First Grow- LST Bagseed w/ CFLs


Active Member
This is my first grow, and I was really just doing it out of curiosity. I don't want to spend a lot of cash, and I really dont expect to yield much (if its even a female). I started out using 2 26w CFLs.

Currently using:
Random potting soil w/ a little perlite
4 x 26w 6500k CFL
2 x 26w 2300k CFL

Not sure the exact date she sprouted, but heres the first pic I have


I was gone for a week for spring break (3/11-3/19). I fed her on the 10th, and had a friend water her for me on the 16th. He sent me these pics:

First time to see her in over a week!

I added some more lights last night. Heres a pic of my grow room:

I also started LST today:

I was wondering if I should repot so that I can plant her deeper?
And if so, how to repot without damaging her?

Any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated!


Active Member
More LST pics:

Notice the curling in this next pic. Any idea what is causing this?

Heres some bud I picked up last night...... Some of the best I've had in a while


Your pot sounds like its a decent size, but you are probably going to want to transplant at some point, depending on how long you plan to veg and all that. As far as transplanting a plant that has begun LST, I dunno. Maybe someone else will chime in with tips on that


Well-Known Member
hey man, im subbed and here to help.
your off to a good start.
the bottom of the pot should say the size, but to me it looks about a 1 gal or a lil bit bigger.
if you plan to flower with cfls then i wouldn't trans plant, cuz you dont want your plant to big before flowered or the lights wont be enough for the whole plant. i would just leave her in the pot she is in. when do you plan to flower?
that bud looks really good to, enjoy it man.


Active Member
I will probably transplant it soon if i am going to transplant at all....

Here's the size difference in the pots: (The bigger one is 2 gallons, and I plan to cut additional drainage holes



Active Member
I went ahead and repotted her, mainly so that I could plant her a little deeper.

Top view:


And McPurple, I'm not sure when I'll start flowering..... when would you suggest that I start? (I plan on flowering w/ CFLs)


Well-Known Member
nice repot.
i see the top has shot back up. when you last you want to try to keep the very top of the main tip lower then the rest of the branches so it forces those smaller ones to shoot up. i would continue to lst and veg for 1 week and see what she looks like and then decide when to flower.

will you be flowering under the same lights your vegging under, like same wattage?
and are you feeding her yet?


Active Member
Yeah, I'll be flowering under the same watts. I've been working on a new grow box, here it is so far:

I'm going to get something to attach around it and seal it, then mount a fan on top of the reflector blowing the hot air out thru a light trap. I would also have a fan blowing air into the box somewhere.

With this setup, I could keep the screen above the plant and use it as a scrog screen..... Or I could just continue to lst....... Which would you suggest?


Active Member
when you last you want to try to keep the very top of the main tip lower then the rest of the branches so it forces those smaller ones to shoot up.
Is this right?

And as far as feeding, I have fed her once w/ regular miracle gro diluted to about 1/8 strength.

I was at Lowes yesterday though and they had 'Alaska' brand Fish Emulsion (5-1-1), molasses, and some stuff called 'Medina Hasta Grow' (6-12-6)..... Would any of this stuff work better than what I'm using now?

Ganja viewer

Well-Known Member
Lookin' good tx.... That curling is probably just because the LST you're doing and the leaves searching feverishly to face the light. Looks fine though, good luck! :clap:

Ganja viewer

Well-Known Member
Do I have the top of the plant down low enough?
Sure looks low enough to me! The theory behind LSTing is to bend and allow the branches at nodes begin to grow up toward the light. You haven't many nodes yet on that girl, but the ones you have will take off to the light... That thing is bent like a slingshot! Can't bend that sucker any more it appears! After that main stem/shoot grows upward again you can lst again in another direction if need be.


Well-Known Member
Is this right?

And as far as feeding, I have fed her once w/ regular miracle gro diluted to about 1/8 strength.

I was at Lowes yesterday though and they had 'Alaska' brand Fish Emulsion (5-1-1), molasses, and some stuff called 'Medina Hasta Grow' (6-12-6)..... Would any of this stuff work better than what I'm using now?
yes it looks right to me man, your doing fine.
i like the small cage idea, if you can buy panda film, its black on one side and reflective white on the other you could encase the cage with it white side in so it is reflective. the panda film is thick, light proof and way cheaper then mylar, its like 9 bucks here for a 10 ft long by 10 foot wide sheet.
also your mg food should be fine, alot hate on it but ive seen great grows with it, maybe once you move to bigger grow room if you plan on any time, or decide to try to get really good at growing then eventually you would want to get some different nutes and see what works best for you, just dont buy into the hype of certain products. and if the screen in in theri already i would just make it scrog, scrog is still a form of lst in my eye


Active Member
I can keep staking it after it grows up right?.... Just wait until what is after my stake now grows a set of leaves, and then stake it down again?


Well-Known Member
just continue to tie it down every few days or every few inches so you are keeping the top below the lower nodes.


Active Member
the cage is 14"x14" (1.36 sq ft)....... will this be big enough to flower one plant?