First Grow Outdoor UK


Well-Known Member
well... your plants are looking super good! I hope mine are about that big when I get determinate sexes, so hopefully they will be about 4 feet when they start budding... I am hoping for qp's to hp's from my outdoor, and about 2-4 oz's each from indoor...

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
I bought some 20/100w cfls from LIDL (UK), they were 99pence each, (how's that for cheap?) they are 20w low energy bulbs that give equivalent 100w light. (usually about 5 or 8 quid) So 5 of those will only be using 100w, it means you'll need a few lights but, with cfls you can put them as close as you like. I'd put a few just above the plant tops and the rest nearer the bottom.
good luck finding a solution.
I was thinking about you putting the card to try and stop too much rain getting in your pots, why not use plastic or even foil (foil would stop the water getting through and reflect light back up to the bottom leaves). Just a thought. I'm sure you know better than me.
More bloody rain today although I am getting a bit of sunshine too here in the West-Country. Hopefully it will be the same for you, or even better.


Well-Known Member
well... your plants are looking super good! I hope mine are about that big when I get determinate sexes, so hopefully they will be about 4 feet when they start budding... I am hoping for qp's to hp's from my outdoor, and about 2-4 oz's each from indoor...
Hi loaded, thanks for the comments. Yes, I'm well pleased with the size and condition of my girls - they should be in good shape for flowering. The only thing worrying me is getting the sun to grow decent buds LOL. No idea what to expect weight-wise - that will obviously depend on the weather and keeping the bugs at bay ;)

I bought some 20/100w cfls from LIDL (UK), they were 99pence each, (how's that for cheap?) they are 20w low energy bulbs that give equivalent 100w light. (usually about 5 or 8 quid) So 5 of those will only be using 100w, it means you'll need a few lights but, with cfls you can put them as close as you like. I'd put a few just above the plant tops and the rest nearer the bottom. good luck finding a solution. I was thinking about you putting the card to try and stop too much rain getting in your pots, why not use plastic or even foil (foil would stop the water getting through and reflect light back up to the bottom leaves). Just a thought. I'm sure you know better than me. More bloody rain today although I am getting a bit of sunshine too here in the West-Country. Hopefully it will be the same for you, or even better. :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
Thanks Barking, some very useful advice there. I'm just not keen on bringing them in at all, but I may have to give in eventually. Certainly I think the Purples will have to be vegged a bit longer past the natural flowering time to get them a bit bigger. And thanks I will try a couple of other ways of keeping the rain off. Will keep you informed on how I get on.

Rain has stopped for the moment here, with the very odd glimpse of sun getting through. At least it's breezy which will help them dry out a bit. But it really is a bad show all round :o

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Yes the forecast for the rest of the week is rain!! :cry:
At least it says we will be getting mostly showers so, hopefully there will be some sunshine in between the showers. At least it will keep the temps down. :blsmoke:
I have put some pics up now of my clones, you can see them in my journal or there is a couple in my gallery.:hump:


Well-Known Member
normal flurorescent ceiling lights u have in ya garage mate will work spot on... thats what i have mine under man does a good job of keeping them big but as i said before green if you already got a fluro in ya house go pet shop look at the long tube lights they have and look for one that helps plants mine is a fish tank light cost about 11 squid and they fuckin love it alot man wont stop growing i say about an inch a day new set of leafs like every 3 days lol...


Well-Known Member
lol and dixie has a point lol i work nights outside ok you can probs guess what it is lol but most lamp posts have a 600w mh bulbs inside them!!!
climb the shit and steal it lmfao lol


Well-Known Member
but as for the fluro you can still flower but i never tried it so i cant say but go to any place like bNq or halfords for the hps light or even buy one cheap off the net!! a place close to home is best cause the last thing you want is to be drivin miles n miles... fuk tha.... ebay is cheap as a cunt but prob wont turn up i hate ebay con bastards.:evil:..


Well-Known Member
Hi UK, thanks for all the light advice. Some good links there, but when I said I'm skint I mean I'm SKINT LOL. Am waiting to see if I'm gonna get DLA and stuff (had to leave work as I'm ill) so until then I'm in deep sh*t.

It's pretty bright in the garage - I have four five foot fluro tubes going in there and the plants are up about five feet in the air so they're nice and close. They seem to be doing OK in there, so I'm not panicking yet. Actually I saw these seeds advertised as being OK for low intensity light. The ad said they can even flower in the shade or under fluorescent lights so they should be fine in the garage while the sun is hiding. The sun has just come out (LOL) so I'm off to start my exercise for today :roll: Catch you later mate.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
As long as your plants are close to the light you can flower with fluoros you just dont get such tight buds as HPS gives you.
It sounds like you are in the same boat as me GreenB. i just got a budgeting loan for my grow lol. See if you can get a few of those 20w/100 cfls from LIDL for 99p each and put them around the sides of the plants. You could put some mylar around them if you don't already and will will probably increase your light by another 40% or so. My light used to light up the whole room until I put that mylar in now it just bounces back onto the plants and the rest of the room is almost dark. It cost me just over a tenner; Wood (roof batons B&Q £6.50) and the mylar (£1.20 mtr).
I can show you before and after pics if you like but I think you saw them already.
You should be alright today though. I' ve had some good sunshine today, how about you?
I've had some good bud too but that's another story lol puff puff pass..... :joint:


Well-Known Member
LOL - yeah it's grim man, feels like winter here at the minute. Thanks Barking I really appreciate everyone's concern and your excellent advice. Your setup is super and if I get a few quid together I will definitely sort something similar out for flowering. The fact I'm not doing it right now is an indication of just how skint I am at the moment LOL.

My main problem is the Purple Powers and really this discussion should be taking place in that grow journal, but I haven't been keeping that thread up to date. I really have to get some pics up and get it back on track. In fact I think what I might do is copy my previous pics here and bring the whole thing under one journal.

Anyway thanks again for all your help Barking, it's very much appreciated ;)


Well-Known Member
I look forward to seeing this beautiful outdoor grow progress. GG
Hi GG, thanks for dropping by. I got off to a great start with these Cinammon plants weather wise and I'm hoping that will be enough to keep them going through this bad spell. The final success or otherwise will undoubtedly depend on the weather during the flowering process. Fingers crossed ;)


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

Well just realised the girls are about 8 weeks old now and the sun came out, so a couple of pics. Sorry the quality isn't great - it got very bright and it's hard to see them in front of all the other green stuff. Anyway the first pic is of the girls lined up - biggest is about 40 inches tall now (damn, I need a bigger bean pole). Second pic is of the girls with their little friends (Purple Powers, a few weeks younger).

Pic 1: Girls in a Row

Pic 2: Girls with Little Purple Pals

You may notice I got a Lady Bird to guard against bugs, sort of a scarecrow idea. Doesn't seem to work very well though LOL.



Well-Known Member
what part of uk are u in, im in the south west and i dont think it would be possible to grow where i am with the current conditions ??