day 49
i'm sorry, i pretty much abandoned this journal, im lazy!.
anyway, the plants are doing great. the only thing im an idiot for is still feeding them vedging nutes, i just got hold of some great ones nitrogen/P-11/K-12
but now there is only 2 weeks left.
its still a shit camera sorry, but they are budding great. the amount of crystals and smell is intense. i get a whiff of it when i open my front door....getting paranoid as hell, which is worrying me
i now have a 7ft length, 4ft wide, 8ft height growing space. looks great, very clean with white mylar all over the walls.
the leaves are very very yellow on a few of the plants, but im told this should be expected. The bottom buds arn't getting much light, should i remove the yellow leaves?
do buds need light to grow, or just the leaves?
the cola buds are very strong by the way, hoping for about 30grams dry off each plant. what do you think?