First Grow in Boom Box with Bag Seed

just ride it out for now man, see what the yeild is like...

Yah that's probably what I'm gonna end up doing. I'm gonna hopefully have 4 plants total in my two grow boxes and just see what type of yield I can get off those CFLs. If it's not enough for my own supply then I'll invest in a HPS and switch to a different grow area.
Yah that's probably what I'm gonna end up doing. I'm gonna hopefully have 4 plants total in my two grow boxes and just see what type of yield I can get off those CFLs. If it's not enough for my own supply then I'll invest in a HPS and switch to a different grow area.

yeah man, if you can get enough off of this, then it means that you wont spend money on a whole new set up
yeah man, if you can get enough off of this, then it means that you wont spend money on a whole new set up

Definately. HPSs are hella expensive for a grower on a budget. I'm just really eager because I got a vape and I've only been able to use it like twice. Then I decided to put my money into growing. So I just gotta wait like another 2 months to use it :-(((
Day 13: Sasha Getting Huge

Day 13: Rico Not Looking Much Different
Definately. HPSs are hella expensive for a grower on a budget. I'm just really eager because I got a vape and I've only been able to use it like twice. Then I decided to put my money into growing. So I just gotta wait like another 2 months to use it :-(((

patience is a vertue :) especially with stoners :P are you doing a stealth grow? i wanna try one like your setup but cant find anything to use...

sasha is looking beautiful :)
Looking good! Rico transplanted nicely! Haha... waiting is always the hardest part! More so, having to spend $$$ on bud, even though you have this beautiful garden, waiting to grow and be smoked. +rep Krane- for sure patience is a virtue!
hahah cheers :) one of my favorite teachers back when i was in school used to say it too us as we waited in the lunch line. probably one of the only things that actually stuck with me from school '^^ good times
Haha thanks guys. While patience is hard, I guess it's good I decided to start growing early in my ganja career. I've never actually been high lol. Just buzzed a bit a few times. I've only bought a total of 2 grams. But where I live it's insanely expensive. It's like $20 a g and $80 for an 1/8 of mids. That's why it didn't take me long to decide to grow.

Thanks man. Sasha is my pride and joy. Yes definately a stealth grow. I'm using 2 speakers hooked up to my house stereo. It really is the perfect cover because they're just big hollow boxes that no one ever goes near. They're just like furniture really. I used the two 24" fluro tubes and a big 68W CFL up top. I just ripped out the back and cut a piece of wood to nail to the bottom to keep the soil bag from spilling out. Then a staple gun, aluminum foil, and zip ties later... I got a grow box (and I have the other just like it with the exception of one fluro tube color). Here's a pic from my white widow thread I took. I can't believe I never actually got a good picture of it before in this thread... btw this box was only like $55 plus some stuff I had lying around (fan, tape, staples, zip ties, aluminum foil, the speakers themselves).
thanks man, i am going to go and make one soon, just finding all the crap :) yeah its a rip off over here too, bout the same price as yours... or i get a lot but its horrible weed... like... disgusting.

but yeah, i will be buying CFL's and flourescents this weekend, gonna root through the attic for either some speakers or something like that..e got some fans. and i am gonna get a clone of my mates plant.

ps: are you going too train them?
Hey guys... :-? Sasha is starting to get this small light brown spots on her leaves. What on earth is that? (scroll down for pic of it). And Rico is getting yellowing around his first set of leaves. (scroll down for pic) Any ideas?

Day 14: Two Weeks and Sasha is GETTING HUGE :-)

Day 14: Sasha Getting Spots :-(

Day 14: Rico Being His Slow-growing Little Self
thanks man, i am going to go and make one soon, just finding all the crap :) yeah its a rip off over here too, bout the same price as yours... or i get a lot but its horrible weed... like... disgusting.

but yeah, i will be buying CFL's and flourescents this weekend, gonna root through the attic for either some speakers or something like that..e got some fans. and i am gonna get a clone of my mates plant.

ps: are you going too train them?

Well good luck to you. Message me if you want any help with anything or if you start a grow journal.

I just looked into training and I probably would but I'm working in a like 12"x8" area so I don't really have anywhere to go laterally.

EDIT: actually you know what screw it. I'll probably try it out on Sasha tomorrow.
i will man, thanks for help, i found a shop that sells really good computer fans pretty cheap... the plant looks good, i have never trained before so i would say it looks good :)
Hey snowman i think my babies are about the same size as yours now :p Maybe 24/7 lights are the way to go

Cool man! I don't have 24 hour light because it's kinda odd to have the ambient light coming out at all hours of the night.

Day 15: Sasha on Her Second Day of LST

Day 15: I think I'm going to kill Rico and transplant Angel (My WW Grow) into the same box with Sasha.
i did a bag seed grow on my first ever.. she died :( i burnt the roots with too many nutes :( she was a beaut tho