First Grow Outdoor UK


Well-Known Member
The amount of CO2 we put in the atmosphere is absolutely miniscule compared to what comes from vegetation and, biggest of all, evaporation from the sea. I don't believe for one minute that it's anything other than a natural cycle. It's just another scare tactic, money making exercise thrust upon us by Margaret Thatcher (she funded the research that came up will all this crap in the first place) in her irresistible desire to promote nuclear energy and destroy the coal mining and gas industries, thereby (or so she hoped) nullifying the power of the trade unions. It's all politics guys, nothing more ;)


Well-Known Member
yeppers...climate change is very much inevitable and on why the wooly mammoth,wooly rhino, giant sloth etc all died out in a very short period of was heating up and all the tundras, their natural habitats, were dissapearing.Mother Earth is just like everything living on or in her i.e. a living thing.she breathes, she moves, she pulses.christ, she even sings!!lol a frequency that, when put into our hearing range, is exactly middle C.
an erupting volcano can pump out more bleach,chlorine,methane and a whole plethora of toxic gases than we can ever produce through industry.we're just exacerbating the problem but it would and will happen naturally.
When Dickens wrote Xmas Carol, it was at a time, according to scientists, of mini ice age.we haven't had winters like he (and scrooge lol)experienced for 150 yrs.

Soz greenb...kinda got side tracked from ur journal :lol:


Well-Known Member
The amount of CO2 we put in the atmosphere is absolutely miniscule compared to what comes from vegetation and, biggest of all, evaporation from the sea. I don't believe for one minute that it's anything other than a natural cycle. It's just another scare tactic, money making exercise thrust upon us by Margaret Thatcher (she funded the research that came up will all this crap in the first place) in her irresistible desire to promote nuclear energy and destroy the coal mining and gas industries, thereby (or so she hoped) nullifying the power of the trade unions. It's all politics guys, nothing more ;)
Luv it greenb.....luv it!!!
fucking maggie thatcher:milk snatcher lmao


Well-Known Member
I agree it's going on Dixie, I just don't think it's our fault. As you said it's inevitable.
yeh ur ain't our u's scare mongering from the politicians.
she didn't snatch ur milk aswell did she? bitch!! im still bitter about that over 30 years later!!! lmao...funny how the kids she took the milkfrom at school grew up and voted the tories out!!
and isn't TORY originally an irish word meaning THIEF? :lol: sure i read that somewhere.
oh the irony lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah man she stole my milk - you must be nearly as old as I am LOL. According to the Britannica Concise Encyclopedia tory is an Irish word meaning "outlaw" - describes her and the rest of her cronies superbly ;)


Well-Known Member
ahhh knew it was something like that...yep...sums em all up.
like i said :maggie thatcher-milksnatcher.
made a big imperssion on me as a kid that did. "Dad, why can't I have milk at break anymore?" "Cos Thatcher's a bitch son!cos Thatcher's a bitch!"
heard she had a stroke the other month and thought..that's payback ya cow. lol

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
yeppers...climate change is very much inevitable and on why the wooly mammoth,wooly rhino, giant sloth etc all died out in a very short period of was heating up and all the tundras, their natural habitats, were dissapearing.Mother Earth is just like everything living on or in her i.e. a living thing.she breathes, she moves, she pulses.christ, she even sings!!lol a frequency that, when put into our hearing range, is exactly middle C.
an erupting volcano can pump out more bleach,chlorine,methane and a whole plethora of toxic gases than we can ever produce through industry.we're just exacerbating the problem but it would and will happen naturally.
When Dickens wrote Xmas Carol, it was at a time, according to scientists, of mini ice age.we haven't had winters like he (and scrooge lol)experienced for 150 yrs.

Soz greenb...kinda got side tracked from ur journal :lol:
The Thames used to freeze up completely almost every year. People used to skate on it in the winter.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
How's it going GreenB? Lousy weather today mate.
I'm starting flowering tonight with three of my plants. A couple of days and I will know if I have another girl or a boy. Fingers crossed.


Well-Known Member
The Thames used to freeze up completely almost every year. People used to skate on it in the winter.
Hi Barking, yeah I've seen drawings / paintings showing that. They used to have stalls set out on the ice and everything. Wonder how many people fell through the ice and drowned :o


Well-Known Member
How's it going GreenB? Lousy weather today mate. I'm starting flowering tonight with three of my plants. A couple of days and I will know if I have another girl or a boy. Fingers crossed.
We got sun most of the day (between the clouds that is). Pissed down from about tea time. I take it you got your flowering room sorted. Will nip over now and have a look ;)


Well-Known Member
Nice to see its going good over there, too much rain here, i really doubt my plant is enjoying it, ill have to check it tommorow, goodluck, im still watching.


Well-Known Member
Hey Barking....good luckwith the flowering dude...mine have been flowering for 5days and I found a girl today!!! wierd how really small things can make u smile so much!!
here's praying for a girl for ya.


Well-Known Member
Nice to see its going good over there, too much rain here, i really doubt my plant is enjoying it, ill have to check it tommorow, goodluck, im still watching.
Hi jinmaster, nice to see you. Not going too bad thanks, plenty of rain but these big girls seem to be coping pretty well. Must nip over and see your journal too. See you over there ;)

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Hi all,

Well just realised the girls are about 8 weeks old now and the sun came out, so a couple of pics. Sorry the quality isn't great - it got very bright and it's hard to see them in front of all the other green stuff. Anyway the first pic is of the girls lined up - biggest is about 40 inches tall now (damn, I need a bigger bean pole). Second pic is of the girls with their little friends (Purple Powers, a few weeks younger).

Pic 1: Girls in a Row

Pic 2: Girls with Little Purple Pals

You may notice I got a Lady Bird to guard against bugs, sort of a scarecrow idea. Doesn't seem to work very well though LOL.


You can't get tired of looking at these. puff puff....pass :joint: