a little while longer between feedings. Should have a nice harvest regardless though. Just transplanting like u did can solve the problem too.

If u hit them with some healthy bacteria and or mycos I think you'll be impressed.