First Grow Outdoor UK


Well-Known Member
Hi Staropramen, the plant is about 18 inches after topping and has seven sets of branches remaining. As I said it will be interesting to see the results compared to it's sister which was similar size and shape etc which I will let grow naturally.


Well-Known Member
Alritey greenb...just read thru ur grow!!!
think ur fucking brave growing outside in this country!! and i don't mean cos of the bizzies!!
we don't have a climate..we have weather and that's weather (sic) it's going to rain or not :lol:

i'm subscribed.await ur next update.


Well-Known Member
Hi Dixie76, thanks for droping by and for your comments. LOL I don't know about being brave, more like not right in the head! And the weather is indeed a downer at the moment, just cloud and rain most of the time. But they're going strong so far. Just have to hope for the best that they don't take TOO long to finish. Will maybe stick up a couple of pics later today to let you see how they're doing. Thanks again ;)

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
sorry to hear about the wind damage to your plants glad they are feeling better now.
this is short but i have a lot of catching up to do (forums/emails) i have neglected over the past week or so. nice to hear you are happy with the smoke you dried.

have fun


Well-Known Member
Hi kulan hunter, really nice to see you back online ;) And thanks for the comments. The wind damage only affected one plant thankfully (the tallest), and she seems to be none the worse for it although she's not quite as pretty as she was LOL. And (I'm sure a lot of you might think I'm imagining things) the hit I got off that top was very nice indeed. I didn't really expect there to be anything there at this stage, but I was pleasantly surprised. I've managed to resist the temptation to top another one, but don't know how long I'll last. Update coming in a minute with a couple of pics ...


Well-Known Member
Hi all, just another small update and another pre-flower query (think we've hit the jackpot this time LOL). First just a couple of pics of the "girls":

Pic 1: Second Tallest at 33 Inches

Pic 2: Smallest at 25 Inches

I made a mistake in a previous post where I said the plant I topped was 18 Inches. It is actually 27 Inches and looks pretty similar to Pic 2. The tallest plant is now standing tall at 37 Inches.

Now to those pre-flowers again, I felt a little embarrassed at having jumped the gun last time LOL - I didn't realise just how tiny the pre-flowers can be. However, looking today I think I've spotted the genuine article on all four plants, this time on the main stalks. The first pic is of the tallest plant - I think it shows a female pre-flower with two tiny white hairs just emerging:

Pic 3: Tallest Plant, Pre-flower? with Tiny Emerging White Hairs

This next pic shows what I believe to be a more mature pre-flower with one white hair clearly visible (don't know where the other one is LOL):

Pic 4: Topped Plant, Pre-flower? with One White Hair Visible

The black bit is where I topped it. I hope this is normal ....

So anyone care to tell me have I jumped the gun again (LOL)? Thanks for looking and all comments welcome as usual ;)

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
oh and the second to last looks like a girl as well,
have a cigar yer gonna go far. as pink floyd said.

i know how tempting it is to take chunks as testers, why not is what i say as long as you know that your yield will be affected, and you know when to stop LOL

have Fun


Well-Known Member
Your plants look awesome greenb. I wish I planted mine a little earlier (popped the soil on May 23rd). Mine are topping 15in atm. The thing that is annoying me is that if we ever have 2 consecutive day of great sunshine they explode, but the bloke on the weather programme won't let it happen often. Think it could be another shit summer, which will be a shame cause this is my only chance to grow at home for the next few years...

I'm no pro but it definately looks like some pre flowering going on in that party...
Remind me again... Did you buy feminized seeds?

Looking good, am very jealous


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the congrats kulan hunter and for the Pink Floyd quote (one of my favourites). Thank goodness I didn't get it wrong again LOL. I was fairly confident this time - wishful thinking can be a terrible thing :cry: Yes it is very tempting to take more, especially since I am not smoking anything else at the moment. But not knowing when to stop would definitely be a problem LOL. I will try to behave for the time being ;) Thanks again for looking ...


Well-Known Member
Hello Staropramen, thanks for your comments. They are looking pretty good, they enjoyed the sun today. You are quite right, two or three consecutive days really gives them a boost. That's why these "ladies" have done so well as they basically got two or three weeks of sun at the start. My Purple Power aren't growing nearly as well as they were a few weeks behind and missed all the sunshine (reminds me I must do an update on them, for what it's worth LOL). I think they're at about the same size as yours by the sound of it, although they don't have a lot of leaves. Don't worry, you still have some time to go, I'm sure we'll get some more sun and they will shoot upwards and outwards for you. Oh and yes, these were feminized seeds so I was hoping for females LOL. Looks like it's going according to plan on that front. Thanks again ;)


Well-Known Member
Hi UK - thanks for the comments. Yeah they have always been a nice colour, they must like the sun and rain combo. Rain water seems to do them a lot of good - it rains so much here I don't even have to worry about watering them at the moment LOL. Thank goodness they're not crying out for food (yet)!


Well-Known Member
alritey greenb.....the kids are looking sweet. lovely green colour.
and lo! and behold...look like lovely girly flowers starting to come too.
nice 1.
just need our summer to start right?!!! :lol:
33inches eh?!! shame i ain't got the room to let mine get that high.should get a belting yield off that baby!
peace bro.


Well-Known Member
Hi Dixie78, thanks for dropping in and for your comments. These were feminized seeds so I would have been pretty pissed if they didn't turn out female LOL, but one never knows. They are getting big, in fact the tallest one is 38 inches today. I dread to think what height she's going to end up. You're right though, we need our summer to start, like, NOW. Dear help us all if it carries on like this ... Catch you later ;)

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Hey green b, I haven't looked at your plants for a while, they're looking real good bro. Nice one. I'd give you a plus rep but I have to spread a little more love before it lets me give you another.
Thanks for stopping by my journal. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Hi Barking, thanks for stopping by. If the weather holds I should do OK, but the way it's going at the moment I doubt I'll be coming down with bud by the Autumn LOL. Catch you later man ;)


Well-Known Member
Hi Staropramen, bad luck man that sounds like a really crap deal. I shouldn't really complain, we've been fortunate here compared to most. Some days I get a couple of hours of sun and I did get off to a good start at least. Not much we can do about it anyway I suppose LOL. Here's hopin'.


Well-Known Member
I know the feeling.
Had more rain in S. Wales in the last few days than the whole of May!
dude...u growing outside in wales??? :lol: +rep for that lol
bloody hel!! you're braver than greenb.
least it's not the north tho. imagine doing it in snowdonia lmao