First Grow: GL60 | 400w | OG Kush Blue Satellite 2.2 | GDP

Aloha people.

So here's what we got on the island:

6" 270 cfm Can fan
19" Cool tube
FF Happy Frog (seedlings)
FF Ocean Forest (transplanting in the future)
(4) 3 Gallon Smart pots

We got 6 seedlings so far. 5 Blue Sat OGs, and 1 hopeful GDP.

The GDP is in the back.

( ogbs ) ( (gdp ) ( hera )
( ogbs ) ( penelope jane ) ( minmi )

Day 8


Penelope Jane is about 8 days old.
Minmi, Hera, and the others are pretty much 3-4 days old.
The GDP hasn't popped yet.

If I put my nose to Penelope Jane, she has a smell already. Wow... its a slight lemony/diesel smell.

One with the yellow tip on the little leaf, was drooping some hours before the pic was taken.

Ulu o ka la
Day 17

Penelope Jane - 17 days

Minmi, Hera (2liter), Armani, Unamed (other in 3gal) - 13 days

Abira (gdp) - 9 days


So Penelope Jane either has some type of nutrient deficiencies going on, or the leaves where bleached. I've lifted the light up, but I'm thinking its possibly just that she is hungry? I've been feeding these distilled water lately.

She's due for a feeding no?

Besides PJs certain leaves, she and all of the other girls seem to be doing peacefully.


Notes: OGBS is known to be a low nutrient needing strain, I have General Hydroponic's Flora series. She needs Flora-Gro, Flora Micro, and Flora-Bloom, yes? I should lessen the feedings on the chart knowing all of this for the OGBSs?

Mistakes: I believe me giving them distilled water is the culprit. They do fine when super young in the cups, but I see that PJ is growing large and needs feeding. Distilled water has Cal and Mag mostly purged from its comprise.

Love from the islands.
WOW This looks great! Most definitely subscribing. All thats left now is to grab a chair hit a bongsmilie and wait for the final results
Sound like you know what you are doing. Give em 1/4 strength nutes see how they react. Prolly just hungry.

Love from the mainland aloha
WOW This looks great! Most definitely subscribing. All thats left now is to grab a chair hit a bongsmilie and wait for the final results

Thanks brudda. Lets get the chair and the bowls, yah?

Sound like you know what you are doing. Give em 1/4 strength nutes see how they react. Prolly just hungry.

Love from the mainland aloha

Mahalo :peace:

I've just done this, I just given all plants 1/4 strength FloraMicro, FloraGrow, Flora Bloom.

I also just topped Penelope Jane four times.

Lets hope these ladies do great.
Small update:

I fed them late last night, and for some reason Penelope Jane has gotten bigger since, and her new growth seems so visually vibrant.

I fed at 1/4 so hopefully, this takes (or starts to) take care of any deficiencies.

Should I start LSTng Penelope Jane?
Fed 1/4 (Flora-Micro/Grow/Bloom) last night, Penelope Jane topped this morning.

Peace and love from the islands, everywhere.


The unnamed one, who was yellowing on its baby leaf since seedling, and was placed on secondary selection before I thought about putting 2 liters in between the 3 gals, is doing great so far. She, since birth has had a purple stem, that run up both nodes so far, and through the leaf veins. I'm thinking she will be an interesting pheno of this OGBS.

Abira, the GDP is showing all indica ways.

Penelope Jane is growin' some great node spacing and bushiness so far if my baby grower eyes serve correct.

Notes: I'm sure the leaf twisting on two of the girls are nute deficiency, and hopefully this feeding gets the girls happy and on the right track. Transplanting will be done soon on the others, possibly tomorrow.
that thing jumped a lot in one night. This thing must be on steriods:clap:
I guess those nutes are pretty good to.. and the GDP (Abira?) is coming along nicely imo. I would wait maybe a day or two b4 lst..
but i have been told that im overly cautious! it has atleast 3 nodes right? was always told to not do it b4 that..
It sure did brudda.

Abira (strong) is the baby of the girls. She not being touched for another week and some change.

I always use the 3 node rule of thumb, although I've seen some grows do it before the third node, and things go well. I believe St. Verde did this.


Burnt a small hole in one of the GL60s intake mesh vents. Ha ha. Negative pressure check fail, with great results.

Pics coming tomorrow. All was transplanted, and PJ has been LSTd... shoe lace style.
Day 21

Alohaaaaa :hump:

So. All transplants done yesterday. I believe the two younger OGBSs either had nute ph problems in their cups before transplant, or they were wanting some calcium and magnesium, which I was what I haven't been giving them since I used plain distilled water recently. Luckily I gave fed them Epsom Salt in their watering yesterday. I brought some Molasses today also, which I will be adding with Epson Salt to their watering tomorrow. I believe the yellowing of the leaves are cal/mag deficiencies. I'm sure they will recover. However, the GDP is doing great because I think she is younger, her cal/mag def hasn't shown yet, but would of if I let her go longer with plain distilled water feedings.

Penelope Jane is now being LSTd... that is Lace Shoe Tied ha ha ha


The unnamed one (which is doing great, and was earlier lstd down for a sec), the second oldest, her name now is "Wish".

Notes: Penelope Jane seems to have a pre flower developing already. Too early to tell if its a sack or not. I've seen that better growth stumps the yellowing after transplant... which leads me to believe even more this is a cal/mag or some other nute def.

Mistakes: Never use plain distilled water to water your seedlings that are about 2+ weeks old, or at all. Distilled water lacks cal and mag. I should of been added this Epsom Salt and Molasses earlier. I'm going to order me some Cal-Mag till then.
Hey everyone. I think we have bad news. I believe Penelope Jane is a female. She is 21 days old (3 weeks), and she got a growth on her. Its pointy from the side, but it looks like balls.

What yall think?


I'll cut the bitch if so... ha ha
Here is a better picture. Its pointy, and actually comes out a little long. I wonder if this holds pistils, or balls?


It sticks out past the stipule.
Does anyone know if I need a tray under these smart pots? The GL60 has a nice little material tray at the bottom. Do I still need a tray?