First Grow Outdoor UK


Well-Known Member
Hi cocoxxx, thanks for calling in. I'm in Northern Ireland. We got about three or four weeks of wall to wall sunshine in May and early June so these plants got off to a great start. They seem to be coping not too bad with the crappy weather now, but won't like it during flowering. My other plants (Purple Power) were started a few weeks later, missed the sum and haven't done so well. You can see them in the pic above. Are you growing at all at the moment? Indoors?


Well-Known Member
have been reading the forums for the best part of a year, only recently joined, am still testing my growroom conditions and waiting on a few bits and bobs. ive have some white rhino femms from ghs. just getting everything optimum before i start. i dont want to be banging things and drilling holes once my babies are underway.

would love to start a couple outdoors next year weather permitting, and also have a greenhouse.

the weather here at the moment is 19degrees, not quite warm enough i think.

you look like you know what you are doing, and im very much enjoying the thread. will give you a tinkle once my grow is underway. love your work, will be checking in regular!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the compliments cocoxxx, but I assure you I am very much a beginner LOL. BTW, check out All their outdoor seeds are specially developed for the Dutch climate - all my current plants are from them and they seem to be coping reasonably well considering this crappy weather. And if you have a greenhouse you're flying mate, no probs ;) You can get their seeds from several of the UK seed shops. Worth thinking about for next year perhaps?

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Hi all,

Well just realised the girls are about 8 weeks old now and the sun came out, so a couple of pics. Sorry the quality isn't great - it got very bright and it's hard to see them in front of all the other green stuff. Anyway the first pic is of the girls lined up - biggest is about 40 inches tall now (damn, I need a bigger bean pole). Second pic is of the girls with their little friends (Purple Powers, a few weeks younger).

Pic 1: Girls in a Row

Pic 2: Girls with Little Purple Pals

You may notice I got a Lady Bird to guard against bugs, sort of a scarecrow idea. Doesn't seem to work very well though LOL.


They look AWESOME GreenB those cinnamons look like trees, oh yea!

PS Glad you got some of the sunshine too I was feeling guilty.


Well-Known Member
PS Glad you got some of the sunshine too I was feeling guilty.
Thanks Barking - and yeah it was great to get that sun this afternoon. The Purps' soil has dried out a bit and all the plants look like they enjoyed getting a few rays. Fingers crossed for tomorrow ;)


Well-Known Member
where is all this sunshine, we have had torrential rain in s. west for a couple of days now, temps are low, its just not fair, england seems so bleak!!!


Well-Known Member
I know how you feel cocoxxx - been there over the last couple of weeks - torrential rain, thunder and lightning, gales the heap. Look at it this way though - it can only get better ;)


Well-Known Member
LOL - yeah they love the sun jay, shame they're not getting much at the moment. The fans are amazing, they go up to 13 points as you move up the plant. Actually I found one today with 12 LOL - 11 around the outside and one growing at right angles out of the centre. Must be a mutant :o

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
where is all this sunshine, we have had torrential rain in s. west for a couple of days now, temps are low, its just not fair, england seems so bleak!!!
I'm in the SW (Somerset) and had sunshine for a good few hours today. Where was you, in bed? LOL :mrgreen::mrgreen:

I love that picture GreenB I got half a mind to copy it, maybe try and palm it off as my own on a different forum! hehehe


Well-Known Member
LOL - it's not copyrighted mate, feel free haha. As long as you don't send it to the bizzies :o
he might BE a rozzer lmao j/k barking....irons fan in somerset??? freak lmao

kids looking ace greenb!!! really pleased the sun got his hat on for a bit for u!! wtf is going on's july ffs!! lol

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
love the forest greenb, you won't need cam netting to hide them soon you will probably get away with using the canopy to hide small things under like your

they are getting big and looking great how long is left on them now?


Well-Known Member
I'm in the SW (Somerset) and had sunshine for a good few hours today. Where was you, in bed? LOL :mrgreen::mrgreen:

I love that picture GreenB I got half a mind to copy it, maybe try and palm it off as my own on a different forum! hehehe

im just north of bristol, and as i type this, it is raining, cold (for weed at least), i thought global warming would make the country hotter ,

we had nice(ish) weather for most of june but even then the possibility of a flooded landscape, look at last year , floods in june ( some people still havent moved back into there property a year on)

we lost power and water for nearly 4 days.:peace:


Well-Known Member
kids looking ace greenb!!! really pleased the sun got his hat on for a bit for u!! wtf is going on's july ffs!! lol
Thanks Dixie, the sun is what they like. Believe it or not it's quite sunny today. Cloudy, but bright with plenty of sunny spells (s**t I'm starting to sound like a weather guy or something LOL). Anyway if it stays like that at least for a day it will do them the world of good.

love the forest greenb, you won't need cam netting to hide them soon you will probably get away with using the canopy to hide small things under like your they are getting big and looking great how long is left on them now?
Hi kulan hunter, good to see you as usual ;) LOL, they are getting big - and growing at a powerful rate. I reckon they could start to flower in a couple of weeks. The Cinammons take a long time, some say 11 weeks, to finish from then. I hope it's worth the wait.

im just north of bristol, and as i type this, it is raining, cold (for weed at least), i thought global warming would make the country hotter , we had nice(ish) weather for most of june but even then the possibility of a flooded landscape, look at last year , floods in june ( some people still havent moved back into there property a year on) we lost power and water for nearly 4 days.:peace:
The weather is not great for sure cocoxxx - I was just saying the same thing the other day about global warming and where was all the hot weather we were supposed to get as a result. Personally I think all this global warming talk is a lot of crap. OK it's getting warmer, but so what? It does that from time to time. Sometimes it gets colder too. Big deal (he said, as he was crushed by advancing ice sheets). :roll:


Well-Known Member
Global warming will and DOES lead to ice-age...and as for the north pole ice sheets melting raises sea levels thing....bollocks....north pole is all ice and has there4 already displaced it's own mass...south pole melting will raise levels sea levels as it's a land mass.
rising heat levels means more evaporation which means more rain which means more cloud which means less sunrays hitting the land which means lowering land temps which means colder air which means more snow which means even lower land temps which means more snow which means more ice!!!!!!!!
how boring am i????? lol
must get out more lmao


Well-Known Member
a bit yeh.....and sun spots play a massive role in effecting our climate.
we're not helping at all with all the 200yrs of polution but that cock that 1st put lead in petrol to stop his engine knocking has a hell of a lot to answer for cos NOTHING removes lead from the atmos and it's there ad infinitum. that bloke then went on to invent CFCs.cock of eternity award for him methinks. lmao


Well-Known Member
is it global warming or an natural cycle of the earth, i have heard that the methane produced by cows,pigs,livestock,us etc is more damaging than industry,cars etc, if so this has been going on since the dawn of time and could support the theory that we are in fact living in a season of the earths cycle, and that climate change is inevitable!!!peace!!!!