first grow,need help sexing!


Active Member
Hey everybody,im new to this site and as the title suggests im new to growing.I started with some adequate bagseed and it's turned into a learning 15 days into 12/12 and I really can't tell if what im seeing are male or female preflowers



Well-Known Member
Neither still to early to tell. That right there is where a new shoot will grow, that's a bud site if it's female. Give it more time. Males have tiny lil balls on a stem and females have a single calyx with lil white hairs.


Active Member
Thanks for the speedy feedback you guys.the plant was 31 days old before I switched light cycles but I topped it 6 days before I switched.would topping have any affect on thetime it would take to show?


Well-Known Member
Yes topping would slow it down. Usually people top well before flower giving them time to recover. It will be fine though, just keep an eye out for balls or a calyx


Active Member
No problem. Best of luck to yea and welcome to riu.
Yo giggles what's up its day 17 of 12/12 and I noticed those new growths at every node,It doesn't look like lateral branching and I think they're starting to look more and more like a calyx,I just wanted a second opinion to confirm it



Well-Known Member
Starting to show but still need more time.

It looks female to me but I'd need a better pic. Here in a few days you should either see lil white hairs or nanners


Active Member
Alright man,I've definitely been driving myself crazy trying to be patient.I dont really have a better picture,the macro setting on my camera only allows me to get that close before everything gets the way they've shown growth these past couple of days im estimating I should know somewhere between the day 21-25 marks


Well-Known Member
Yea the waiting game is no fun lol but it's all worth it in the end.

It may show you by tomorrow or even tonight who knows.


Active Member
Sounds good bro
Whats up man,after getting a little bit of information on the nutrients I was given by a friend that he said would help with flowering,I think its an over abundance of nitrogen.The ratios are cconsidering just ordering a bottle of tiger bloom and using what I have now to keep the plant stable untill I can get some money up.would that have any negative affects seeing as how im on day 20 of 12/12?


Active Member
I have had it take a little longer then normal. I have had them show in veg too.
I have a good eye for early sexing. Both pictures look female to me. But you cant ever stop looking. It might throw balls. It might throw 50/50 balls right out the gate. It is always different. Just be prepared for curve balls and dont ever panic and make quick decisions.


Active Member
I have had it take a little longer then normal. I have had them show in veg too.
I have a good eye for early sexing. Both pictures look female to me. But you cant ever stop looking. It might throw balls. It might throw 50/50 balls right out the gate. It is always different. Just be prepared for curve balls and dont ever panic and make quick decisions.
Well it had 31 days of veg but was severely stunted due to a low amount of light,I only had 35 watts,I think it was right at 4000 lumens.I upgraded my lights for flowering using 3 23 watt 1600 lumens 2700k cfl bulbs and three 42 watt 2800 lumen cfl bulbs,and to be honest I wouldn't mind having to prolong flowering for another 2,possibly 3 weeks to give it time to catch up on some going to leave it on the 12/12 cycle just so it doesn't stress out.this is my first grow so I expected more problems than i've actually run into


Well-Known Member
yea first time i use tiger bloom myself my plants seem to like it. its strong thoe use like half of what they recommend to start off do 1 tsp in a gallon of water


Active Member
yea first time i use tiger bloom myself my plants seem to like it. its strong thoe use like half of what they recommend to start off do 1 tsp in a gallon of water
What size bottle would you recommend getting that would last for a good amount of time?