first grow need tons of help


Well-Known Member
ok im starting a new thread cuz no on listened to me on the other 1

alright heres the deal: ive got a very small growing space ( maybe 2f wide and between one and two feet tall) and right now ive got my seeds planted in there with some tin foil and a regular incandescent light bulb. my friend is trying to get me a florescent light bulb. (Also smell is a factor.) so I was thinking maybe do a bonsai but i dont know if those bud at all please I NEED all the profesional advise I can Get!!!!!!!!!



New Member
but i think a window in a warm room would be better to start with than a regular bulb, until you get the right light. and i hear tin foil is not very use ful as it absorbs too much heat so unless you have access to "mylar" white paint would be good... K rating is what you need to understand when selecting the correct bulbs.


Well-Known Member
Tin foil is a crappy idea.. your plant is gonna get overheated from it, ESPECIALLY w/ an incandescent light bulb. You need to get a CFL... they're really not tough to get any store like target has them. You want a carbon scrubber for smell, get a fan to blow fresh air in and a fan to pull out air(exhaust fan), and you can put ur carbon scrubber in the exhaust, and smell shouldnt be a problem.

Also, did you germinate ur seeds before planting them? i hope you did, even though it may work w/out germination it's just easier when you do.


Well-Known Member
i didnt germinate or anything before but i have a seed germinating just in case this one fails did i mention i am broke? how much does this stuff all cost?


Well-Known Member
alright I think lighting is down, put plant in windowsill and getting florescent light bulb, now i need a way to keep my plants short but make good buds and little smell at low cost. do i need a mirical plant or is there a way to make this posible?


Active Member
everyone is going to floreisents but did you know that the 1000 watt bulb has 110,000 lumas where the 3500 flor---- onlly has 5000 lumas


Well-Known Member
alright cool but still more questions, i feel like such a noobie
#1 keeping my plants short (CRITICAL!!!!!)
#2 I got the bulb but i need a lighting system
#3 smell


Well-Known Member
If you have an old lamp you can take apart. use the socket part and the wire with plug. If you have to cut wire to get out of lamp wire nut it. Very cheap. Those light have a built in ballast that your using.


Well-Known Member
What kinda soil are you using? Nutrients? You can use that CFL(flourescent light) and it'll grow just fine for vegging.

Look all over the forum it gives you all your needs on how to grow marijuana... especially in the "GrowFAQ"


Well-Known Member
:joint:I just got a thought:
If I put an incendescent light bulb and some tinfoil in my small grow area will that make it warmer? because its kind of cold where I am and I heard it should be prety warm to germinate seeds. I need to know if this helps :confused::confused:


Active Member
lol to funny, iF you want advise & ask for it , & get iT, why Not take iT,?? drop the TIN foil,forget iT, i know your a bigginer good luck


Well-Known Member
alright i didnt mean the tin foil part but what about the other part do you think it will work for germinating and keeping warm?


Active Member
Easiest way to germinate seeds from my experiences is to get a moist papertowl, put your seeds inside, about 1 - 2 inches apart. Put the moist papertowl in a tupperware container and put the lid on. Sit it on top your fridge for a couple days.


Active Member
Hi Robert hows it going ??? hows the seeds /??? Do we have Take Off Yet ??
i think seeds are the essayist part of growing///// people have all kinds of different ways to germinate them// Me personally likes to put them in a jar of 5.5 ph down luke warm water for a day or two keeping an eye on them to split open//
Then i put them in small rockcubes personally, or were ever 1 likes them to grow from///
hoope this helps a little
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