First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

i want to get another strain of seeds so i can put under the t5s before i put these to flower so when those are finishing up ill be ready for anew strain harvest u got any suggestions???oh and let me know how nl taste..


Well-Known Member
I'm not really sure, kind of depends on what you're looking for as far as strain goes. I picked NL because of low odor, and the fact that it was supposed to be easy for newbies. Which seems to be true since I haven't had any real problems yet, besides my problems with germing and getting sprouts.. they just keep growing :) They really don't smell at all yet unless I get real close to them. Still, I do have the Ona cracked so maybe that's why.
thats why i picked white widow because its supposed to be easy but the odor u can smell as soon as u go next to the grow.i was thinking about some kush or maybe ak-47 or probably both i dont know yet..


Well-Known Member
I'm either growing NL again, or I'm going to get another strain to try out, I'm not sure yet.. I have time still to figure it out though. If I really like NL then I'll just stick with it. I think AK-47 is supposed to smell a lot as well, but I'm not totally sure. I think NL is about the lowest odor strain you could choose, but maybe someone knows of a strain that is lower in odor.


Well-Known Member
I bought them from attitude seeds.. They're Nirvana Northern Lights. Only took a week for the seeds to get here, so I will be buying from them again if I need another strain.


Well-Known Member
Nice. Still waiting on my order from them. Only been a week or so though. I got my NL from the doc, they're sensi NL, shit more expensive but I didn't see the Nirvana's until later lol. Hopefully they will be higher quality though.


Well-Known Member
Yea, sensi seeds are probably bred better or something.. Nirvana is pretty cheap, I really didn't want to spend a ton on seeds since this was my first time, and if I screwed up with the seeds (which I did) I would be more upset about it.


Well-Known Member
Well the last two plants I grew were shit, so I wated to make sure I got some good genetics this time. It was basically my test run I guess lol one of them wouldn't even flower and the other is decent but probabaly get a 1/2 oz off it at most. I got White Widow and Bubblelicious from Nirvana though since they are so cheap...


Well-Known Member
Yea, I'd like to try and grow White Widow & Bubbelicious someday, but I need to work out better odor control for them. There will be changes to my grow room in the future, right now it's not totally perfect but things seem to be working.

Like I don't know where to put the carbon scrubber since I don't have an exhaust.. lol.. Lucky for me the temps stay alright, and I can supplement with some homemade co2 when flowering starts. I just leave the door open when I'm around though. Basically in an apartment you're kind of limited to the amount of damage you can cause. Which is why I'm seriously considering picking up another door to replace this one and put holes in it.


Well-Known Member
haha yeah that was my problem too. I didn't really want to tear up the door to my closet for ventilation. I ended up just getting a couple fans and an evaporative cooler that works pretty well.
well as soon as you put your nls to flower u should order up some more seeds so that way your not that far to harvest when you r running low on smoke


Well-Known Member
Well, I left things unattended for a day and all sorts of stuff happened.. The bigger one grew into the light (again), this time a little more severe.. The newest sprout is having trouble supporting itself for some reason the stem is really weak, and the leaves started to dry out for some reason, so I've raised the light, given it more water and hopefully it will come back. The other newest sprout looks alright. If these things keep growing at this rate I may have to start flowering sooner, I don't want them to get crazy big. One day, and the bigger one is already starting to look a lot more bushy and is growing leaves all over the place.


Well-Known Member
The two bigger ones are 4 and a half wks old, the smaller ones are about 1-2wks old they're starting the third set. The one is having trouble supporting the leaves, I have no idea why, the others never had an issue. Maybe the light was too close for a baby plant.

I do have a lot of space vertically to work with, but I'm more concerned about my light being powerful enough during flowering and the pot size. I don't really have room for bigger pots. (in order to make them all fit directly under the light)


Well-Known Member
Yea, that's my issue, gotta be soon, I screwed myself a little when I started the other ones at different times.. I think in a few days it will go to flowering. That was due to mistakes with germing and getting sprouts.. I know better now that all of them have to be started at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was planning on that too, but my seeds came at different times and of course I started them as soon as they came lol. I got some a week behind other but no big deal I guess. Not so much an issue with the lights, but giving them nutes, I have to start mixing different water for different plant.