First Grow, T5, Northern Lights


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention that my plants have decided they don't want 7 bladed leaves anymore they're growing 9 bladed leaves now :o


Well-Known Member
One of my leaves actually has 10 blades, I found one blade hidden under the others.. Weird. I pruned the 2 bottom most leaves with single blades because they were dying for some reason, I have no idea why. They were shriveled up and dry like fall leaves.. They weren't doing much good for the plant anyway, I dunno if I should have just let them fall off or what but they're gone now.. Rest of the plant looks normally green.

Changed my timer to 12/12 today.


Well-Known Member
nice. sounds like things are going well. 10 blades?! didn't even know that was possible lol. yeah just pick those dying leaves off. no need in wasting the plants energy trying to bring them back to life.


Well-Known Member
normally it's supposed to go 1,3,5,7,9,11, and 13 is the max I think, but I read somewhere that it is possible to get an even number sometimes like 10. I'm surprised I'm getting so many blades with Northern Lights which is supposed to be mostly Indica.


Well-Known Member
ok here's some pics.. That's not where they normally sit I just put them there for the picture, that's why you don't see the light. You can see the burns on the first pic from that one day I left things unattended.. the second pic is of my second plant, and the third is just the same plant as the first pic.. Kinda out of order oh well. The third one in the back is stretching that's why it's stacked on that pot.. That pot was supposed to be for my 5th plant..

The growth on top is insanity, so you can't really see the 10 pointed leaf but it's there lol.



Well-Known Member
haha, well I guess I'll have to tae your word for it... they look good though. A bit stretched but not too bad, how close are you keeping your lights? sorry if you've already been over this haha


Well-Known Member
They're stretched because I was keeping them too far away in the beginning, so that's why you see stretch. I now keep my lights 2-3in away. If I was keeping them too far away now they wouldn't be getting burned by growing into the light lol.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I didn't do everything perfect this time around, I have a feeling my second grow will turn out a lot better :) Still, so far I'm pretty happy with the results, considering I don't really have the "ideal" setup.


Well-Known Member
yup same here. I'm not even going to count my first grow as a grow lol. But my second time around is going 10x better now that I have all the proper equipment. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Yea, it seems no matter how much reading you do, you still have to try it out yourself to find out what works best for your setup.. Still pretty excited to see what goes down since I'm switching to 12/12 :)


Well-Known Member
yeah, thats the best part haha. i know ive already gone through several different fans and a humidifier and shit. turns out all i needed was this evap cooler. works great.